Pro-Hamas Has-Been Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Anti-Jewish Rant (After Getting Dropped By Her Talent Agency)

On November 17, 2023 former actress and current pro-Hamas and pro-communist activist Susan Sarandon ranted about Jewish people during some pro-Hamas rally in New York City.

The New York Post reported at the time:

On Friday, she attended the “Shut It Down for Palestine” protest in Union Square, where she said many were “afraid of being Jewish at this time” and were [sic] it was the same feeling Muslims in the country felt.“It’s important to listen, it’s important to have facts…you don’t have to go through the entire history of that region, you just have to show the babies that are dying in incubators,” she said.“Those images are enough to show you that something is drastically wrong. We need a ceasefire now.”She also joined in chanting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — which has been regarded as antisemitic.Sarandon had also reposted a tweet from a far-right account that claimed an Israeli helicopter had murdered Israeli citizens. She also retweeted a post celebrating Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, who was accused of being antisemitic for years.

That was two weeks ago. Her talent agency didn’t appreciate her comments and dumped her. So now she is “apologizing” for her antisemitic rant.

The New York Post reports:

Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon broke her silence Friday night and apologized for her anti-Jewish rant during a pro-Palestinian rally last month in NYC, saying her choice of words was a “terrible mistake.”Sarandon told the crowd at Union Square on Nov. 17 that Jews are “getting a taste of what it is like to be Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence” as she said she intended “to communicate my concern for an increase in hate crimes.”“This phrasing was a terrible mistake, as it implies that until recently Jews have been strangers to persecution, when the opposite is true,” Sarandon wrote in an Instagram post.“As we all know, from centuries of oppression and genocide in Europe, to the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, PA., Jews have long been familiar with discrimination and religious violence which continues to this day.”. . . . Sarandon’s apology on Instagram is her first post to the social media platform since Nov. 20, which she had previously used almost exclusively to highlight different pro-Palestinian protests around the world.“I will continue my commitment to peace, truth, justice, and compassion for all people. I hope that we can meet with love and willingness to engage in dialogue, especially with those with whom we disagree,” she concluded her message.

Needless to say, this apology falls far short for many people.

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Hollywood, Israel