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House Approves Impeachment Inquiry Into President Joe Biden

House Approves Impeachment Inquiry Into President Joe Biden

The House of Representatives voted along party lines to authorize the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, 221-212.

The Oversight, Ways & Means, and Judiciary Committees claim Biden used “his office of vice president in the Obama administration to enrich his family through foreign businesses.”

From Fox News:

The measure passed 221 to 212, with every Republican voting in favor of it and all present Democrats voting against. Light cheering could be heard on the GOP side of the chamber after the measure passed, with pin drop silence on the Democratic side.

“We are now at a pivotal moment in our investigation. We will soon depose and interview several members of the Biden family and their associates about these influence peddling schemes. But we are facing obstruction from the White House,” Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., said on the House floor ahead of the vote.

“The White House is seeking to block key testimony from current and former White House staff. It is also withholding thousands of records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President. President Biden must be held accountable for his lies, corruption, and obstruction. We have a duty to provide the accountability and transparency that Americans demand and deserve.”

The vote came hours after Hunter Biden whined to the press and skipped a scheduled deposition.

Hunter once again changed the language concerning the connection between his business dealings and his daddy.

Hunter said, “My father was not financially involved in my business.”

It’s gone from Joe Biden did not know anything, to speaking on the phone with business partners, and now not financially involved.

It’s creepy, suspicious, and shady that Hunter is always glued to his daddy’s side considering he has nothing to do with his administration. It raises eyebrows about the man child.


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If not Joe Biden who will ever?
His crime family has hit the jackpot

Who was the “No vote” among democrats?

The way they vote along party lines, is there any point to impeachment now?

Certainly it’s effective to expose the president’s corruption to the people, but as a removal tool, it’s practically useless.

Would that once impeached by the house, the “trial” was heard and judged by a jury of ordinary citizens, from Wyoming.

    Ironclaw in reply to MrE. | December 13, 2023 at 7:27 pm

    I would say the use of it right now is to dig deep and expose absolutely everything that they can find. Make that pedophile look even dirtier than he actually is if possible

    Olinser in reply to MrE. | December 13, 2023 at 8:19 pm

    The point is to force the so-called Democrat ‘moderates’ into vote showing that they wholeheartedly support the corrupt dementia patient.

    And, of course, when you have an actual AG that isn’t a RINO coward in office, he can actually prosecute him for the blatant bribes he’s taken.

Impeach on the violation of immigration and border security laws!

Those violations mean a lot more to many more people than does the Biden Family corruption, even though that is also important.

Although this is an inquiry, wouldn’t it be fitting if it is as slow and painful as Chinese water torcher? Old Joe became wealthy by colluding with the enemies of America. He weaponized government agencies against the American people. He gave up our sovereignty by opening our borders. He is so deep in the pockets of our enemies that he must do their bidding.

So, make sure he is charged with treason. Biden deserves impeachment and much worse.

The Gentle Grizzly | December 13, 2023 at 9:17 pm

Not one single solitary thing will come out of this. It’s a waste of time.

    To paraphrase Obama, “Never under estimate the Republicans ability to f*#k things up!”

    SeiteiSouther in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | December 14, 2023 at 2:17 pm

    Truly. It may pass in the House, but will summarily fail in the Senate, given the make up.

    It happened to Trump, twice and went the same way for both.

    Like abortion being “Safe, legal, and rare”, I fear the impeachment process will be used willy nilly, by both sides, since the Democrats decided to use it like a hammer to issues they viewed as nails.

    I disagree. The inquiry will make it impossible for the Corporate Press to ignore what is coming out about Brandon’s corruption and so the rest of the country will finally find out. Will they care? Maybe enough will to move the needle and throw the election away from the Dems. I think the border is just as important or even more so for the upcoming election if events in Chicago are any indication. Looks like the black population is finally waking up and is not pleased.

MoeHowardwasright | December 13, 2023 at 9:58 pm

I keep pointing out that the formal vote initiating the impeachment changes the game between the WH and Congress. See Congress V Nixon 1974. Settled law and Xiden’s team knows it. Watch the dementia really kick in when they taper his meds. Don’t forget there is more than enough to impeach Kamel Toe too. If you’re going to play hardball, throw the high hard ones, right at the chin. Or should that last word be China?

The Republicans don’t have to hunt for an offense, as bribery and treason are one of the two grounds for impeachment specified in the Constitution. Whether they can prove it is another question, although the evidence already marshaled is impressive.

And it is hard to explain why millions of foreign dollars found their way into Joe Biden’s and his family’s bank accounts. What was the money for if Joe Biden was not the subject of a bribe? The Democrats have not tried to answer that question yet because they cannot answer it.

And they know it.

    Milhouse in reply to Ghostrider. | December 14, 2023 at 8:33 am

    Well, it could simply be influence peddling rather than bribery, and that is perfectly legal. If Hunter was taking money for himself, in return for lobbying his father on his clients’ behalf, that would be completely legal, and protected by the first amendment. So that’s what the MSM and the Democrats are trying to make us think is what was happening. But we believe the real story is that Hunter wasn’t peddling his influence; the money wasn’t for him but for his father, and he was merely the bag man. And that’s not constitutionally protected; it’s bribery.

What a massive case of peeing into the wind.

Now drag Joe Biden*, that corrupt, grifting, retarded old cu*t, slowly through the mud until election day.

It’s good that the House is now officially holding an impeachment inquiry against Biden. That gives them subpoena powers and hopefully they will find at least one smoking gun proving bribery. But regardless of what it it finds, the House should not actually impeach him. No vote should be held on impeachment. Because if he is impeached it goes to the senate where he is guaranteed to be acquitted. And, like Clinton, he would flaunt that acquittal as if it were a vindication. So don’t bring it to a vote. Just investigate, and publish the results, and let the voters make up their own minds at the next election.

    MoeHowardwasright in reply to Milhouse. | December 14, 2023 at 1:06 pm

    Well if it’s influence peddling then there is a more serious problem for Hunter and Joe. It’s called FARA and Hunter’s actions would be a clear violation. (See Manafort) And since Joe accepted monies from a felonious act, he is an accessory to multiple felonies.

surfcitylawyer | December 14, 2023 at 2:24 pm

Was there an impeachment inquiry for the two impeachments of Trump? I do not remember hearing about that happening. I thought they just went straight to impeachment.
No matter what you think about Trump, I think the second impeachment was illegal because once a person leaves office, an impeachment becomes moot.

retiredcantbefired | December 14, 2023 at 8:24 pm

The purpose of an impeachment trial and a Senate vote is not to secure a conviction. Everyone knows not enough Democrats will vote to convict (almost certainly none will).

The purpose is to expose every Democrat who voted to acquit in the face of powerful evidence of corruption.

The impeachment of Joe Biden in 2024 has nothing in common with the impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998—except the lack of votes to convict.