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U. Utah Students Criminally Charged After Disrupting Conservative Group’s Event

U. Utah Students Criminally Charged After Disrupting Conservative Group’s Event

“All seven individuals cited so far are enrolled students, ranging in age from 19 to 23 years old.”

This was an event by the Young America’s Foundation featuring detransitioner Chloe Cole. Some professors actually cancelled classes over this event.

The Salt Lake Tribune reports:

University of Utah students now criminally charged after disrupting conservative club’s event

Members of a University of Utah student group have been criminally charged after police say they stormed an event critical of the transgender community being held by a conservative club on campus.

So far seven members of MECHA — a group largely led by and for students of color at the U. — face counts including both Class B misdemeanors and infractions. The charges are for disrupting the operation of a school, disorderly conduct and interference with a police officer.

They were filed in Salt Lake City Justice Court over the weekend.

U. spokesperson Rebecca Walsh said the school’s police have also since identified an additional student allegedly involved and referred that individual for citations. The investigation is ongoing, Walsh added, and “additional charges could be filed as detectives continue to review footage and interviews.”

All seven individuals cited so far are enrolled students, ranging in age from 19 to 23 years old.

The Salt Lake Tribune is not naming the students at this time in part because of the level of charges.

One of the students charged spoke to The Tribune on Monday and said the club members are waiting to talk about the prosecution until they have hired attorneys. MECHA posted on its Instagram page asking for help finding legal resources and funding.

The students will be required to appear before a judge on the misdemeanor counts and could be fined up to $1,000, if found guilty of the offenses.

The charges stem from the club’s disruption of a Nov. 1 event held by another student group, Young Americans for Freedom.


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Ban them from campus, internet courses only. Expel them if they return to campus.

Antifundamentalist | December 7, 2023 at 9:31 am

It’s a start. Criminal charges need to be filed against every single student that disrupts a campus event. They can protest all they want – as long as they don’t violate the Code of Student Conduct while they do so.

Good for the University of Utah! They are the ONLY one I know of that has actually brought charges against disruptive demonstrators. These attacks on opposing points of view negate the freedom of thought of other students, and they should be stopped wherever they ocur. So far, only Utah has taken steps to do just that.

“So far seven members of MECHA — a group largely led by and for students of color at the U.”
Why are members of a Hispanic “reconquista” organization protesting detransitioners?
Talk about the issue never being the issue.

In other countries, do these sorts of things occur?

We don’t know any facta as it is a Mike LeChance article. It sounds like those charges will be dropped to avoid intense 1st amendment litigation.

The Laird of Hilltucky | December 8, 2023 at 4:51 pm

Criminal charges for breaking civil law. Expulsion for egregious violation of code of conduct for students.

first amendment allows them to protest. not disrupt a activity.
need to have charges filed and
face the music.

wud not expel them…
fine them and restraining order
and community service