Javier Milei Sworn in as Argentine President, Immediately Slashes Ministries in Half

Libertarian and freedom lover Javier Milei is the new Argentine president. Victoria Villarruel, a devout Catholic (REAL devout, not “devout” like Joe Biden), is the vice president.

Milei spoke to the people outside of the legislature instead of lawmakers. It’s a powerful image. The optics fit his campaign and promises to cut government and return prosperity to the people:

Breaking with tradition, Milei then delivered his inaugural address to supporters outside, instead of assembled lawmakers, with his back turned to the legislature.During his speech, he blamed the outgoing lawmakers for putting Argentina on the path toward hyperinflation, saying the political class “has ruined our lives.””In the last 12 years, GDP per capita fell 15% in a context in which we accumulated 5,000% inflation. As such, for more than a decade we have lived in stagflation. This is the last rough patch before starting the reconstruction of Argentina,” Milei said. “It won’t be easy; 100 years of failure aren’t undone in a day. But it begins in a day, and today is that day.”

Milei added:

“I prefer to tell you the uncomfortable truth, rather than a comfortable lie,” he said, as crowds cheered “freedom,” waving Argentina’s blue-and-white national flag.—“There is no alternative to an adjustment, a fiscal shock,” Milei said. “It will impact employment, the most needy and it’s true: there will be stagflation. But it will not be very different to the last 12 years and this is the last difficult pill we need to swallow before we can begin the reconstruction of Argentina,” he said. “There is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Milei declared, “Long live liberty, damn it!”

Milei, who is in the process of converting to Judaism, brought up Hanukah, too.

What is one of the first things Milei does?

He keeps his promise of slashing ministries in Argentina.

The final number is 9, but some have said it started with 21, 19, or 18.

Either way, Milei cut a lot of ministries:

URGENT: Javier Milei passes the chainsaw for the first time OFFICIALLY and signs the reduction of ministries in Argentina from 19 to 9 ministries, eliminating 10 ministries at once. Do you support this forceful measure by President Javier Milei?

I know I support it!

Milei greeted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish. After a tight, meaningful hug, Milei showed his solidarity with Zelensky.

Milei also gifted Zelensky with a silver menorah.

It was a wonderful moment.

As I said, Villarruel is Catholic and Milei is converting to Judaism.

They prayed after the inauguration.

Milei met with families of the hostages and lit a menorah. He vowed to declare Hamas a terrorist organization.


Tags: Argentina, Javier Milei, Libertarian