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Israel Intensifies Gaza Operation After Hamas Violates Ceasefire

Israel Intensifies Gaza Operation After Hamas Violates Ceasefire

Jerusalem Post: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Mossad chief David Barnea and his team to return from Qatar due to a “dead end” in negotiations that took place in Doha on Saturday.” 

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intensified the military operation in Gaza after terrorist group Hamas violated the ceasefire. Israeli military re-launched the ground, air and naval offensive after Gaza-based terrorists began firing rockets into Israel and halted the release of hostages agreed under the ceasefire deal.

The IDF hit more than 400 terrorist targets since resuming the Gaza offensive. “Over the past day, the IDF struck over 400 terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said in press release on Saturday morning. “Overnight, IAF fighter jets struck over 50 targets in the area of Khan Yunis.”

On Saturday morning, the IDF disclosed the details of the ongoing military operation:

IDF troops carried out artillery fire and directed aerial strikes in the northern Gaza Strip. These strikes included a strike by an aircraft on a terrorist cell that was ambushing IDF troops and a strike by a fighter jet on a mosque used by the Islamic Jihad as an operational command center.

Furthermore, IDF troops directed aircraft to strike terror targets and struck other targets from the ground and from the air. Among the targets were a weapons storage compound and terror infrastructure used for renewal of Hamas’ terror capabilities.

Moreover, overnight, Israeli Navy troops carried out a targeted operational activity in the Khan Yunis marina and Deir al-Balah in the southern Gaza Strip, during which they struck Hamas military targets using precise munitions, as well as striking infrastructure and equipment used by the Hamas Naval Forces.

A key objective of the IDF operation is to eliminate Hamas’s leadership and dismantle its terrorist infrasture, including tunnels, fortifications, weapons depots, spread across the 140 square miles of Gaza territory.

“The targets included operational command centers in which Hamas terrorists were operating, underground sites, and a military compound from which anti-tank missiles were launched at soldiers earlier in the day,” the Israeli broadcaster Arutz Sheva reported Saturday.

Netanyahu calls back negotiators from Qatar after Hamas violates truce

Prime Minister Netanyahu on Saturday pulled out the Israeli hostage negotiating team from Qatar in response to Hamas’ violation of the ceasefire, signalling that Israel was determined to wipe out terrorist group on the battlefield. The terrorists-for-hostages deal was brokered by the Biden White House and the Qatari regime, the leading Arab backer of the Islamic terrorist group Hamas.

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Mossad chief David Barnea and his team to return from Qatar due to a “dead end” in negotiations that took place in Doha on Saturday, the Prime Minister’s Office said,” the Jerusalem Post reported Saturday afternoon.

Hamas agreed to release Bibas family before breaching truce

Hamas had assured Israeli negotiators of the release of Shiri Bibas and her two infants — 4-year-old Ariel and 10-momth-old Kfir — before breaching the ceasefire which lasted seven days, the Israeli media reported Saturday.

After dragging their release for a week, Hamas claimed that the mother and her two kids had died after they were handed over to the another Gaza-based terrorist group, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Before they could be released, Hamas resumed attacks on IDF soldiers in Gaza and began firing rockets into Israel, suggesting the terrorist groups intention not to free the Bibas family or reveal the truth about their whereabouts.

The Times of Israel reported Saturday morning:

Palestinian terror group Hamas was supposed to release Shiri Bibas, 32, and her young children Ariel Bibas, 4, and Kfir Bibas, 10 months old, who were taken hostage on October 7 to the Gaza Strip, and violated the multi-day truce agreement with Israel this week when it failed to do so, according to the Israeli military.

The mother and children were abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7, along with Shiri’s husband and the father of the two boys, Yarden Bibas, 34, as Hamas-led terrorists rampaged through southern Israel, killing more than 1,200 people, a majority of them civilians in their homes and at an outdoor music festival.

Report: Israel hits Syrian terror targets, eliminates IRGC and Hezbollah terrorists

The Israeli air force reportedly carried out strikes near the Syrian capital of Damascus, hitting targets belonging to Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, the European and Arab media reports claim.

The Israeli air raid killed at least two members of Iran’s Islamic Guard (IRGC), regime’s foreign terrorist arm, and two Hezbollah terrorists. The IDF did not confirm the anti-terror raid.

The British newspaper Telegraph reported:

Two officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were killed in an Israeli strike on Syria this morning.

An air strike near Damascus was earlier said to have killed two “fighters working for Hezbollah”, according to Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The IRGC has now said two of its officers – named as Mohammad Ali Atai Shoorcheh and Panah Taghizadeh – were “martyred” by the “Zionists” while on an advisory mission to the country.

Seven other Hezbollah fighters were earlier reported to have been injured in the attack.

Israel has not commented.

Hezbollah rearms and regroups in the north

Meanwhile, Hezbollah continues to launch missiles and mortars into northern Israel from its positions in Lebanon. The IDF carried out retaliatory operations.

“A short while ago, two mortar shell launches toward the area of Shomera in northern Israel were identified,” the Israeli military said in statement Saturday. “The mortars fell in open areas. In response, the IDF struck the source of the launches and fired artillery toward a number of locations in Lebanese territory.”

Iran-backed Hezbollah reportedly used the recent lull in the fighting to regroup and rearm itself in order to strike Israel from the north. “Hezbollah used informal truce to rearm, army believes purely defensive strategy won’t suffice to decisively counter Shiite terror army,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported Saturday.


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Give it to them good and hard.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Skip. | December 2, 2023 at 11:42 am

    Israel is teaching these Arab Muslims a lesson. They should turn more tunnels into crematoriums. and use larger thermobaric bombs on those who support terrorism, There would not be terrorists if they had not taught their children from an early age to become terrorists, take out the root problem.

      Thad Jarvis in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 2, 2023 at 2:31 pm

      Armchair Warrior here just salivating to kill some o’ them there evil Muslims. Still got time to sign up and volunteer! Put the uniform on and go do God’s work, keyboard tough guy!

        JohnSmith100 in reply to Thad Jarvis. | December 2, 2023 at 2:56 pm

        You are a Muslim apologist, the problem is that Muslim conduct around the world shows they turn into neighbors from hell. What happened in Africa? What is happening in Europe? There is nothing you can say to justify their conduct. The survey in Gaza, where 75% of the population approved of atrocities, is damning. What they do to their own children is damming.

        Muslims in America better shed their hatred for Jews, because when America has to make a decision, Jews are valuable to society, and Muslims are not.

        Evey time Muslims attack Israel, they lose. Muslims in Palestine could have lived in peace and prospered. Instead they have pulled one dirty after another. Keep pushing Jews, they might give up on trying to salvage those people, and switch to extermination. They most certainly have the firepower to rub out all of those people.

        Now slither back under your rock, you and they are wrong.

          Valerie in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 2, 2023 at 3:47 pm

          Every few years, we have to have a new group of people traumatized by how evil the Islamists really are.

          The first time I got an up-close look at it was in Iraq. Al-Qaida in Iraq, which was at first welcomed by Iraqis, proved so violent and despicable toward other Muslims that the Iraqis decided to make common cause with the United States, because they concluded that “These are not Muslims.”

          They decided to blow up children for playing soccer with US troops, and one Momma said “If my son dies, I will drink Zarqawi’s blood!”

          Al-Qaeda, like Hamas, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is hell-bent on genocide, and no, not just the Jews.

          As a result of the last war started by Hamas, the Saudi King was so revolted by the latest round of Palestinian atrocities, he blocked out 5 minutes for a national TV announcement condemning Hamas for its Geneva Convention violations (mainly use of human shields).

          This time, it appears the Palestinians have gone to the next level of atrocities, or at least, they recorded their sadism on their phones.

          All of the above explains why some Muslim man asked this painful question:

          “Can you tell me what Islam we are talking about?”

          That question is asked by an Israeli Arab man whose wife was killed by Hamas

          And despite the loud denials, these child killers did chop of children’s heads.

        ConradCA in reply to Thad Jarvis. | December 2, 2023 at 4:56 pm

        Nothing wrong with desiring justice be delivered to the evil Hamas butchers and those who support them. Hamas chose to slaughter babies, rape and torture women. Anyone who opposes Israel dealing them justice braved the evil that Hamas has done. . Nothing justifies what Hamas did!

The fact that so many people in positions of power, around the world — European, Leftist dhimmi politicians and American Dhimmi-crats; media “reporters;” academics; etc. — continue to proffer rationalizations and justifications for Muslim supremacism, terrorism and Islamofascism, and, for Muslims’ genocidal murders and atrocities visited upon Jews, Christians, Hindus and other non-Muslims, and, refuse to hold Muslims responsible for their violent predations and for their supremacist, totalitarian and fascistic ideological predilections, makes me sick.

The whitewashing of Islamic belligerence and cruelty under Leftists’/Dhimmi-crats’ alleged “social justice” banner and rhetoric is an evil and contemptible phenomenon, as is their propagation and parroting of utterly contrived, fallacious and offensive notions of Arab Muslim victimhood and grievance.

I guess the people dealing with this don’t see it the way the idiot Kirby did.

It seems that the woke leftist mobs demanding a “cease fire” have been misunderstood to mean both Israel AND the terrorists. They actually seek only that Israeli forces, solely, cease fire. Therefore, the terrorists have not violated the cease fire because, properly understood, they were never intended them to be bound by it.

I hope this has helped clarify your understanding.

    Valerie in reply to Q. | December 2, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Unfortunately, this is the correct interpretation. For Hamas, this was a “hudna,” or pause to re-load. That is the only kind of truce they recognize, and they have just proved it.

    Before Nov 6, Israel had unilaterally put a 2-state solution in place, allowing the “Palestinian” sectors to govern themselves, and also allowing work permits for people to cross the borders. Those work permits were used against them.

The Democrats will cave to politics. When push comes to shove, that’s all they know. Right v. wrong? Spare us.

How many hostages remain alive? You never know with Hamas. You hardly hear criticism of Hamas and what they have done to the people of Gaza, from physical suffering to poisoning the mind.

Greenfield at Frontpage wrote a good piece this past week about Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazis. Recommended.

And a great big Fuck You to FJB 🖕

Send in the tank girls. They were running over terrorists that got in the way as well as machine gunning and shelling them. Outstanding video of the Sweet Young Girls.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to 4fun. | December 2, 2023 at 3:53 pm

    “The IDF can manage international PR”

    Those who dislike Jews and Israel will continue to do so regardless of Palestine.

    The same is true for those of us who respect Israel.

    I doubt that Israel will make any friends by putting up with Palestinian shit. Better to do what needs to be done as fast as they can.

Israel in my opinion will continue the war to its conclusion despite Democrat pressure to cave to Hamas tactics. They had no choice but to negotiate for hostages due to immense internal pressure to get the hostages back.

Now that most of the women and children are back a great deal of domestic pressure has been reduced. The refusal by Hamas to release the remaining women hostages has allowed the IDF free rein as far as Israeli’s are concerned.

The IDF can manage international PR by showing what they are doing to protect Gaza civilians despite Hamas attempts to maximize civilian suffering.

If Biden did actually pull the plug the Israeli nation will find ways to replenish ammunition stocks and complete the job.

The political consequences for the Dems would be catastrophic as they would lose most independent voters and working class voters regardless of party identity.

Well Hamas has gone all in today.

They have gone far past refusing to release anymore women and children they kidnapped.

They now say they will not return any more hostages until all the terrorists Israel holds are released and there is a permanent ceasefire.

Obviously Israel cannot agree to this and since it would signal Hamas victory and encourage attacks from Hezbollah, the West Bank and Iran. Israel would be seen as weak and an easy target for atrocities by the terrorists.

I fear that Hamas does not want to release the young women captured at the music festival and other places near Gaza as some are probably rape victims or have been murdered in captivity.

Even though the left and corporate media will defend and rationalize the Hamas atrocities there will still be millions of people disgusted and enraged with Hamas, the media and weak western politicians.

While Blinken is caterwauling about Israeli intentions to wipe Hamas off the face of the Earth did I miss his or Brandon’s constant media hits about American hostages and the efforts to get them out?