Eric Adams Suing Bus Companies Bringing Migrants From Texas to NYC
Boohoo. Cry me a river, Mayor. You wanted to be a sanctuary city. You face nothing compared to what Texas deals with on a daily basis.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams filed a lawsuit against 17 bus companies that transported over 33,000 illegal immigrants from Texas to the city.
Adams tried to sound all tough: “See you in court.”
New York City has and will continue to do our part in the asylum seeker crisis. But we can't bear the costs alone — and we won't let those complicit in @GovAbbott's scheme get away with violating our state laws.
We’re seeking approximately $700 million from 17 charter bus…
— Mayor Eric Adams (@NYCMayor) January 4, 2024
Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t have declared your city a sanctuary city and promised to welcome everyone.
“New York City has and will always do our part to manage this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the costs of reckless political ploys from the state of Texas alone,” boasted Adams. “Today, we are taking legal action against 17 companies that have taken part in Texas Governor Abbott’s scheme to transport tens of thousands of migrants to New York City in an attempt to overwhelm our social services system. These companies have violated state law by not paying the cost of caring for these migrants, and that’s why we are suing to recoup approximately $700 million already spent to care for migrants sent here in the last two years by Texas. Governor Abbott’s continued use of migrants as political pawns is not only chaotic and inhumane but makes clear he puts politics over people. Today’s lawsuit should serve as a warning to all those who break the law in this way.”
What NYC has seen is nothing compared to what Texas sees on a daily basis.
Yes, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is the bad guy.
Abbott said Adams has no idea (I think he does, but cherry picks to fit his agenda) what the Constitution says or about Supreme Court rulings concerning travel.
“Every migrant bused or flown to New York City did so voluntarily, after having been authorized by the Biden administration to remain in the United States,” responded Abbott. “As such, they have constitutional authority to travel across the country that Mayor Adams is interfering with. If the Mayor persists in this lawsuit, he may be held legally accountable for his violations.”
NEW: TX @GovAbbott responds to NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ lawsuit against migrant bus companies used by TX, calling it “baseless” & sanctionable.
“It’s clear Mayor Adams knows nothing about the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, or about the constitutional right to travel.”
— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 4, 2024

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to the full extent allowed by law.
The guy ios going totally off the rails.
Hey, if lawfare is working so well against Trump, why not sue the bus companies. What could go wrong?
Laws in a banana republic are surprisingly flexible.
This clown was never on the tracks in the first place. I can’t decide if he or that moron in Chicago is the Claudine Gay of Mayors.
No one is forcing the slave state of NY to pay benefits to illegals!
Of course he knows nothing.
He got the job cause he talked a good jive black
He sounds illiterate every time he opens his mouth
Actually, he got the job because he was the most moderate and pro-police candidate. If you think he got the job because of his “jive black,” then you need to come to terms with your blatant racism which you have exhibited here time and time again.
Expressed slightly differently his candidacy was the least dirty/smelly shirt in the hamper full of stickers.
Sorry but Sliwa was a perfectly acceptable choice. That craphole city got what they deserved💩
The beret guy? He has always seemed like a performative grifter to me always seeking the spotlight but I don’t live in NY and haven’t closely followed his antics.
Among candidates with a legitimate chance to win the election of NYC Mayor aka the d party, Adams seemed the least objectionable to me as an outsider. That’s not an endorsement of Adams but an observation about the sad state of NYC political reality. As you correctly point out until the voters in NYC stop shooting themselves in the foot they must embrace the pain they create with self inflicted wounds.
I lived in NYC for the first 23 years of my life. Sliwa’s Guardian Angels were doinf a great protecting the citizens on the subways. Curtis has been fighting the good fight for over 40 years. Mayor material? Maybe not, but if anyone could reel in the rampant crine in NYC it’s him.
Actually, Curtis Sliwa was/is the most pro police candidate and always has been. Adams used to make racist comments about/toward his fellow white officers when he was on the force. I lived in that city for 28 years so i know what i am talking about.
That’s a fair point but during the campaign Adams effectively sold himself otherwise and his constituents may have been to dim to recognize they were being sold a bill of goods.
If you don’t realize Adams was a racist, you weren’t paying attention, just like Obama
Took me all of 5 minutes to know that he was 100% con man racist and very bad for the country
I grew up in a blended city, if you pay attention the hair on the back of your neck will lead you in the right direction
You didn’t even know who Adams was until after he was elected.
Jr is on a hate trip
It’s hysterical, I always look forward to it, like a biscuit on my birthday
I disagree. JR lives among the same blacks as I do.
90% of them would beat you with a cane if they could. I don’t trust a feral street negro, and that distrust expands beyond the street.
Claudine Gay.
Bongino was warning about this guy for years as he knew him back when they were both cops in NYC. Adams rivals Chuckie Schumer in running over people to get to a camera and is an intellectual lightweight that makes Claudine Gay look like Oppenheimer.
lol Blatant racism, how about reality?
Jiving JR never disappoints
Hers a few more black AA female
Candidates to
Chew on JR
As they say, one shouldnt be denied a job based on sex and race, but then, one shouldn’t be gifted a job on because of sex and race either
We see incompetent entitled blacks in all walks of life, When any indivigal of other races have a competency issues, they are broomed.
I love to see people succeed regardless of race as long as it is based on merit. Promoting those who lack merit is breaking our society.
If you insult a stupid politician who happens to be black – RACISM!!!!!!
Because JR is inherently a racist who believes blacks are stupid, and that he is the gate keeper of protecting blacks from themselves – because blacks are stupid.
Adams made his campaign all about his “blackness”. On a similar note, you seem to believe that accusing another person of racism makes you the winner of debate.
I am trying to figure out if falling back on racism claims is due to comparatively low intelligence. In the end lower IQ or higher is no one’s fault. But those with lower IQs should still work hard to achieve their full capabilities. A big part of the problem is an innate laziness, an attitude of entitlements which is not justified.
Case should be dismissed with heavy sanctions against NY.
Another Affirmative Action baby proving what a blazing moron he is.
Obviously, Abbott’s correct on the law. In fact, if this were a red city mayor (if such a thing existed) suing to impede the free movement of minorities (on buses, no less), it would be the kind of case a progressive DOJ would potentially look to prosecute, criminally.
My only question is when the bus companies eventually prevail, will the city of NY be forced to cover their legal expenses? Also, could they fire some kind of counter-claim for damage to the reputation or perhaps lost revenue?
I doubt this survives a motion to dismiss.
I think that’s probably right…or at least I hope it is. But, even if that does happen, these bus companies would still be looking at tens-of-thousands of dollars in legal fees.
You could be wrong about the dismissal.
Someone like Big Brother Arthur Engoron could get this case and find as a fact that the bus company is on the hook before the trial begins!
Correct. Inhibiting travel amongst the states in unconstitutional.
Unless you’re the governor of RI during COVID, in which case your initiative gets you a cushy federal cabinet post dedicated to administering the very government tenet you violated!
New York (and Adams, personally) should be sued for enticing illegals to invade our country. Actually, criminal prosecutions for that would be more in order.
All “sanctuary” states’ and cities’ officials are criminals since the “sanctuary” they were actually addressing was sanctuary from federal law enforcement – the whole point of these “sanctuary” cities was to not report illegals to ICE- … which is completely illegal … many would call that “insurrection”, which it is. Of course, now the federal government, itself, is part of the invasion scheme … which is completely illegal … many would call that “treason”, which it is.
They should be so charged. However that would imply that the national government is loyal to the rule of law, AND that the Left obeys the law. So theoretically yes. In fact, not a chance.
Subotai Bahadur
And once again you display your utter ignorance, and your brazen defiance of the constitution.
Not only is it not illegal for a state entity to refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement, it is a constitutional right, so Congress can’t make it illegal even if it wants to.
This right of states not to cooperate with the federal government is firmly established in US history, and protected by the tenth amendment. Courts have been upholding this right since at least the 1830s, and probably earlier.
The Supreme Court last upheld it (that I can remember) in the first 0bamacare decision, when it struck down that part of the law that would have coerced the states to participate in the marketplaces by cutting their medicare funding if they refused.
The time I remember before that was when the Court struck down the Brady Bill’s requirement that local sheriffs run background checks on gun purchasers (before the instant check system came online).
But the decisions go back 200 years or more, and they’ve consistently upheld this right.
(But the right belongs to the states, not the cities, so a state can forbid its cities from becoming sanctuary states, as Texas has done. Or it can require it, as California has done. There’s a decision from the 1830s that a state can ban all government employees from cooperating with the federal government, but that if it has not done so then individual employees are entitled to cooperate if they like, but are not required to.)
What is wrong with you? Really.
States do not have to comply with un-Constitutional dictats from Washington – like BarkyCare and much of the Brady Bill, but in all lawful contexts the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land and it gives power over aliens on American territory to the federal government – to Congress. It is unlawful for states to shield illegal aliens from the federal government trying to rightfully deport them. When you add in that it includes aliens who are committing more crimes that these treasonous states are shielding then you are in the “aid and comfort” to an invading enemy territory, which is plain treason.
And I think it’s neat how you left out all the decisions where states were forced to acquiesce to the federal government even when the federal government argued that it specifically did not want to enforce current law – insane decisions, of course, but they are part of the SCOTUS record now, too. I guess you didn’t think those cites would have helped your lame argument …
Don’t mind Milhouse. He just needs to prove he is smarter than everyone in every post. I think he is trolling most of the time as it’s rare to read an original post of his.
You can go to Hell. Right now. I may not be smarter than everyone, but I’m a lot smarter than you, as you just proved.
And once again you show what an idiot you are.
There are NO decisions, NONE AT ALL, over the entire history of the United States, that require states to enforce federal laws themselves, or to cooperate with federal law enforcement in doing so. On the contrary, every single decision says the opposite, that they have a tenth amendment right to refuse.
The only thing unconstitutional about those was the requirement that states cooperate. Therefore those were the only parts the supreme court struck down.
Remember when Adams called out the Biden Administration for the overflow of illegals in NYC, and the FBI showed up and seized his phone as part of a “criminal investigation?”
Now Adams is back to blaming Texas for the migrant problem.
“Now Adams is back to blaming Texas for the migrant problem.”
Time to call in the Texas Rangers, then.
No, just the Texas Ranger.
“One clown mayor, one Ranger.”
Amazing how much buck passing comes from sanctuary cities when their virtue signaling finally has a direct cost. I notice he hasn’t named any of the carriers working for the Feds who brought illegals all over the US, including NYC.
Exactly. I remember all the “night flights” arriving at Newburgh and White Plains. Of course the feds make the rules, and the feds never do anything illegal … LOL.
How about sending all illegals being bused to New York? Then when their bake is broke, pick another sanctuary city for the same treatment.
How about sending them
Back to where they came?
There you go again… being logical!
So if the bus drops off the pasenger outside the city limits, does Adams have standing to file a lawsuit.
Lets see what happens if all the bus lines refuse to travel to NYC because of the lawsuit.
Buses have been stopping at NJ towns for past few days. From there they can easily take NJ Transit for the last mile. NJ towns might attempt to enforce new laws similar to NYC. But it is highly unlikely that courts would support this. Interstate travel is considered a basic right.
Illegal aliens shouldn’t have any rights, they are felons
A group was in Chicky cheese outside of Austin.
It’s a really expensive outing but this family had iPhones and 6 kids, my husband speaks fluent Spanish but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to ascertain their status
For my 2 grandchildren to
Play one hour, one pizza, 4 drinks it was over .$100 dollars
Unfortunately, most of these people largely are not considered ‘illegal aliens’ as they’ve been granted entry under the refugee and asylum (mostly asylum) sections of the US Code. As others have pointed out, they enjoy the full protection of the Constitution with respect to right to travel freely, just as a citizen would be. But wait, it’s worse. because they’ve all been granted entry under the asylum system, barring any felony convictions (and some misdemeanor convictions), they generally not deportable until after they’ve made their first appearance pursuant to the asylum process. When’s that going to happen? Fox News’ Bill Melugian reported a couple weeks ago that people being processed were being given first hearing dates in….3032, NINE years from now.
If a Republican were fortunate enough to win next fall, the best we could hope for is that he begins immediately deporting the so-called ‘got-aways.’ Those people do not enjoy any protections under the asylum process.
They are military aged invaders. I don’t care what status we want I call them. They should have look for asylum in the first country they came to. Once they traveled past the first country providing safety, they are no longer refugees. They are military aged male invaders.
Nothing less.
Anything can be revoked
I don’t remember where I read this but I saw a good point made the other day about all these military age males crossing the border without families:
When a man is fleeing a war, he takes his family with him.
When a man is going TO war he leaves his family behind.
The constitution says otherwise. Once again you are exposed as an enemy of the USA constitution, and therefore of the USA.
I read reports yesterday that NJ towns are receiving buses of migrants at train stations where NJ Transit officers then escort them onto Manhattan-bound trains. Over a thousand migrants since Saturday have been sent to Manhattan this way. Mayor of Secaucus said that it made sense for migrants to go to NYC because NYC has the resources to help them. Adams, I’m sure, disagrees, but NJ mayors are vehemently rejecting buses of migrants. Edison sent a bus back to Texas because it was allegedly impossible for their police to know if anyone on the bus was armed and to confirm their identities so it was a “security risk.”. Do Edison police check every bus coming into town for ID and weapons? Suddenly these blue-state mayors are all about security…
I’m surprised it took so long for somebody to come up with the idea of just sending them back to Texas.
Its not that simple. Texas has been very careful to get advance written consent from illegal aliens before they board bus to sanctuary states.
The sanctuary state on the receiving end can’t just Return To Sender, like unwanted mail. The sanctuary state would be required to get the written consent of the same illegal aliens to bus them back to texas, or to another destination, otherwise could be considered kidnapping.
I don’t think they’re getting “written consent” to ship them to NY.
They don’t need written consent to show them the way to the train to NYC. That’s where they want to go. They can’t force them if they decide they want to stay where they are.
Mayor, you need to embrace your self-designated sanctuary city status, and welcome ALL non-US citizens to NYC for freebees on the taxpayers’ dime. You should also give a BIG shout-out to Pres Biden’s open-borders policy for making it all happen, and Gov Abbott for his relatively small, but very welcome, assistance!
Adam’s should be rejoicing. He has just had an influx of so many future Democrat voters that NY will never see a Republican politician elected… EVER.
I am rejoicing because… fuck NY.
Totally absurd. As someone else pointed out, if the roles were reversed and it were a Democrat preventing minorities from moving across state lines, the mainstream media would be on fire.
It’s simple lawfare. The real question is, is it enough to deter the bus companies from dropping migrants off in NYC?
Its legal intimidation. Courts won’t support it.
Crybaby pussy.
Needs a blankie, a stuffie, and a nap.
Or better yet, a time-out.
Huh? What possible law could he be talking about? How could such a law exist? Every time some runaway kid takes a Greyhound to NYC, is Greyhound somehow responsible for his subsequent care?! For how long, the rest of his life?! There can’t be such a law, or Greyhound would stop running anywhere in NY State.
IIRC, you live in NYS Milhouse. Now that it is in full control of the Communists, it is only a matter of (not much) time until they DO pass such a law.
Again, if they ever do Greyhound would immediately stop running there. The fact that it hasn’t tells me that there is no such law. So what is Adams suing under?
Abbott should start renting cruise liners to send more illegal aliens to nyc and schiffcago.
Cruise lines will not go for it, both for image reasons and because the cleanup to go back to cruising would be a bugger. However there are an awful lot of container ships,
Subotai Bahadur
I’m a little confused. What Abbott is doing is subject to a lawsuit, let’s be real in that NYC is suing him, but Brandon flying illegals all over the country is not? Should Mayor’s and governors be suing airlines?
Come on Mayor, just come out and say it: you think the burden of actually taking care of these illegal immigrants you pretend to care about should fall 100% on the border states (well, the “red” ones anyway).
Adams claims the bus companies are violating state laws. For the benefit of the reader, that law (Chapter 55, Article 5, Title 1) is:
Any person who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought, a needy person from out of the state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars, and shall be obligated to convey such person out of the state or to support him at his own expense.
Now lets compare that to another law:
Any alien who, in the opinion of the consular officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.
That is federal immigration law, specifically 8 USC 1182(a)(4). Mayor Adams, your lawsuit should be redirected to President Pudding for failing to enforce all sorts of federal laws.
The bus companies aren’t bringing them in for that purpose. Their only purpose is to complete the trip they were paid for. They’ve been entrusted with passengers and are taking them to their desired destination, and they don’t care what happens next.
Abbot’s purpose is to make them public charges of NY instead of TX, but he’s not subject to NY law.
Good. Then should this POS lose, I hope all the bus companies involved turn around and sue is ass out of office to get back their court/lawyer’s fees, and maybe a few extra dollars for a celebratory lunch. Notice how Adams doesn’t mention one word of the old rectal leak, disgracing the Oval Office, causing all this mayhem and destruction.
Do you not remember when Mayor Adams dared to make a public statement thet Bidens failed immigration policy was hurting NY?
The FBI started an ivestigation into Adams” campaign finances and confiscated his cell phone.
he has learned his lesson and will make no more remarks about Federal immigration policy
Eric, leadership is a little harder than running to every camera like you have done since Rudy was Mayor.
It’s political. You can tell what they’re up to by who they go after.
— When you want money, you go after the people with deep pockets.
— When you want to shut them down, you go after the people with shallow pockets.
Sometimes you can combine the two: go after some rich guy who will pay as least bothersome way to shut you up. You get the $, and smear them with the settlement. (Standard tactic going after “guns” in the US, too. Go after manufacturers of a legal product, who comply with every regulation — deep pockets, and you get to PR the *fact of* the settlement.)
Social engineering is so much easier when you’re the only ones with a megaphone.
He and the attorney who filed this should be sanctioned–does he really think that the bus companies have to ask for permission to travel to New York and drop off passengers?
Really? What state law is it that establishes bus companies have a duty to care for their passengers?