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Eco-Extremists Throw Soup at Da Vinci’s Iconic Mona Lisa Portrait in Louvre

Eco-Extremists Throw Soup at Da Vinci’s Iconic Mona Lisa Portrait in Louvre

Meanwhile, French farmers continue nationwide protests of government restrictions and trade regulations that are hurting their livelihoods.

The eco-extremists are back again, and this time they targeted an iconic work of Western Art — Leonardo Da Vinci’s portrait of Mona Lisa.

Two protesters have hurled soup at the bulletproof glass protecting Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic painting, the Mona Lisa, in Paris’s Louvre museum.

The act of vandalism on Sunday, which came as French farmers protested across the country, was the latest in a string of similar attacks against artworks to demand more action to protect the planet.

On Sunday morning, local time, two women flung streams of red and orange soup onto the glass protecting the painting, sparking gasps from bystanders.

“What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” they asked, standing in front of the painting and speaking in turn.

One of the women wore a t-shirt that is French for “Food Response.” They apparently belong to an organization that includes many climate cultist groups (including Just Stop Oil, which has previously targeted famous paintings).

One of the activists then takes off her jacket to reveal a white T-shirt with eco-group ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ written in black capital letters.

The Salle de Etats – the largest room in the museum where the masterpiece is displayed – was evacuated and closed for an hour while the area was cleaned.

The eco mob are part of the so-called A22 network movement – a collection of protest groups in 12 countries across the world, which includes Just Stop Oil in the UK.

The two protesters were demanding the right to ‘healthy and sustainable food’, an AFP journalist said.

The messaging seems to be transitioning…replacing the focus on fossil fuels with food and farming.

“What’s the most important thing?” they shouted. “Art, or right to a healthy and sustainable food?”

“Our farming system is sick. Our farmers are dying at work,” they added.

The Louvre employees could then be seen putting black panels in front of the Mona Lisa and asking visitors to evacuate the room.

Paris police said two people were arrested following the incident.

On its website, the “Food Riposte” group said the French government is breaking its climate commitments and called for the equivalent of the country’s state-sponsored health care system to be put in place to give people better access to healthy food while providing farmers a decent income.

The climate cultists may be switching up their message in the wake of Europe’s continuing farmers’ protests.

I have been covering the demonstrations in Germany, which are partly the result of unhappiness with the green restrictions on farmers. Farmers are now protesting throughout France:

Angry French farmers Saturday threatened to converge on Paris in the coming days as traffic barricades were only partially lifted on the country’s major roads. The developments came a day after the government announced a series of measures the farmers said do not fully address their demands.

The farmers’ movement, seeking better remuneration for their produce, less red tape and protection against cheap imports has spread in recent days across the country, with protesters using their tractors to shut down long stretches of road and slow traffic. They’ve also dumped stinky agricultural waste at the gates of government offices.

While some of the barricades were gradually being lifted on Saturday, highway operator Vinci Autoroutes said the A7, a major highway heading through southern France, was still closed. Some other roads were also partially closed, mostly in southern France.

…Near southwestern Agen, where the protests originated, the A62 highway was closed Saturday, with farmers gathering around fires fed by wooden pallets. One of the parked tractors was carrying a poster reading “We won’t die without saying a word.”

In Agen’s city center, a plaza close to the prefecture building still looked like an open-air dump, after protesters on Friday heaped tires, hay, manure and pieces of wood.

I have to hand it to the French farmers. They are far more creative than the drama queens of ‘Riposte Alimentaire.’

If the climate cultists are truly worried about “sustainable food”, they would allow the farmers to farm and unburden them from rules and regulations that are based on pseudoscience and climate hysteria.

I suspect attempting to vandalize a French national treasure will bring this group no supporters…and increase the efforts of normal French citizens to unchain their government from eco-bureaucrats.


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“rules and regulations that are based on pseudoscience and climate hysteria”

You’ll be able to cite the peer reviewed papers that demonstrate this then, oh wait.

    Milhouse in reply to BartE. | January 29, 2024 at 7:52 am

    Yes, we’ve already seen exactly what “peer review” means, when charlatans like Michael Mann and James Hansen control the process. We read the East Anglia emails, and we remember what they said.

    I cite papers and provide evidence frequently on this website. Stick around. Read, rather than comment. Then maybe you will learn something.

    healthguyfsu in reply to BartE. | January 29, 2024 at 10:51 am

    Political maneuvers are not science. Don’t mistake pure science for science advocacy.

    Do you always sit on your imaginary perch and demand people prove negatives?

    BartE – Here is an exceptional paper from scientists in Norway, nicely peer reviewed,

    What the Norwegians did was conduct statistical analyses of observed and reconstructed temperature series and test whether the recent fluctuation in temperatures differs systematically from previous temperature cycles potentially due to the emission of greenhouse gases. For example, the researchers gathered all the data from various sources, including those related to the four previous glacial and inter-glacial periods, and did a statistical analysis to see how more recent Global Climate Models (GCMs) compare.

    There learned conclusion: “the results imply that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be sufficiently strong to cause systematic changes in the pattern of the temperature fluctuations.”

3 people should have been arrested. The idiots who threw the soup and the moron who filmed it for them.

Museums need to change the way they deal with this. Immediately block cell signals and wifi so they can’t live-stream and evacuate the galleries. They need to take the audience away from these idiots.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Sanddog. | January 29, 2024 at 9:59 am

    Museums and galleries need to post guards at the entrances and search everyone entering for items such as cans of soup, cans of paint, spray paint, glue and what not and then refuse entry to those that are found to have such items in their possession. With no exceptions. There is no reason that museum/gallery authorities have to allow them entry if they suspect the patron is going to cause trouble.

    Either that or allow patrons to beat the living daylights out of these lunatics after they commit such actions.. If that were to happen I’m more than sure that such incidents would quickly stop.

E Howard Hunt | January 29, 2024 at 7:45 am

We need to respond in kind! Let’s hurl these activists at Warhol’s Campbell Soup Cans.

Not “eco-extremists”. Call them what they are – eco-terrorists.

And since they abhor the fruits of Western civilization, they should be sent somewhere that they will not have to exposed to them. The middle of the Sahara, for example, say 100 miles southwest of were the Lady Be Good crashed.

    s/were/where (damn spillchucker…)

    And I’m not cruel. Equip each of the transportees with a standard-issue ML-4 survival kit and a copy of AFM 64-5 U. S. Air Force Survival Manual,/i>.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Rusty Bill. | January 29, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    There will be a huge shortage of jail space required to incarcerate those who have committed so many crimes against Americans. and our way of life. Razor wire compound, metered food and water dispensers and tarps for shade. 🙂

They are a**holes. Just shoot them already or this crap will get worse.

Lucifer Morningstar | January 29, 2024 at 9:49 am

Why in the heck aren’t these museums utilizing guards at their front doors to search the bags and coats of everyone that enters the museum for odd items like cans of soup, cans of paint and what not and then simply refuse entry to those that have such items in their possession. Yeah, I know it would be a pain to search every patron entering but it would certainly end this kind of nonsense.

    Money and the fact that museum guests aren’t going to subject themselves to a full body check before going to look at objects in a museum. Museums have a lot of demands on every dollar they receive and they resent every dollar they have to spend on security.

      Ironclaw in reply to Sanddog. | January 29, 2024 at 7:20 pm

      Well then, how about just a couple of really big guys to come beat the living hell out of anybody’s stupid enough to pull something like this?

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Sanddog. | January 30, 2024 at 12:21 pm

      Well then.I don’t want to hear another effing word about when these idiotic lunatics throw paint/soup/feces on these priceless, irreplaceable works of art. I don’t want to effing hear about how some lunatic managed to glue themselves to the walls/floor of the gallery. I simply don’t want to hear about it any longer. If the museums that house these priceless and irreplaceable works of art won’t even take the effing steps necessary to prevent any of these incidents from occurring because it would cost them too much money then I don’t want to hear about these incidents any longer. I no longer effing care what happens in the art galleries of Europe. Full Stop.

Well one has to admit at least that their work is superior to the vast majority of modern art, call it “soup’s on”

I say we nail them to a wall somewhere, and let people throw cans of soup at them. The can does not have to be opened, nor the soup thrown from the can. I’m fine with unopened cans of soup being thrown.

As to their claim about which is more important, I would simply say, “Then grow your own food!” Take responsibility for your own lives and stop demanding the rest of the world accommodate you.

Leonardo Da Vinci was such a climate hater!

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 29, 2024 at 12:47 pm


I prefer “Ecotards”

Those who push Oregon’s Measure 110 believe that it is based in scientific reasoning. More and more people are starting to realize that harm reduction is more akin to suffering prolongation, and the only beneficiaries are those whose paychecks come from the measure 110 taxes, the manufacturers of narcan, and the cartels whose customers are kept on life support.

Although I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing these assholes torn apart by a mob, it would likely make them martyrs. (That being said, if they actually succeeded in doing harm to a work like that? Death.)

Perhaps the best way to stop this would be to bring back the stocks. Put them on display in the public square, allow a crowd to throw rotten food at them. Humiliate them beyond belief. Post it on social media, live.

The self-righteous can often stand being jailed “for the cause,” but publicly humiliated?

This is a perfect example of the level of intelligence we are dealing with they are throwing tomato soup that is obviously behind protective plexiglas. So basically the walked in and spilled their lunch. Yes, they are that special kind of stupid.

Also, why is it always the Mona Lisa? By this point throwing stuff at that painting is kind of pedestrian.

Why are they wasting sustainable food?