Canadian Bureaucrats Forcing Dr. Jordan Peterson to Submit to Re-education for Criticizing Gender Ideology and Climate Change

Jordan Peterson 2024

A court in Canada has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists may force Dr. Jordan Peterson to attend a social media education program if he wishes to retain his license. Peterson’s crime is that he has criticized left-wing orthodoxy on gender ideology and climate change.

This is actual 1984 ‘thought crime’ type stuff. It’s disturbing.

Spiked Online reported:

The shameless campaign to silence Jordan PetersonWriter and psychologist Jordan Peterson has lost his battle with Canada’s woke moralists. After a two-year legal fight, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists has the right to send him for mandatory ‘social-media training’ – or to a ‘re-education camp’ as Peterson puts it. If he refuses, Peterson will lose his licence to practise clinical psychology.Peterson is effectively being punished for committing thoughtcrimes. His troubles started in 2022, when several individuals complained to the Ontario College of Psychologists about his tweets, particularly his criticisms of climate-change alarmism and gender ideology. The tweets also included comments that a plus-size model was ‘not beautiful’; that trans actor Elliot / Ellen Page ‘had her breasts removed by a criminal physician’; and that Gerald Butts, prime minister Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, was a ‘prik’ (sic).This attempt to silence Peterson is deeply Orwellian. At an earlier hearing last summer, the Ontario Divisional Court ruled that individuals belonging to professional bodies ‘do not lose their… right to freedom of expression’, but that they must still ‘abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression’. Such doublethink wouldn’t be out of place in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Peterson recently appeared on FOX News and said that this is all ultimately about taking away his license.

From FOX News:

Dr. Jordan Peterson defiant after court mandates social media training: ‘The goal is to take my license’Peterson, a professor emeritus of the University of Toronto psychology department, was sentenced to mandatory social media training by the Ontario College of Psychologists last year. He was forced to comply with the order after three Ontario Divisional Court judges dismissed his legal complaint against the administrative board.On “Fox & Friends” Friday, Peterson was doubtful that social media training would change things.”I’m in their hands at the moment fundamentally because they’ve already sentenced me, so to speak, to an indefinite period of social media retraining, with some social media expert, whatever the hell that is,” Peterson bluntly remarked. “So I’m obliged to undertake that training, at my own expense, for an indefinite period of time until they in their wisdom presume that I’ve learned whatever it is I’m supposed to learn. Which, given my nature, strikes me as highly unlikely.”…”It’s definitely the case that the goal is to take my license,” he said. “Because what they’ll claim after dragging me through, whatever this re-education is going to be, is that I can’t be taught, that I’m ungovernable… that he’s a disgrace to his profession and ungovernable.”

Watch the segment below:

This is about making Peterson submit for committing the crime of wrongthink. If the people of Canada do not stand up to this kind of authoritarianism now, any one of them could be next.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Canada, Climate Change, College Insurrection, Gender, Jordan Peterson, Progressives