Virginia: Tuesday’s Election A Big F’ing Deal As Democrats Fear-Monger Abortion, Gun Rights, and MAGA, Oh My!

Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden infamously embarrassed then-president Barack Obama by stage whispering that the passage of ObamaCare was a “big f*ing deal.”

Tuesday’s commonwealth-wide elections in Virginia could also turn out to be a big deal given the stakes for both sides. Continuing to enjoy some degree of freedom in Virginia is at stake for Virginians who are enjoying the fruits of a successful Republican governor’s term, while Democrats are clinging to the hope that their fear-mongering over abortion, guns, and the ever-scary “MAGA extremists” will deliver them the wins they need to remain in power in the state senate and to retake the currently narrowly GOP-controlled legislature.

ABC News reports:

In a closing message to voters in this year’s closely watched Virginia legislative elections, Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin ticks off accomplishments from the first half of his term.Tax cuts, law enforcement pay raises and more money for mental health services, Youngkin says in the political ad, adding that there’s so much more he wants to get done over his next two years in office.“Elect a Republican team to back me up and I promise, we’ll deliver,” Youngkin says.

Unlike federal Republicans, state Republicans are not content to let the Democrats win and then hold them up as “obstructionists” to save political face while going along to get along in the DC establishment composed of both parties. So there is a lot at stake not just for Virginians but for Youngkin, himself, who undoubtedly not only wants to deliver for his state (er, commonwealth) but also must have future political aspirations of his own.

Some of the Democrat candidates are completely cringey (remember the sex worker who thought she might like to pee on video for paying customers? Yikes!).

The Daily Wire reports:

Political control of Virginia’s House of Delegates is up for grabs this Tuesday in Virginia, and if the now narrowly Republican-led body reverts to Democrat control, it will likely be led by a felon who spent seven years in prison.Since the Democrats last controlled the chamber two years ago, moderate Democrats like former House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn have been pushed out and replaced with insurgents like Don Scott, who was apprehended by federal agents in a Denny’s restaurant in 1994 after running into the bathroom and attempting to flush thousands of dollars in drug money. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and served seven and a half.. . . . The Senate’s top Democrat is Louise Lucas, who was charged with two felonies in 2020 after taking part in a Black Lives Matter demonstration where a Confederate statue was pulled down and fell on a man. Lucas hired Scott as her lawyer, and the charges were dismissed.Lucas and Scott are both black Democrats from Portsmouth, where Lucas runs a marijuana store. “I’m a 78 year [old] grandma who legalized pot and now has her own cannibis (sic) store,” she wrote on social media. “And I’m the last thing standing between The GOP and total control of Virginia.”. . . . Among the other Democrats who threaten to make a Democrat-controlled legislature in 2024 very different from the one in 2020 is one who worked to bring Satan into public schools, even after a Satanist killed seven people in his town, and says that Christians are illogical. He is endorsed by Lucas.Yet another candidate, Stella Pekarsky, appeared to use her current position as school board member to improperly retaliate against her Republican election opponent, who works for that system as a teacher.

What a debased and disgusting crew. I have no words.

Yet Democrats look like they may actually pull off some of the Virginia races. The Hill lists five districts to watch, and in a separate article note how Virginia Democrats are relying on fear-mongering and lies (the Hill didn’t use this language, of course) to win control of both state Houses.

Democrats in and out of the state have poured money into the off-year elections, focusing particularly on the issue of abortion access. Republicans, on the other hand, have zeroed in on crime and the economy as key issues. . . . . Democrats have made abortion access their top issue going into Tuesday’s election. In 2021, Democrats led by former Gov. Terry McAuliffe failed to sway a majority of voters on the issue. But two years later, Democrats point to the urgency surrounding the issue in a post-Roe v. Wade country. Youngkin, who has been a constant presence on the campaign trail, has voiced his support for a 15-week ban on most abortions with exceptions. Democrats, in turn, have tied down-ballot Republicans to the proposed restrictions. “Without a doubt, that is front and center,” said Susan Swecker, chairwoman of Virginia’s Democratic Party. “But I also know that Virginians don’t want to bring the MAGA chaos that we have seen in Congress and most recently with the election of the new Speaker of the House.” Several Virginia Democrats have taken to labeling their Republican opponents as “MAGA extremists,” pointing to issues such as abortion, education and gun control.

The ever-ridiculous David Hogg was apparently campaigning in Virginia for some gun-grabber or other.

The fabulous, gun-toting Winsome Sears has weighed in.

It looks like the Virginia GOP has learned to play by the new rules and are (wisely) pushing early voting.

All eyes on Virginia Tuesday! (And, of course, on gubernatorial races in Kentucky and Louisiana.)

Tags: elections, Glenn Youngkin, Virginia