DOJ Investigating Squad Member Cori Bush for Allegedly Misusing Security Funds
The DOJ: “See!! We’re not weaponizing against Republicans! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

The DOJ has launched an investigation into Squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) for allegedly misusing security funds.
BREAKING NEWS — THE JUSTICE DEPARTMENT is conducting a criminal probe into @CoriBush, according to six sources familiar with the investigation.
The Justice Department subpoenaed the House Sergeant at Arms for records relating to the misspending of federal security money.…
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) January 30, 2024
I asked Cori Bush about the investigation directly last night. She repeatedly declined to comment and reprimanded me for approaching her as she had a toothache.
— Max Cohen (@maxpcohen) January 30, 2024
Numerous reports have come out since Bush pushed everyone to defund the police about her security and the high costs:
Bush notably has spent more than $500,000 on her own private security while publicly advocating for the defund the police movement.
Bush’s husband and former security guard, Cortney Merritts, whom she married in February 2023, has pocketed more than $100,000 in payments since Bush added him to her campaign’s payroll in January 2022 for what they marked as “security” payments before switching their description to “wage expenses” in April, Fox News Digital previously reported.
In March 2023, Bush was hit with two FEC complaints over security payments she made to her new husband.
One complaint comes from the Committee to Defeat the President, an anti-Biden super PAC, which alleges Bush has “flouted” federal campaign finance laws by paying Merritts $60,000 for security in 2022. Merritts does not have a license to perform security functions in the congresswoman’s district.
Bush’s campaign filed its committee report late in July but admitted her husband Merritt took $17,500 for security and expenses between April and June.
Merritt received $12,500 in the first quarter.
St. Louis-based PEACE Security hires security “with military or law enforcement experience.” Bush gave $62,500 to the company.
Nathaniel Davis received “$27,500 for security services during the first half of the year.” Fox News noted that Davis thinks he’s “109 trillion years old and can summon tornadoes.” He’s also an antisemite.
So that’s $120,000 within the first half of 2023.
In September 2023, Bush claimed the FEC cleared her of any wrongdoing. She described the criticisms as “smear campaigns.”
July through September looks familiar. The campaign paid Merritt $12,500 for a wage expense and $350 for gas.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Maybe it’s the trait so many of her kind have: bad money managers.
You could also call these paramours “mad bunny managers”.
One of whom chased Jimmy Carter.
My mind immediately went to Fatal Attraction.
Black crime rates, sky high, explains this, they are entitled and not smart enough to get away with it.
Racist crook and grifter
Marxist pig.
Democrats pounced, and expelled Geo. Santos for breaking federal laws, and misusing campaign funds. I wonder if Repubs will pounce, and expel Cori Bush for similar larceny?
Or will they ball up and cry when the predictable race card is played?
I think you already know the answer to that question.
Sadly, yes.
It never changes.
Won’t happen. GOP is weak and even if they pounced they won’t get any Dems to vote meaning she stays in office.
The magic 8 ball says ‘YGTBFK’
“I’m a black woman. Did I mention that I’m a woman ‘of color?’ The ultra-MAGA white supremacists and Zionists are trying to bring me down. I’m an oppressed person and I can do no wrong.”
— statement by Cori Bush
And that toof ache means she is entitled to a day with no annoying questions about her criminal behaviors
I am not holding my breath on any action by the HoR to expel Rep Bush. I don’t see the point of the DoJ investigation here. Rep Bush is hardly the only Rep or Sen to be paying family members for dubious reasons out of campaign coffers or in a few cases off their allocated Federal funding for staff. Begin one investigation? Lots of rocks to look under with lots more to find assuming the DoJ was interested.
You need lots of shoes to outrun attackers.
Cori Bush is a documented racist who blames all her problems in life on white people. Woke trash.
It’s tough in the bush.
she is just a misunderstood commie loving self hating racist pos
Christian Wilkins has put on weight.
DOJ is playing the “weatherman game.” They’re punching down on Democrat suspects that they know will have the walls closing in on them within 12 months anyway, whether or not DOJ does anything. If the situation is already that hopeless, they’re happy to throw their colleagues under the bus so they can claim the wins against the “home team.”
Astute observation
Oh Cori. Oh Fani. Can’t you find men who can support themselves without taxpayer supplements?
“You calls it, what was that? Security funds? I calls it reparashuns. Mmhuh.”
Every minute of every day of this poor woman’s life, she has to live with the fact that she is Cori Bush.
It must be awful.
Not at all. Sufficient ignorance is a very effective anesthetic. It prevents the realization that others benefit every day of their lives from clarity you cannot even imagine.
Nothing will come of it as Democrats are never held accountable.
cori released this statement:
the finds are not missing
they are sitting in my Jamaican bank account
yah man