Biden Uses DOJ Report on Uvalde Police Failures to Push More Gun Control

DOJ Uvalde Report

President Joe Biden used the DOJ report on the Uvalde police response to the school shooting in 2022 to push gun control.

Biden lightly touched on the DOJ report and completely ignored the numerous warning signs the murderer left before the shooting.

Nope. To Biden, it’s all about the guns.

The DOJ destroyed the police for their failure to step in and stop the murderer.

Authorities waited 77 minutes after arriving on the scene to confront and kill the murderer.

The DOJ acknowledged some of those who arrived first engaged in accepted practices but left when the murdered fired at them.

Once they left, “the law enforcement responders, including UCISD PD Chief Pete Arredondo—who we conclude was the de facto on-scene incident commander—began treating the incident as a barricaded subject scenario and not as an active shooter situation.”

This is awful. Imagine how many lives could have been saved if everyone did their job:

Based on these facts, the CIR [Critical Incident Review] team identified several critical failures and other breakdowns prior to, during, and after the Robb Elementary School response and analyzed the cascading failures of leadership, decision-making, tactics, policy, and training that contributed to those failures and breakdowns. From the facts and analysis, the CIR team has been able to identify generally accepted practices for an effective law enforcement response to similar mass shootings and offer recommendations in hopes that in the future, law enforcement would be able to act quickly, save lives, and prevent injuries to the greatest extent possible.The most significant failure was that responding officers should have immediately recognized the incident as an active shooter situation, using the resources and equipment that were sufficient to push forward immediately and continuously toward the threat until entry was made into classrooms 111/112 and the threat was eliminated. Since the tragic shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, a fundamental precept in active shooter response and the generally accepted practice is that the first priority must be to immediately neutralize the subject; everything else, including officer safety, is subordinate to that objective. Accordingly, when a subject has already shot numerous victims and is in a room with additional victims, efforts first must be dedicated to making entry into the room, stopping the subject, and rendering aid to victims. These efforts must be undertaken regardless of the equipment and personnel available to those first on the scene.

So what does Biden do?

Blame the guns. His statement, sent via email, is all about gun control and boasting about his moves to restrict our Second Amendment:

After the Uvalde shooting, the families of the victims turned their pain into purpose and pushed for the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years, which I signed into law. And I continue to take historic executive action, including the establishment of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.Congress must now pass commonsense gun safety laws to ensure that mass shootings like this one don’t happen in the first place. We need universal background checks, we need a national red flag law, and we must ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The families of Uvalde – and all American communities — deserve nothing less.The longer we wait to take action, the more communities like Uvalde will continue to suffer due to this epidemic of gun violence.

That last part of Biden’s statement makes me sick.

This goes beyond the police response. The murderer left a long trail filled with warning signs. No one did a dang thing about that (emphasis mine):

Just days before the attack, Ramos spoke out on social media of his plans to do something that would “put him all over the news.” He wrote of a desire to kill himself, shared online videos of beheadings and violent sex, and sent footage of himself driving around with “someone he met on the internet” holding a plastic bag containing a dead cat and pointing BB guns at people out the window.“The attacker became focused on achieving notoriety,” according the interim report released Sunday by an investigative panel of the Texas House of Representatives. “He believed his TikTok and YouTube channels would be successful. The small number of views he received led him to tell those with whom he interacted that he was ‘famous,’ that they were mere ‘randoms’ by comparison.”

If you see ANYONE torturing and killing small animals, please say something. True crime shows and psychology classes teach you the same thing: It is the #1 sign of a potential future serial killer.

The other signs showed up, too, along with a childhood similar to others who committed horrific crimes: Homelife.

Biden and his cronies never bring up the importance of family structure.

Family and friends recounted how others bullied the murderer during his time at the elementary school. The teased him about his stutter, no clean clothes, and his short hair. One student tied his shoelaces together, making him fall to his face.

A former girlfriend said she thought one of his mother’s ex-boyfriends sexually assaulted him at a young age. The mother didn’t believe him.

The school marked him as “at risk,” but no one did anything.

Uvalde High School officials withdrew him from the school in the fall of 2021 after he completed ninth grade. He hardly showed up to school and failed.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, DOJ, Education, Gun Control, Joe Biden, Texas