Biden Uses DOJ Report on Uvalde Police Failures to Push More Gun Control
“Congress must now pass commonsense gun safety laws to ensure that mass shootings like this one don’t happen in the first place.”

President Joe Biden used the DOJ report on the Uvalde police response to the school shooting in 2022 to push gun control.
Biden lightly touched on the DOJ report and completely ignored the numerous warning signs the murderer left before the shooting.
Nope. To Biden, it’s all about the guns.
The DOJ destroyed the police for their failure to step in and stop the murderer.
Authorities waited 77 minutes after arriving on the scene to confront and kill the murderer.
The DOJ acknowledged some of those who arrived first engaged in accepted practices but left when the murdered fired at them.
Once they left, “the law enforcement responders, including UCISD PD Chief Pete Arredondo—who we conclude was the de facto on-scene incident commander—began treating the incident as a barricaded subject scenario and not as an active shooter situation.”
This is awful. Imagine how many lives could have been saved if everyone did their job:
Based on these facts, the CIR [Critical Incident Review] team identified several critical failures and other breakdowns prior to, during, and after the Robb Elementary School response and analyzed the cascading failures of leadership, decision-making, tactics, policy, and training that contributed to those failures and breakdowns. From the facts and analysis, the CIR team has been able to identify generally accepted practices for an effective law enforcement response to similar mass shootings and offer recommendations in hopes that in the future, law enforcement would be able to act quickly, save lives, and prevent injuries to the greatest extent possible.
The most significant failure was that responding officers should have immediately recognized the incident as an active shooter situation, using the resources and equipment that were sufficient to push forward immediately and continuously toward the threat until entry was made into classrooms 111/112 and the threat was eliminated. Since the tragic shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, a fundamental precept in active shooter response and the generally accepted practice is that the first priority must be to immediately neutralize the subject; everything else, including officer safety, is subordinate to that objective. Accordingly, when a subject has already shot numerous victims and is in a room with additional victims, efforts first must be dedicated to making entry into the room, stopping the subject, and rendering aid to victims. These efforts must be undertaken regardless of the equipment and personnel available to those first on the scene.
So what does Biden do?
Blame the guns. His statement, sent via email, is all about gun control and boasting about his moves to restrict our Second Amendment:
After the Uvalde shooting, the families of the victims turned their pain into purpose and pushed for the passage of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years, which I signed into law. And I continue to take historic executive action, including the establishment of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
Congress must now pass commonsense gun safety laws to ensure that mass shootings like this one don’t happen in the first place. We need universal background checks, we need a national red flag law, and we must ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The families of Uvalde – and all American communities — deserve nothing less.
The longer we wait to take action, the more communities like Uvalde will continue to suffer due to this epidemic of gun violence.
That last part of Biden’s statement makes me sick.
This goes beyond the police response. The murderer left a long trail filled with warning signs. No one did a dang thing about that (emphasis mine):
Just days before the attack, Ramos spoke out on social media of his plans to do something that would “put him all over the news.” He wrote of a desire to kill himself, shared online videos of beheadings and violent sex, and sent footage of himself driving around with “someone he met on the internet” holding a plastic bag containing a dead cat and pointing BB guns at people out the window.
“The attacker became focused on achieving notoriety,” according the interim report released Sunday by an investigative panel of the Texas House of Representatives. “He believed his TikTok and YouTube channels would be successful. The small number of views he received led him to tell those with whom he interacted that he was ‘famous,’ that they were mere ‘randoms’ by comparison.”
If you see ANYONE torturing and killing small animals, please say something. True crime shows and psychology classes teach you the same thing: It is the #1 sign of a potential future serial killer.
The other signs showed up, too, along with a childhood similar to others who committed horrific crimes: Homelife.
Biden and his cronies never bring up the importance of family structure.
Family and friends recounted how others bullied the murderer during his time at the elementary school. The teased him about his stutter, no clean clothes, and his short hair. One student tied his shoelaces together, making him fall to his face.
A former girlfriend said she thought one of his mother’s ex-boyfriends sexually assaulted him at a young age. The mother didn’t believe him.
The school marked him as “at risk,” but no one did anything.
Uvalde High School officials withdrew him from the school in the fall of 2021 after he completed ninth grade. He hardly showed up to school and failed.

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Hands off our guns, pedophile. It’s none of your business
When Biden stops groping young girls, maybe then we can talk about anything with “common sense” as a subject.
When Biden admits that he is a serial pervert who likes to fondle and digitally violate female employees, then maybe we can discuss anything that is related to “common sense.”
When Biden admits that he sexually violated his daughter when he showered with her when she was a child, then maybe we can yammer on about “common sense” anything.
But until then, Biden has nowhere near the “common sense” required to be anything else but a convicted pedophile and rapist.
But since Senator, Professor, Truck Driver, CornPop Confronter, Leader of the Civil Rights Movement, liberator of blacks, White House pRESIDENT Hidin’ Biden, won’t admit to any of those lies, then we’ll take a hard pass.
“The government can’t do it’s most basic job, so the solution is to punish innocent individuals who haven’t done anything wrong.” It’s just like the weak man who doesn’t have the spine to deal with his boss at work so he comes home and kicks his dog.
As well as his wife and kids.
the police chief should have been tar and feathered
and hung, or at the very least run out of town on a rail.
so many failures … the opened door should have been
alarmed only ppl with a key would be security. who would be armed.
teacher do not open and leave doors open.
active shooter … as stated.. remove the threat. Keep the hostages alive, EVERYTHING else is secondary.
One way in … all other doors locked and alarmed.
as I understand that is how the school is set up. how that teacher
was able to open a door that is alarmed and not have security
there I don’t know.
so many failures. how could LEO’s stand outside a door listening
to those children being murdered and do nothing. sorry
I have carried a gun for over 40 years .. I am going thru that door.
and I usually break left. the guy behind me breaks right.
and we engage the targets.
Ok now I have to go sit for a while … it still spins me up.
I am retired military, DOC sgt. and a DoD contractor.
we trained for this shit.
Twenty-seven states have some form of permitless carry.
Two thousand of the nation’s 3,100 counties are Second Amendment sanctuaries.
More than 81.4 million Americans own guns.
The anti-gunners lost.
They certainly lost the debate. But if they REALLY want to lose, they should try to carry out their confiscation fever-dream.
That’s why my ultimate argument is if you want it, come try to take it. You’ll fail, and you won’t survive the attempt, but you can try.
Glad that we won’t have to read any more of your drek. Good riddance!
Fentanyl and related drugs are killing more people than guns and cars combined. Many victims don’t realize they’re even taking it.
What has Mr. 10% done to prevent drugs coming in from Mexico?
Guns and cars don’t kill people.
And spoons don’t make people fat,
Ummmmm, Me! Me! Me! I’ll answer the question.
Opened the border to let anyone in.
Here is a situation where the police failed to protect you. Ergo you need to give up your guns.
Only a mental retard like Joe Biden* would even TRY such utter bullshit,
Is there any doubt whatsoever but the prog loons have nothing but contempt for us?
The d/prog view every incident as nail b/c the only tool they have is the hammer of more gun control. They deliberately abandoned the rest of the tool kit b/c they don’t want to solve the true issues of a failed mental health system, negligent police practices and the absurdity of expecting spa designation of ‘gun free zone’ to do didly squat to prevent those hell bent on violence.
Young, anti social, history of problems, known to LEO, ID by school, gosh who could have seen this coming? /s
Then when it inevitably happens in the gun free zone, the unarmed victims are left on their own b/c LEO didn’t move to sound of the shooting and put down the shooter.
In the aftermath of this litany of policy failures the DoJ ‘solution’ is to demand more gun control laws. Absurd.
To Biden, it’s all about the guns.
The reason is control and a Progressive worldview.
A progressive thinks that words matter in making things happen, at least when having authority behind them. So, if they redefine something, that will make it different than it was before. So, if they pass a law, that will have an effect on reality. It’s why they spend so much time redefining things. So, you don’t go for having an effect on a single person (the perpetrator), but you go for having an effect on the entire system. If you enact more gun control, you use words and concepts to effect an entire system, which then hems in the individual from doing those bad things. It’s part of the lunacy of Progressivism.
Then, on top of that, some Progressives (who style themselves the elite) also want that control because it disarms the “good guys” and prevents them from acting individually on their own morality and principles. It pushes them into the herd, and herds can be controlled (and sometimes stampeded – Covid).
(It’s the same with illegal immigration. They don’t necessarily want to “replace” conservative voters, though that’s a side benefit. They want to break America as the only folks around with the strength to resist globalization. We’re the only folks who can actually stand up to the Davos crowd. Once we’re part of the herd – drowned out by all of the “global citizens” now within our borders – we can be shepherded right along with the more compliant types.)–funny-sheep-the-far-side.jpg
Find the American in that picture.
but left when the murdered fired at them
I think you mean “muderer“, Mary.
Congress must now pass commonsense gun safety laws to ensure that mass shootings like this one don’t happen in the first place.
OK. Here are the common sense gun “safety” laws I would recommend:
– Universal firearms safety training – everyone should know and understand and be able to practice the 4 basic safety rules gun handling.
– Universal firearms training (excepting conscientious objectors) so that anyone can easily play part in the militia and can defend themselves.
– Provision of a certain round count of ammunition per month to help citizens remain proficient.
– Universal civics education on what our liberties are and why they shouldn’t be infringed upon.
– Universal carry permits except for those who have proven themselves unsafe or unwilling, or otherwise lost their rights (a felon).
– Death penalty returned for all murder cases.
– Removal of ALL “gun free zones” so there is nowhere that is a target-rich hunting zone for would-be mass murderers.
Not. One. Inch.
They would corrupt the process and those points you think would make them shake would be turned on their head and they’d point and say “even gun owners think we need more laws”. Just tell them NO, and don’t give them one inch.
Where am I giving an inch in this? This is what is actually needed – it restores 2A rights and returns us to a citizenry capable of acting as a militia. I want the gov’t to give us ammunition so we can train. /scratches head/ Not sure where my proposal can be turned against us, the citizens?
You’re playing into the game with your suggestions. They’ll play with you, change all those ideas around and restrict the right even more. Just tell them no, then type in GFY.
A rational person would conclude that since the police won’t protect you, you need to protect yourself. Of course, no one has ever accused Biden of being rational.
Small town texas police are useless. Eating donuts drinking coffee. Punching the clock to make it to their pension.
“”If you see ANYONE torturing and killing small animals””
I have an absolute vendetta against raccoons. Does that count?
Shooting varmints is not torturing and killing small animals. However, if you caught a raccoon, buried him up to his neck in the dirt, and ran him over with a lawn mower, that would be considered torture. I investigated a case of someone doing that with cats and other small animals.
For Leftists, Gun Control has never been about guns. It’s about control, everything, all the time. Leftists think they can live your life better than you.
Head on into chitcago by yourself without SS protection and grab the gang bangers guns pedo. Once you’ve cleaned them out of their illegal guns then we can talk…….but the answer will be the same GFY.
New report out says Americans have something like 430 million guns or so, don’t remember the number the report stated. Of course most gun sites and gun people will laugh at that puny number because we know it’s much higher.
And last but not even least clean up the problem areas.
The homicide rate may be rising in some U.S. cities, but slayings are still a localized phenomenon, with most U.S. counties not seeing a single homicide in 2014.
The vast majority of homicides occurred in just 5 percent of counties, and even there the murders were localized, with some neighborhoods untouched by the violence,
Just red meat for the base.
Sorry, red insect dyed, textured plant protein. And just as attached to reality.
Here’s the sort of thing Biden’s wet-dream “common sense gun laws” lead to:
All of the good adults — parents, staff, teachers — on the Uvalde school property were prohibited by law from being armed to protect themselves and their charges.
Of course, none of those laws prevented the killer from being armed.
The only type of person that government laws did allow to be armed on the property did eventually show up — FOUR HUNDRED OF THEM — and they DIDN’T DO A FUCKING THING… while nineteen 9-to-11 year olds were murdered, one after another.
The blood of every one of those kids — and every other school shooting victim — is on the hands of Biden, Schumer, Giffords, and every other gun-banning tyrant that passed these abominable, unconstitutional laws.
One bit, though: you elide from “prohibited by” to “prevented”.
No law prevents something, except for those who abide by the law.
The law enables punishment for those who break it, which might deter others from doing the same thing.
Filling in that gap….
Even the laws we have now will never prevent a bad person intent on committing that illegal act. Enforcement might stop them before they’ve done it, but will punish them after they’ve done it. And, yes, this is a big problem with our current bunch of gov’ts – lacking in enforcement (a whole discussion unto itself). Directly related to this incident, though, even punishment won’t deter it, since the person is planning on not surviving.
But this is why the right to self-defense is so important to society. You don’t have a real way (compatible with freedom) to legally stop someone like a mass shooter. So, you need to be able to immediately respond to stop them – preferably before they hurt their first victim. Which brings us back to the arguments about “When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.” By prohibiting the ability to protect oneself (and one’s charges) it means there must always be enough police right there (and I mean right there, not on the other end of the building) to stop the event.
Or, as the progressives/safetyists prefer, you can try to remove every tool that can be used to commit that crime. Then your police can be down the hall. And, since they’ve obviously stopped all possibility (yeah, no) of something like this, they don’t need those 400 officers to actually respond. Yes, Progressivism is not really in touch with human nature/reality.
And, to reinforce your point: yes, the blood of all those children and the teachers is on the progressives who engage in this magical thinking with things like “gun free zones.”