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Biden Will Detail How Trump is Supposedly a ‘Threat to Our Democracy’ at Valley Forge on Jan. 6

Biden Will Detail How Trump is Supposedly a ‘Threat to Our Democracy’ at Valley Forge on Jan. 6

“Biden is trying to jail his main political opponent, but Trump and Republicans are a threat to democracy.”

Joe Biden is going to deliver a speech to the nation on January 6th from Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, that’s expected to be more of the same anti-MAGA garbage he has been peddling since 2020. The political strategy here is so obvious that it’s practically see-through.

Biden’s team and Democrats think that his infamous ‘red speech’ in 2022 was effective and helped destroy the expected red wave in the midterms. The choice of Valley Forge is supposed to be symbolic. In reality, this probably just means that Democrats are worried about losing Pennsylvania in 2024.

Christian Datoc reports at the Washington Examiner:

Biden to outline Trump’s plans to ‘destroy our democracy’ in Jan. 6 speech at Valley Forge

President Joe Biden will enter full campaign mode when he returns from his St. Croix vacation, including hosting events on Saturday, Jan. 6, in which campaign officials say he will specifically outline former President Donald Trump’s plans to “dismantle and destroy our democracy.”

Biden trails Trump, the likely 2024 Republican presidential nominee, by more than 2 points in the RealClearPolitics polling average. Campaign officials told reporters Tuesday that in the coming weeks, the president and Vice President Kamala Harris will “lay out the stakes” of the general election in November…

Biden’s first foray back to the campaign trail will come Saturday, the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, in a speech delivered near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, “the same spot where nearly 250 years ago, our nation’s forefathers transformed a disorganized alliance of colonial militias to a cohesive coalition united in their fight for our democracy,” Quinton Fulks, Biden campaign principal manager, said Tuesday evening.

“There, the president will make the case directly that democracy and freedom, two powerful ideas that united the 13 colonies and that generations throughout our nation’s history have fought and died for,” Fulks continued. “A stone’s throw from where he’ll be Saturday remains central to the fight we’re in today.”

Beege Welborn of Hot Air comments:

I feel nauseous.

That place means something to Americans. And the thought of that grifting, malevolent, degenerate vegetable lecturing us about decency, democracy, and apple pie even as his Justice Department Stasi and Cabinet secretaries stomp over every last freedom our grimy little fingers cling to infuriates me…

Honestly. I’ve seen some folks speculating he wants to draw comparisons between himself and George Washington. In what fashion, I have no idea, and normally I’d say even the thought was riseable, but with Biden’s complete lack of self-awareness, his ego, the fiends writing his scripts – I can’t discount it.

Biden is trying to jail his main political opponent, but Trump and Republicans are a threat to democracy.

Just before Christmas, Biden patted himself on the back for being a bipartisan unifier.

He said this three days after his campaign compared Trump to Hitler.

Biden is a purposely divisive political figure, and his campaign is a sickening joke. He paints half of the country as a threat to the country while pretending to be a unifying figure. He is a worse president than Jimmy Carter, who may have delivered many of the same results as Biden but at least did not heap scorn on his fellow Americans.


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So let me guess…he’s gonna project everything Democrats are doing right now on Trump?

Am I right?

    MarkS in reply to mailman. | January 4, 2024 at 10:08 am


    Concise in reply to mailman. | January 4, 2024 at 10:41 am

    They keep using that word “Democracy.” I don’t think it means what they think it means.

    (oh and we live in a republic, but whatever)

      WTPuck in reply to Concise. | January 4, 2024 at 11:16 am

      Trying to tell Americans that the colonists were fighting for “democracy” is one of the most ignorant things that poseur has ever said. And that’s saying something. Maybe someone should remind him of what the founders had to say about “democracy.”

      thalesofmiletus in reply to Concise. | January 4, 2024 at 11:27 am

      “Democracy” is their short-hand for “democratic socialism” with one-party rule and one name on the ballot.

      fscarn in reply to Concise. | January 4, 2024 at 12:13 pm

      The word “democracy” is not to be found in the US Constitution nor in the constitution of any one of the 50 states.

      As others have noted the Founders/Framers knew of democracies, debated their place in history, and deliberately rejected them. This rejection is more fully explained in Federalist 10 & 51.

      That the word “democracy” is used over and over by Democrats, our would-be masters, is intentionally done to confuse, to divorce us from our chosen form of government. It’s an attempt to get us to forget our history, not unlike the removal/destruction of Revolutionary War and Civil War memorials.

      They want us to never know that the sole purpose of the Constitution is to LIMIT the fedgov.

      henrybowman in reply to Concise. | January 4, 2024 at 9:42 pm

      “Democracy” is whatever the “Democratic” Party says it is.
      That’s why they filed for the Service Mark.

    Does Lord Cornwallio Biden recognize that George Washington and his army were actual Insurrectionists?

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to EBL. | January 5, 2024 at 6:30 pm

      The “Reverend” Al Sharpton wasn’t around to provide context.

      ““One day, our children’s children will read American history, and can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government so they could stay in power?”

      Ummmm, yep you stupid moron, that’s exactly what they did.

    henrybowman in reply to mailman. | January 5, 2024 at 2:37 pm

    “So let me guess…he’s gonna project everything Democrats are doing right now on Trump?”

    And it will work.

    During a recent phone conversation, my 105-yo mother in Florida complained to me about all the new illegals now committing crimes in her neighborhood, plus all the rich idiots from California driving Florida real estate prices into the stratosphere, making it impossible for her single-mother-of-three niece who hasn’t worked a job in 20 years to afford housing. When I told her she had only her boy Joe to thank for all of it, she responded with great assurance that Trump did this, and it was all his fault. Everything she knows comes through her TV screen, so you know who is lying to her, you know it’s working, and you know there are plenty of gullible people just like her.

According to the Democrat’s way of seeing things, this is out of the White House and thus beyond “the outer perimeters” of presidential duties, in other words, a campaign speech. So is Joe now subject to responsibility for any adverse action taken by any that listened to his speech and is he, civilly liable as well?

So the current White House resident is going to make a speech where a brave President resisted a distant occupier who wanted to take our guns and force us to submit to crushing taxes, no representation, arrests without charges and incarceration without any protections….

Is he speaking on behalf of George Washington or King George?

    mailman in reply to georgfelis. | January 4, 2024 at 11:11 am

    I think it would be more accurate to say he is speaking on behalf of Mao.

    Concise in reply to georgfelis. | January 4, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    Who exactly is going to attend (voluntarily) this Biden disaster? How many people really want to trudge out to Valley Forge to hear his nonsensical dribble?

      Paul in reply to Concise. | January 4, 2024 at 12:26 pm

      PA voters apparently have a penchant for mentally retarded candidates.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paul. | January 5, 2024 at 6:34 pm

        That’s not a trait exclusive to Pennsylvania.

        I also submit to you that Harrisburg, Filthadelphia, and Pissburgh had their hands in completing stolen absentee ballots, and ballot harvesting in the many elderly residential communities.

This is symbolically signaling that Biden is going into winter quarters and we won’t see much of him until the spring campaign starts. In Bidens case, the spring campaign starts June 1st.

Over the course of 2 terms, letting up to 30 M illegals – 8 x 3.5M average per year, including gotaways – into the country is a far greater danger to our Republic than anything Trump ever dreamed of.

IMO the reason the Dems did better than expected in the mid-terms has nothing to do with a “red speech”, but Republican party incompetence in selecting candidates and running campaigns as is now allowed. For example, I read that Fetterman had 700K more mail-in ballots in PA than Dr. Oz. That is a virtually insurmountable obstacle.

Biden is george washington crossing the delaware to attack the british.

The babylon bee writes itself.

Nothing says defender of democracy like trying to jail your opponent.

I can’t wait to see super-duper top-secret red-light Hairy L Truth-Pop FJB Gonzo Whacko Distorter-In-Chief Lying-Ass Biden get up on stage flanked by Robocop, Terminator, Barney Fife and a voluptuous cisgender BIPOC Marine before totally stroking out from his week-long soak in a solution of amphetamines and botox.

…but not before he says Taylor will have you all in chainsss but that boy LLCool Trump Jay Cool has biceps bigger than my leg.

This will be a lot of fun to ridicule. I think Trump and Vivek already have responses queued up and are ready to set the hook after Biden and his handlers get sufficiently committed.

The notion that you can take over a nation by walking around a building unarmed is laughable. And will be publicly laughed at. Claudine Gay was chased out of her job by ridicule. Ridicule will likewise destroy this hoax. Cheers –

    WTPuck in reply to agimarc. | January 4, 2024 at 11:19 am

    Ridicule is our most potent weapon. I think someone said that, once.

      GWB in reply to WTPuck. | January 4, 2024 at 11:44 am

      Our chief weapon is ridicule… ridicule and principles… principles and ridicule… Our two weapons are principles and ridicule… and ruthless mockery…. Our three weapons are principles, and ridicule, and ruthless mockery… and an almost fanatical devotion to the Constitution… Our four… no… Amongst our weapons… Amongst our weaponry… are such elements as principles, ridicule… I’ll come in again.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | January 4, 2024 at 11:15 am

So he’s going to screech about “insurrection” at Valley Forge…where an army of insurrectionists wintered during a war of rebellion against the established government.

You can’t make this shit up.

    MajorWood in reply to Fat_Freddys_Cat. | January 4, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Hold my beer – Claudine Gay (patron saint of makin stuff up)

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to MajorWood. | January 5, 2024 at 6:38 pm

      Well, to her defense major, she didn’t make anything up. She stole it from someone who used their intellectual capacity to put their own thoughts on paper. Doesn’t make it right, though.

Lucifer Morningstar | January 4, 2024 at 11:20 am

I simply cannot believe that the democrats are panicking so badly about the upcoming Nov. 2024 presidential election that they’re willing & able to pull out Ol’ Joe for public speaking this early in the election year. Not sure what the heck they expect him to accomplish with such a speech. A speech that will no doubt turn out to be another of his signature whispering, mumbling, and shouting messes like we’ve seen in the past. But I guess we’ll all have to get used to it, again as this is only the beginning. It’ll just get more fun as the year progresses towards the November elections. Guaranteed.

    they’re willing & able to pull out Ol’ Joe for public speaking this early in the election year
    Why not? The Red Speech turned out so well for them.

    I’m waiting for them to put him in a Holocaust Cloak, though. That’ll lock up the electorate for sure.

thalesofmiletus | January 4, 2024 at 11:41 am

Good. I’m looking forward to a new epithet to wear proudly — “Ultra MAGA” is feeling a little dated.

They are working their way through corrupting our places of Founding. First Philly. Now Valley Forge. Maybe next he’ll do the site of John Paul Jones, and they’ll forget to get him a boat. We can only hope.

yet another episode in fjb’s fifty-year career of malfeasance and grift–he is truly worse than useless

Isn’r FJBiden practicing “stochastic terrorism”? Hillsdale College has a five-part series on Russia. The lead lecturer brought up amazing similarities between the run up to the Crimean War and the present Crimean.. er… Ukrainian War. The play books for that and the present spin up to inciting a “Russian Revolution” for the US are a history rehash… because they work. Using a modified CIA playbook got Ukraine into “color” revolutions and the US a J6. Maybe all those arson fires during the Summer of Floyd of George were a warm up to torch carrying kameraden and kameradinnen?

Now it’s apparent why he came back sporting a red face, to match his preferred speech background.

I guess I’ll watch Biden’s speech. I’ve always wanted to see a talking vegetable.

I hope he does something crazy like say Trump is such a threat that as POTUS he is going to bar Trump from running in the election with an executive order.

Very unlikely to happen but….

Joe Biden has changed his appearance in Valley Forge from Saturday Jan-6 to Friday Jan-5 because it is going to snow on Saturday, and he doesn’t want to do an re-enactment of the Continental Army at Valley Forge freezing their asses off.

So Biden is taking credit for making opioid addiction drugs available over the counter. But the opioids are a problem because of the open border.

That is equivalent to Biden taking credit for making sweaters available after he throws a rock through your window and makes it illegal to repair it.

    henrybowman in reply to George S. | January 4, 2024 at 11:15 pm

    Plus before the federal government got involved in controlling drugs and requiring prescriptions, everything was available over the counter. It’s like he removes one of a hundred boots from your neck that he’s held there for his entire career, and demands you thank him for his generosity.

The vile, lawless, dim-witted, corrupt and ornery Biden can’t win an election fairly, on his lousy and destructive record and his alleged merits, so, all that he has left in his well-worn bag of dirty tricks is to vilify President Trump and conservative Americans.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 4, 2024 at 1:54 pm

It’s fitting for Traitor Joe to speak at Valley Forge. George Washington showed very clearly how he handles traitors. Washington would have done that to Biden and his junta for any of a number of treasonous acts of theirs, not least of which being the invasion Traitor Joe and his gang have orchestrated at our southern border.

    I have always thought there should be a one count impeachment of Biden for the invasion at our southern border. Get every last Democrat on record voting for the invasion, as I think the situation will be even worse by November. Wait until the suburban white women start seeing illegals in their towns …. it is coming.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to jb4. | January 5, 2024 at 6:46 pm

      I am concerned that any number of those military aged male invaders perform some type of act that leads to the death of a sizable number of American citizens.

      If that happens, every Democrat who voted against impeachment will be seen as the supporters of terrorism they truly are.

Right.. so the guy who is sicking the justice system on his political opponents is going to explain how his opponent is the threat to democracy..

Scott Adams traces it all to rule by women who are more crazy than usual. That final straw was dropped by the Maine secretary of state. Here’s a random example (from my guilty pleasure in listening to anti-Trump crazies).

I’m really sick of this sh*t.

I just hope a bunch of people attend the speech and start chanting “Heil Biden”. I would be interested to see his reaction. Like the time someone said “Let’s go Brandon” to him.

For maximum effect against the evil MAGA scum destroying our precious democracy, instead of Valley Forge, Joe should give the speech from inside the shower with Ashley.


Every time I think I cannot hold Biden in more contempt he keeps proving me wrong.

The weather forecast for the Valley Forge area for January 6 is rain and snow. There are no large indoor venues in the park.

    smooth in reply to gibbie. | January 4, 2024 at 7:51 pm

    Good. Diminished turn-out would create bad photo op. While subfreezing temps will crash biden’s already weakened immune system, and cause him to cough and sneeze and tremble like he is dying, and push him over the edge.

“I’ve seen some folks speculating he wants to draw comparisons between himself and George Washington. In what fashion, I have no idea”

False teeth ⇔ False hair
Cannot tell a lie ⇔ Cannot tell the truth
Threw dollar across Potomac ⇔ Threw $50 billion across Atlantic
Decried entangling alliances ⇔ Tithed entangling alliances
Refused powers of a king ⇔ Assumed powers of a king
Founded greatest ever nation ⇔ Foundered greatest ever nation

BierceAmbrose | January 5, 2024 at 12:22 am

They think the prior one worked.

It must be hard for The Screaming D’s, having the opposition they do. Did you win because you were right, or because the other guys screwed up?

barbiegirl ny | January 5, 2024 at 8:37 am

Damn right Trump’s a threat to your communist, socialist, Marxist, country-Constitution-hating ruination of this country.

They said that Trump would lose if he made 2024 all about 2020.
Now, in Biden’s first campaign ad of the year, he seems to be making 2024 all about 2020.

https://twitter. com/CitizenFreePres/status/1742927825668345885

Joe Biden doesn’t act like he legitimately won in 2020

    henrybowman in reply to Neo. | January 5, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    “The Vice President and I have supported voting rights out entire careers.”

    Voting rights means stealing elections, in much the same way that reproductive health means killing babies, and common sense gun safety means disarming the American people.

MontanaMilitant | January 5, 2024 at 11:55 am

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another….

I know how they’re similar! Washington had wooden teeth and Biden has a wooden head!

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 5, 2024 at 6:21 pm

My take?

A demented octogenarian who sniffs and physical molested little girls, one who sticks his nasty fingers up a staffers skirt and into her vagina, a man who has been absolutely wrong on every foreign policy decision in nearly 50 years, one who has never held a job that employs anyone or has had a payroll to meet, one who showers in the nude with his daughter when she was a child, one who lies, is a plagiarist, and a national disaster and laughing stock, is the danger to democracy.

But I am still surprised that 80 million people voted for him, considering Obama the magic negro was the savior of the world.

But hey. That’s me!

And yes JR, you can call me a racist because you can. So in advance. Go fuck yourself.