Eighteen Faculty Members at Princeton Pen Letter Endorsing the Anti-Israel BDS Movement
“We refuse to muzzle our criticism of the Israeli siege and genocidal assault on Gaza”

Note to parents and donors. Stop giving your money to schools like Princeton. This is disgusting.
Eighteen full-time @Princeton faculty (all in humanities or related fields) pen open letter endorsing BDS, right of return. No condemnation of Hamas, or concern for hostages.
Seems to leave Dartmouth as only Ivy League school not to have an embarrassing faculty response to 10/7. pic.twitter.com/GVWiXhAoGb— KC Johnson (@kcjohnson9) November 30, 2023
From the Daily Princetonian:
An open letter from Faculty for Justice in Palestine
In solidarity with the USACBI call for faculty action in defense of students who are currently under attack from university administrations, other student groups, and outside actors for their Palestine solidarity work, and as part of the broader movement to actively defend Palestinian life, liberation, and dignity, we hereby declare the founding of the Princeton Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP).
We rise in coalition with the students, scholars, and people of conscience resisting the forces currently deployed to silence, mischaracterize, and criminalize dissent on college campuses and beyond. We refuse to muzzle our criticism of the Israeli siege and genocidal assault on Gaza, of apartheid in the occupied West Bank, and of structural racism and discrimination inside the state of Israel. With the establishment of this FJP Princeton chapter, we call attention to the dehumanization, erasure, and hypocritical condemnation of Palestinians and those who speak and act in defense of Palestinian life in the United States and around the world.
A culture of intimidation, silencing, and punishment is now moving across the United States and around the world. Those who speak and act in defense of Palestinian rights are targeted by networks of propaganda, intimidation, and surveillance. Chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Brandeis, Columbia, Barnard, and the University of Pennsylvania, among many others, are being harassed, shut down, suspended, and threatened by outside actors, students, faculty, and, in some instances, university administrators.
Political and legal measures are being taken in local, state, and federal jurisdictions to criminalize Palestine solidarity, whether expressed through speech or action. American politicians are calling for the cancellation of student visas and the expulsion of foreign students who speak out against Israeli war crimes. These heinous attacks constitute grave and material threats to the exercise of liberty in the United States.
We raise our voices in defense of our students, as well as students around the United States, who are under threat of censure and reprisal for taking political stands that are moral, reasonable, and valid in a free society.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
The human rights records of islamic nations doesn’t meet the standards of US.
So why not BDS for all islamic nations? Lets be consistent about virtue signaling.
Islamic nations are privileged POCs and thus untouchable according to the Left. By contrast dirty Jews are White colonisers so Bigotry, Discrimination, and anti-Semitism is fully acceptable.
The fact that Jews are the native people of Palestine is something the Left refuse to accept despite clear and indisputable historical records. Likewise the Islamic and Arab invasion, conquest, subjugation, colonisation, and settlement of RomanByzantine Palestine is a clear and indisputable historical reality.
If not for double standards the Left would have none.
A culture of intimidation, silencing, and punishment, is targeting those who speak and act in defence of Palestinian rights?
No, but the victimhood narrative is classic Leftism. The truth is, occasionally, those who out themselves as Nazis, as siding with Hamas, as supporting the genocide of the Jews, of denying Israel-Palestine a right to self defence etc, face real world consequences for their stupidity, indoctrination, and/or hatred.
It is not the so called pro-Palestinians that are targeted by mobs on campuses, and in cities, but those who are Jewish, Israeli, Zionist, Conservative, or patriotic – I was going to say American but then recalled the pro-Hamas march through London, and the police crackdown on British flags.
We say never forget, or never again, and speak of the Holocaust as the greatest evil the world has ever known, and yet these faculty members appear to want a return to the Holocaust era. Why?
These “scholars” use words but they don’t know what they mean
(h/t Chris Plante)
and parents who stroke the check
should be paying attention and
tell their kids … you want to go there
you pay for it … we r not
same with donors ….
These scholars need remedial education in the history of anti Semitism