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Over 12,000 Migrant Encounters on Tuesday Sets ‘Single Day Total Ever Recorded’

Over 12,000 Migrant Encounters on Tuesday Sets ‘Single Day Total Ever Recorded’

“This includes 10,200+ Border Patrol apprehensions of illegal immigrants, amongst the highest daily totals for BP ever recorded.”

No words. The border crossings were only going to go up. The border patrol has seen at least 10,000 people a day, almost daily.

Lukeville, AZ, has become the new epicenter of the border crisis. We also see border crossings double at the northern border.

The border patrol has already asked all agents on all borders to help virtually process all migrants. They’ve had to close border points of entry, cut down vehicle processing, etc.


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What a shit show


Don’t lower yourself to the use of their language and terminology.

They are illegal aliens or invaders, not “migrants”.

Biden and Mayorkis won’t let them send the illegals back, but calls it “abdication of governance responsibility” to share the wealth with Sanctuary states and cities….

Tom Elliott

Secretary ⁦@AliMayorkas⁩: Gov. ⁦@GregAbbott_TX⁩ sending migrants to Democrat-run cities “is an abdication of governance responsibility”

McCarthy just said he’s stepping down at the end of December

Republicans will have a majority of ONE

The ridiculous kicking out of Santos is clear, McCarthy was behind it

A democrate will win his seat

We are all fu@ked

thalesofmiletus | December 6, 2023 at 6:17 pm

Tens of thousands a day?

I’m old enough to remember when it was only thousands of invaders per month!

Donald Trump: “BUILD THE WALL.!” Yeah, whatever.

Eventually enough of these illegal aliens will be shipped to blue enclave ‘sanctuary cities’ to cause more than local news stories. Sooner or later, especially as we move into winter, the crisis is gonna push some d/prog to do more than they are at present to make their displeasure known. They gotta get this figured out before next year and DNC nominating convention in Chicago. Can’t have the optics of these illegals on the sidewalks, crowding parks, laying the airports or whatever. I suspect the brainiacs at the DNC haven’t figured out how, though Newsom rolling up the homeless when Xi came to town may be their path.

The Great Replacement is just a conspiracy theory, guys.

Can’t make this stuff up. Here’s Biden, nearly a decade ago, sitting next to none other than Mayorkas proselytizing the grand “right-wing myth” known as the Great Replacement Theory. Turns out it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s just the basic immigration policy for Democrats.

How is this not an INVASION?

Bus them all to LA, they can join the other 50,000 homeless living on the sidewalks there. Newscum wants them, has promised them free health care under Medi-Cal, and driver license. Limousine Libs in CA need somebody to clean their toilets, and pick the crop for them.