EPA Seems to Be Setting Up U.S. to Join the Globalist “War on Meat”
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EPA Seems to Be Setting Up U.S. to Join the Globalist “War on Meat”

EPA Seems to Be Setting Up U.S. to Join the Globalist “War on Meat”

As CoP28 climate conferences focuses on cows, the EPA is now targeting methane (a by-product of cattle digestion) and considering new effluent rules on meat industry.


As the countdown to Nov. 5, 2024, has begun, it is important to note Biden’s poll numbers look as pale and sickly as be does.

November started with New York Times/Siena College polls showing Trump ahead in four of the six swing states, but more indicators of Biden’s electoral peril soon followed. The president’s standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is falling: Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden’s position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them.

And while polls suggest most of the movement comes from voters abandoning Biden — who might become undecided but not swing to supporting Trump — the Republican has also started to gain steam. Trump’s vote share in the national polling average is higher now than at any point in the past year.

Question: If you are a woke, eco-activist bureaucrat looking at the future, what might you do?

Answer: Double down on destruction.

This theory may explain some recent moves by the Biden Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

To begin with, the EPA is launching new regulations targeting methane emissions.

The rule’s 3 a.m. rollout was timed to coincide with the ongoing U.N. climate talks in Dubai, where the U.S. has sought to play a leading role in global efforts to reduce emissions of the powerful planet-heating gas. But its biggest test will be in the legal arena at home, where conservatives on the Supreme Court have slapped down regulations the justices viewed as White House overreach.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan in a statement called the rule a “strong action” that “significantly” curbs methane pollution.

However, the gas and oil industry is not the major emitter of methane: Agriculture is.

The Global Methane Budget synthesizes results from top-down studies and bottom-up estimates to provide global figures for methane emissions from 2008 to 2017. The largest source of anthropogenic methane emissions is agriculture, responsible for around one quarter of emissions, closely followed by the energy sector, which includes emissions from coal, oil, natural gas and biofuels.

So this move signals that methane will join carbon dioxide as another enemy gas. Eventually, because cows generate methane as part of their digestive cattle ranches and dairy farms are likely to be targeted as part of the “War on Meat”.

In fact, today is “Cow Day” at the United Nations climate conference in Dubai:

Global food systems- including farming and land use, livestock production, household food consumption and waste, and energy used in the farm and food retail sectors – account for 31% of human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

But few governments have ever published numeric targets for lowering those emissions, focusing instead mostly on the use of fossil fuels for power, transport and industry, according to climate advocates.

“Business as usual food systems would use nearly the whole carbon budget for a 2-degree Celsius world. We need to implement food systems approaches throughout COP28,” said Joao Campari, global leader of food practice at the World Wildlife Fund.

And if the agency can’t target meat using air pollution rules, it may do so via water pollution rules.

As the intended date for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to publish its proposed new wastewater regulations nears, meat industry stakeholders and legislators continue to press the agency to consider small processors in its rule.

Eight Republican senators sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan in early November, asking him to ensure small meat processors were being fairly considered under proposed revisions to the Meat and Poultry Products (MPP) Effluent Guidelines and Standards.

“As you know, small to mid-sized meat and poultry processing facilities have a vital role in the economy,” the senators wrote. “This was proven throughout the COVID-19 pandemic when these facilities remained open while large facilities were closed. Additionally, many federal resources have been used to expand meatpacking capacity, so we need to ensure that these very small and small facilities do not face regulations that will force them to close.”

Ten years ago, I don’t think the Dutch and Irish cattle herders and farmers were worried about their country imposing regulations that would destroy the livelihoods and important sources of the nation’s food supply. The recent moves by the EPA must be taken seriously as a potential threat to our agriculture, the American diet, and our freedoms to choose…especially what we eat.


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Anti-meat is a long attack. In the early 90s I bought Carol J Adams “The Sexual Politics of Meat” for an amusing journey. It’s apparently still a classic taught in feminism. Now it’s bad for the climate too.

Carlyle objected to Dutch cows dressed in burlap coats standing around in the rain. (Sartor Resartus)

When I was young and starting a family I had a friend, on of those mentors I have mentioned before, who was a generation older. He raised 15-20 head of cattle a year, and we split a cow. Took it to a meat processor and spelled out how we wanted the different cuts handled. half a cow lasted a whole year. Eventually I bought my own farm, but never raise cattle. I did keep chickens and rabbits and was mostly meat self sufficient.

I have shut that down as part of moving to another state, but when the move is complete will start doing so again.

I suggest that people should do the same. Not only is it good economically, it is great for children. Every dollar you save is equal to about two earned.

retiredcantbefired | December 3, 2023 at 5:38 pm

Of course the Biden EPA was going to do this.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 3, 2023 at 5:39 pm

The EPA needs to be burned to the friggin ground. COMPLETELY. And all the criminals there need to be held fully accountable. They are waging war on America. Absolute total war. And they need to be punished as the traitors they are.

At some point, there is going to have to be a reckoning.

    The EPA is yet another legacy of that liberal Republican, Richard Milhous (no E) “We Are All Keynesians Now” Nixon. He was good on foreign policy, but a leftist domestically; nowadays, thankfully, there would be no room for him in the GOP. The EPA, from its very beginning, has been anti-human; it has only ever done harm and has never done any good at all. It started with a war on DDT, supposedly to save the eagles or some such thing, and proceeded from there.

      Martin in reply to Milhouse. | December 3, 2023 at 7:25 pm

      It is strange how much lefty crap Nixon did and they still hated him.
      They can’t forgive him for prosecuting the Rosenbergs.

      His foreign policy was a mixed bag got us out of Vietnam but that eventually allowed the Democrats to completely betray the South Vietnamese. Got us into China, I feel like that was a mistake but at this point it is impossible to tell.

        BierceAmbrose in reply to Martin. | December 4, 2023 at 12:27 am

        “…I feel like that was a mistake but at this point it is impossible to tell.”

        After you do a thing, people come along and do what you wouldn’t with any ground you gained.

        Edward in reply to Martin. | December 4, 2023 at 10:11 am

        Nixon was a Representative (R-CA) who had a committee assignment to the House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC). He made his congressional anti-Communist bona fides pursuing Alger Hiss (of Roosevelt administration and State Department/UN infamy). AFAIK Nixon was not involved with the prosecution and execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in NY.

      puhiawa in reply to Milhouse. | December 3, 2023 at 8:59 pm

      Correct. And every employee is committed to only his cause, without regard to any other no matter the cost. The EPA’s number one enemy is America.

    Yes. They were the cause of the 2o15 Gold King mine disaster that poisoned the Animas river. The “know it alls” of the EPA were directly responsible for the release of chemical pollutants into the Animas, turning it bright yellow.

    Get rid of it; it is a tool of the power grabbers, making nonsensical decisions for leftists.

I would work for free to be part of the dismantling of the EPAs insane climate change agenda in the next Trump Administration. Just seeing the expressions on the faces of the worthless fired bureaucrats would be compensation enough.

    Milhouse in reply to Concise. | December 3, 2023 at 6:46 pm

    You can delete “s insane climate change agenda”.

      Concise in reply to Milhouse. | December 3, 2023 at 7:22 pm

      I’m sure someone out there appreciates a grammar nazi pointing out typos but, if they exist, they’re probably just obnoxious grammar nazis too. But given they rarity of these unpleasant little pukes, I suspect you uprated your own post.

    randian in reply to Concise. | December 4, 2023 at 7:12 pm

    Except civil service rules mean you can’t fire the bureaucrats so they don’t care who is President. That’s the entire point of FDR’s “professional civil service”, to make them a permanent overclass beholden to nobody, not Congress or the Presidency. The old spoils system was better, at least then the old people had to keep the new boss happy or they’d really lose their jobs.

Biden going to require cows to wear face mask to reduce emissions from cow burps?

I would prefer a Global War on Leftism.

Why are we looking at a picture of a Holstein? That is a milk producer not an Angus.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to diver64. | December 3, 2023 at 8:09 pm

    You do realize that milk producers productivity, or lack of productivity leads to them becoming a meat animal? Granted the meat is poorer quality, but fine for hamburger and receptive to pressure cooking.

      Milhouse in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 3, 2023 at 8:43 pm

      Having briefly worked on a dairy farm, I was given the impression that the clapped-out cows were sold for pet food, not for human consumption.

        Having grown up on a dairy farm (size small) I can say with great certainty that Holsteins at the end of their milk production life make great hamburger. They’re a little lean and stringy for steaks unless treated well, but they’re grain-fed through most of their life so… yum.

        markm in reply to Milhouse. | December 8, 2023 at 4:49 pm

        For every milk cow born, there’s a male who is never going to give milk. One or two percent of them are needed as bulls for breeding. The rest are castrated, fed until they’re nearly full-grown, and butchered. This may not be the best beef, but my Dad was in the business of buying the just weaned male calves at auction and raising them until they were big enough to auction off to the butchers. The ones we kept for our freezer were tasty enough.

      diver64 in reply to JohnSmith100. | December 4, 2023 at 4:21 am

      Not Holsteins. Having worked on a dairy farm I can tell you that all dairy cows we sold when the production dropped off at auction were not used for human consumption.

    Because most people don’t know the difference, and that cow is semi-cute, as far as bovines go.

    Edward in reply to diver64. | December 4, 2023 at 10:15 am

    And the point is? Dairy herds produce cow farts, er methane eruptions too.

Ahhh, The EPA one of the first agencies that should be shut down as a way to reduce the cost and size of Government. The first that should be shut down is the ATF. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a store not a “law enforcement agency”. (The entire ATF is a constitutional violation, imho.)

There is, IMO, a market for more locally sourced farm products of all types. Smaller farms can be competitive if they sell direct to consumers. The issue is consumers being willing to accommodate the growing season(s). A potentially bigger issue is shrinking number of local processing plants. As others suggest above purchasing a 1/4 cow and a whole hog is economical.

That’s a lot of meat. Some cuts are more/less desirable. Requires freezer capacity and back up power to make sure that investment doesn’t spoil due to a brown out/black out. Requires planning on the part of the consumer. Many folks in the modern world don’t have it in them to ditch the grocery 80% of the time and use what is in the freezer and whatever seasonal veggies/fruits are in the weekly pick up from the local farmer.

Everyone knows what all of this means; poor people will be priced out of the market. It will also figure in the coming social credit scoring system foisted on us by the usual suspects.

Shut up and eat your gruel, peasant.

Here’s another BIG part of the problem.

Eight Republican senators sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan in early November, asking him to ensure small meat processors were being fairly considered under proposed revisions to the Meat and Poultry Products (MPP) Effluent Guidelines and Standards.

W.T.F.? Asking?
They should be telling them to stand the eff down on this crap and either cut their budget by 20% or they’ll shut down the agency.
Cowards is the new way to spell republicans. Useless as tits on a bull.

    Milhouse in reply to 4fun. | December 3, 2023 at 10:21 pm

    W.T.F.? Asking?
    They should be telling them to stand the eff down on this crap and either cut their budget by 20% or they’ll shut down the agency.

    And how are they going to do that? Magic?! They have no power to do that, so they can’t threaten it. The guy would just laugh. Asking nicely means “do this or we’ll make things awkward and uncomfortable for you”, which is something they can do.

    CommoChief in reply to 4fun. | December 4, 2023 at 9:49 am

    Sounds good, very aggressive messaging but totally impractical at present. No more than hot air, bluster and empty posturing and we already have more than enough of that in DC.

    Until there is a GoP majority in the Senate to match a GoP majority in the HoR and a GoP POTUS it won’t happen and probably not even then. The best we can hope for is either the use of the Congressional Review Act to overrule the regulation or that SCOTUS will use the cases on its docket to gut the Chevron precedent(s) which currently grant far too much leeway and deference to the Federal bureaucracy.

      Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | December 4, 2023 at 9:54 pm

      Unfortunately the CRA is useless without a R majority in both houses and a R president.

      It should have been written the other way around, that either house can overrule a regulation within so many days of its having been gazetted. Agencies’ regulation-making powers are delegated by Congress, so either house should be able to say “That’s not what we delegated you to do”.

I’ve been saying for years that these crazies want you to eat bugs and drink poop water while they dine on filet mignon and sip champagne.

I’m sure some vegans/vegetarians are sincere in their beliefs, but they are sincerely wrong and end up being useful idiots for these totalitarian nannies.

E Howard Hunt | December 4, 2023 at 7:46 am

We must drive a steak through the heart of the EPA.

the EPA is launching new regulations
There’s the first and largest problem. The EPA should have NO authority to “launch new regulations” in any way, shape, or form. You want new regulations? Congress has to authorize that. Return our gov’t to its Constitutional limits and this stuff is much easier to stop.

As to how to execute the EPA silliness? Require a manual, constantly supervised, monitor of each and every cow, 24/7, by an EPA employee. And none of this averaging stuff – if you haven’t measured a cow, the entire data set is eliminated, and you have to start over. And that manual monitor requires you to stand really close to the methane source. Because, no wireless monitors. That would lead to vulnerabilities from cyberattacks.

    CommoChief in reply to GWB. | December 4, 2023 at 9:54 am

    Better yet require each newly proposed regulation to be run through the full gambit of legislative approval. Hearings, briefings, committee votes all leading to up down floor votes on that individual regulation. Remove the ability of Congress to hide behind the bureaucracy for the silly, stupid and harmful regulations and we would see a different result. If nothing else forcing Congress back into the business of having to weigh up the regulation and put their name on record would slow down the pace and almost certainly deter most of the crazy.

    Milhouse in reply to GWB. | December 4, 2023 at 9:58 pm

    It’s impossible to get rid of executive regulations; it’s just not possible for Congress to have the necessary knowledge, nor to have the necessary time, to consider all the potential regulations that are necessary for any legislation to function. Regulatory authority has to be delegated to the departments and agencies whose job it is to administer the legislation. But either house should be able to say, “Whoa, that’s not what we meant”.