Davos: Argentine President Milei Bashes Feminism, Socialism, and Collectivism

Argentine President Javier Milei gave a wonderful speech at Davos. I don’t even know where to start because hearing someone tell these elite snobs the truth about economics, markets, finance, feminism, and liberty was refreshing.

Unlike every other attendee, Milei flew commercial.

Listening to Milei is like listening to a speech from Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman.

I’m kind of crushing on him.

Here is the entirety of Milei’s speech. Listen to all of it. FREEDOM.

The West is in danger.

Socialism destroys everything:

Javier Milei in Davos: “Today I am here to tell you that the West is in danger because those who must defend its values ​​find themselves co-opted by a vision of the world that leads inexorably to socialism.”Milei begins by destroying the liberals in Davos.

You’re all the same no matter the label:

Javier Milei destroyed the liberals of Davos:“Communists, fascists, Nazis, socialists, social democrats, national socialists, Christian democrats, Keynesians, neo-Keynesians, progressives, populists, nationalists or globalists. In essence there is no substantive difference.”

Milei knows how the Marxists are changing the world.


Javier Milei at the World Economic Forum: “Neo-Marxists have been able to co-opt the common sense of the West. They achieved this thanks to the appropriation of the media, of culture, of universities. Also from international organizations.”

Milei hates radical feminism and abortion.

“Bloody abortion agenda.” I might use that phrase from now on.

Socialism sucks.

Socialism has failed everywhere.


Taxes ruins freedom.

The state ruins EVERYTHING.

The state is the problem!

Tags: Abortion, Argentina, Capitalism, Javier Milei, Libertarian, Social Justice, Socialism, Taxes