MIT Gives President ‘Full and Unreserved Support’ After Disastrous Antisemitism Hearing
President Kornbluth told Congress: “I’ve heard chants which can be antisemitic depending on the context when calling for the elimination of the Jewish people.”

Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth has come under fire after a disastrous antisemitism hearing in front of Congress.
The MIT governing board reiterated its support for Kornbluth:
The MIT Corporation chose Sally to be our president for her excellent academic leadership, her judgment, her integrity, her moral compass, and her ability to unite our community around MIT’s core values. She has done excellent work in leading our community, including in addressing antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hate, all of which we reject utterly at MIT. She has our full and unreserved support.
I guess it does not matter that Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) dragged Kornbluth, who is Jewish, for trying to water down unmistakable antisemitic chants and phrases heard on the MIT campus:
Congresswoman Stefanik: Dr. Kornbluth, at MIT, does calling for the genocide of Jews violate MIT’s code of conduct or rules regarding bullying and harassment? Yes or no?
President Kornbluth: If targeted at individuals not making public statements.
Congresswoman Stefanik: Yes or no, calling for the genocide of Jews does not constitute bullying and harassment?
President Kornbluth: I have not heard calling for the genocide for Jews on our campus.
Congresswoman Stefanik: But you’ve heard chants for Intifada.
President Kornbluth: I’ve heard chants which can be antisemitic depending on the context when calling for the elimination of the Jewish people.
Congresswoman Stefanik: So those would not be, according to the MIT’s code of conduct or rules.
President Kornbluth: That would be investigated as harassment if pervasive and severe.
You cannot twist “Intifada.” Context does not exist when it comes to “Intifada.” Using the word “context” in the answer is stupid.
Intifada means “uprising” or “shaking off.” The Arabs and other antisemitics use the word “to describe periods of intense Palestinian protest against Israel, mainly in the form of violent terrorism.”
The First Intifada took place from 1987-1990. The Second Intifada took place from 2000-2005.
“Globalize the Intifada” literally means unite people around the world against Israel.
Intifada is always antisemitic.
Presidents of @Harvard @MIT and @Penn REFUSE to say whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is bullying and harassment according to their codes of conduct. Even going so far to say it needs to turn to “action” first. As in committing genocide.
— Rep. Elise Stefanik (@RepStefanik) December 5, 2023
Kornbluth, along with the other two presidents, tried to clarify their damning remarks. They tried to hide behind the Constitution and free speech because we all know how they love to apply that to conservatives on their campus.
Antisemitic speech, like all hate speech, is protected by the First Amendment.
But when you violate another person’s rights protected by the Constitution…you can no longer hide behind it.
Also, last time I checked, Harvard, UPenn, and MIT are not public schools. They are private schools.
Nowhere in Kornbluth’s supposed “clarification” does she even bother to single out the Jew haters who literally call for people to eliminate Jews and Israel.
Kornbluth’s statement is hogwash, empty of any substance.
Kornbluth does not condemn the antisemitism shouted all over her campus. Instead, it’s about feels and coming together. Let’s gather around the bonfire and sing Kumbaya:
I also hope we can all reflect on a remarkable letter circulated by a group of faculty, already co-signed by hundreds across MIT. It says in part:
Despite these tragedies, we can model the kind of future we wish for ourselves and our students. We must maintain and strengthen the bonds of friendship and collegiality that cut across political, ethnic, and religious differences, especially in the face of the rising tides of violence and hatred abroad and on university campuses. Our fate here at MIT can and must be different. Through living and working together we can become wiser and more compassionate.
I share this sentiment entirely. I hope you will join with me in standing up against hate of any kind, anywhere, but especially within our own community – and in reaching out to anyone who may be struggling with the burden of recent events. After these past weeks, I know many of you are exhausted and hurting. We have to make room for each other, in our hearts and in our daily lives. We cannot and must not let events in the world drive us apart, or erode our respect for each other’s humanity, or thwart the great mission we’re here to pursue together.
Opposing calls for genocide against Jews shouldn’t be difficult or controversial.
— US Holocaust Museum (@HolocaustMuseum) December 6, 2023

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
They’re apparently comfortable digging into their $23.5B endowment to offset the lost donations they may suffer. But, given how reflexively hostile MANY in the tech community are to Israel, perhaps they’re not suffering the wrath of donors in the same way Penn & Harvard are.
It all has to do with money. These Ivy League schools are getting substantial money from Arab countries and do not wish to offend. So, it is ok in their minds to be anti-Semitic as long as the major money continues to come in, or this may increase the flow. The thing is, these schools are not what they used to be, if they ever were. Stop the government from hiring these students, redirect our efforts to much better schools throughout the country. Why do these schools have such a high rating in respect to those in Texas, or Louisiana? Because they fixed the criteria for what determines a good school, namely retention of students, jobs after graduation, etc. In other words, criteria that are meaningless.
Good point about the Arab Gulf states’ money trail. That windfall of cash has only served to exacerbate the obsequious and deferential dhimmitude, and, the rabid Jew-hate and Israeli vilification, that were already festering in the Dhimmi-crat sewers that are American academia.
“These Ivy League schools are getting substantial money from Arab countries ”
What’s your source for this statement?
I did not do exhaustive research, I found this link in about 90 seconds on a thing called a “search engine”. You’re welcome.
And, it isn’t just the Ivy League. See Georgetown U.’s “Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding,” part of that school’s foreign service department. To name but one example, from one prominent, non-Ivy university.
Just for the record, MIT is not considered one of the “Ivy League” and never has been.
I used to think MIT was top notch, and have grandsons who might have gone there, but their is no way in hell that grandpa war bucks will fund MIT.
This is good news, actually. We know now that the entirety of MIT’s leadership shares her views, and should be considered accordingly.
They should lose every dime of federal funding. Cut it off immedately. Done. Finished. No more. Never again is now.
Not to be insensitive or whatever, but isn’t the name “Kornbluth” possibly one of Jewish origin? If so, WTF?
That is addressed directly in the post.
She is Jewish but then so is Bernie Sanders
Kornbluth and Sanders are examples of the type of nominal Jews who are so desperate to ingratiate themselves with, and, to win approbation from, their Dhimmi-crat peers, they happily sell their fellow Jews (and, Israel) down the river. Randi Weingarten is another one. These idiots make me sick.
People like that are but one reason I walked away from my family’s religious heritage decades ago.
Granted, I might have a different view had I been brought up actually Jewish (Orthodox), and not as a Democrat with holidays and a sprinkling of badly-pronounced and mis-used Yiddish.
“…badly-pronounced and mis-used Yiddish.”
Now there’s a speech crime, Yiddish havins such a juicy, angular music to it, both heard and in meaning.
I hope it was more than that to make you walk away. Separating people from the religion is one thing us Catholics have become good at in the era of this SJW Activist Pope.
I was brought up Jewish but I have one uncle who is a full blown left wing nut..he voted for Ralph Nader back in the day.
Oh, and he graduated from Cornell
And Gorge Soro’s, all groups have some POS, but some, like Muslims, take the cake. That is for Thad Jarvis’s benefit
And Chuck Schumer.
Why do these callosal jewels of human ignorance think politics needs to enter education? That’s clearly indoctrination.
“The university campus is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
[…] “that pretended Humanism which so many, in all academia, have made a cloak for self-interest.”
The Ivy League leadership is driven by social media, clicks, and Leftist ideology. They have no moral compass so they cannot teach which requires instilling a morality on how to use what was taught. Instead, they indoctrinate which requires no thought and no morals, just a mindless regurgitation of their instructors insanity without any regard to right or wrong.
“they indoctrinate which requires no thought and no morals, just a mindless regurgitation”
The essence of Islam
This sounds like a football GM support a head coach who leaves three weeks later.
Or a President/Prime Minister who supports a cabinet member or junior minister three weeks before they leave.
Thad, I have had that at the back of my mind since I read this article.
I’d say there are good odds she is gone by New Year.
Normally, I might agree with you. However, “Defenestrating The Historic First Female Anything” is a blue-state crime beside which intifada pales in comparison.
Depends on how much money is involved. It took a few hundred million to clarify the minds over at UPenn
A “genocide” is decidedly NOT an individual thing. The whole point of a genocide is for it NOT to targeted at any individual … but at the entire genotype, as it were.
This idiocy reminds me of the SCOTUS retard who thought she was being cute, and clever, by responding to a question about the definition of a woman with the exact opposite answer of what she was trying to say, answering “I’m not a biologist”, when the whole point of the left (and Karangi Matangi Jackson) and gender is that biology has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Now, we have the president of MIT showing that she has an IQ of 87 by trying to be clever pointing out that calls for genocide are only bad if they are targeted at an individual. It’s laughable, really … though sad how such incompetent morons could attain such positions of power. Our society has become a mockery.
Does anyone here know if there’s a female equivalent to the Peter Principal?
Three outstanding affirmative-action examples here, conveniently in the same space at the same time.
Please tell me what would be the appropriate context for raping women and brutalizing children. Just asking for a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.
You’re too late.
It was the PREVIOUS president of MIT who was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein.
Woke progressive lefties and self-loathing jews are the useful idiots of islamic terrorists. Kornbluth would sell her own mother to hamas.
I’m pretty sure that if you have what it takes to get admitted to M.I.T. then you have what it takes to succeed quite nicely at any university in any country in the world in any language.
Switzerland, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea France and other countries have fine schools of engineering..
Inconvenient? Sure
More work for you? No question.
Can it be done? Yes. Many have done it
Good luck
There can be no hate without love, so let’s ban love speech.
Anthony Comstock tried that first. It didn’t work either.
Dear God.. we are done as a nation
I want to see one of the congressmen ask them “What would happen if several students dressed up in Klan robes and marched across campus calling for all blacks to be kicked out of MIT?” I think we all know the answer. They would be unmasked and kicked out of school before they got all the way across campus. There would not be any “Well but the 1st amendment” But calling for the death of Jews well we have to look at context.
Alumni and big dollar donors gonna have to put in some pressure work here. Congress can help by:
1. Removing tax exempt status for University endowments
2. Adopting a model code of conduct be adopted and enforced to remain eligible for Federal grants, Federal partnership opportunities for faculty/students and student loans, Pell grants
3. Requires all educational institutions to be responsible as cosigner on every form of Student loan for each Student they admit
I’ll go along with the first two but not the third.
The third point is to influence admissions and academic mismatch by putting a direct cost for admission of ‘iffy’ students onto the Univ. It also works to reduce the footprint of big Ed b/c the few students means fewer faculty and staff. It should also increase the product b/c low performing students won’t have to be catered to with watered down instruction and lower grading standards. Finally it gets Federal taxpayers off the hook for backing Student loans.
MIT is the school who canceled the lecture of Dorian Abbot because he said bad things about affirmative action.
This is what the university has become, through and through.