Two Injured Outside Atlanta Israeli Consulate After Woman With Palestinian Flag Allegedly Sets Herself on Fire

Atlanta Israeli Consulate

A woman holding a Palestinian flag allegedly set herself on fire outside of the Atlanta Israeli Consulate.

The fire injured the woman and a security guard.

The police described it as an “extreme political protest” and not terrorism. From 11 Alive:

Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said at a Friday news conference that a person stood outside the Israeli Consulate General building, located at 1100 Spring Street, where they allegedly set themself on fire. A security guard tried to stop the person.Atlanta Fire Chief Rod Smith said the security guard was burned on his wrist, and the protester received third-degree burns on their body.The protester is in “critical condition,” according to Smith. Schierbuam said a Palestinian flag was recovered from the scene.Schierbaum said they do not believe anyone at the Israeli General Consulate is in danger. He added that all of the staff and residents were safe in the incident.

The police also said, “A Palestinian flag that was part of the protest was recovered at the scene.”

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Georgia, Hamas, Israel