Shifa Hospital “Civilian” Charade Over: Videos Show Hostages and Long Tunnel With Blast Door

Since 2014 it has been known that Hamas pretty much ran Shifa Hospital in Gaza city. We reported on it back in 2014, Hamas hides in, under and around Gaza’s main hospital, and the media covers it up (Video).

Israel has been claiming Shifa was a Hamas center since the October 7 massacre:

Yet when Israel finally took over the hospital, critics claimed Israel exaggerated, because initially all the IDF showed was personal weaponry stored in an unused MRI room (the MRI machine apparently has not worked for years) and other places in the hospital.

Yet Israel methodically was exploring a tunnel discovered, and gathering other evidence. The NY Times reported on November 18 what video of the inside of the tunnel showed, incuding a blast-proof door with a shooting hole (emphasis added).

The hospital has become a particular flashpoint. The military has yet to present public evidence of an extensive tunnel network and command center under Al-Shifa, and Israel is coming under growing international pressure to show that the hospital was a critical military objective.On Friday, Israeli military officials said the search of the hospital would take time because of the risk of encountering Hamas members and booby traps, and that they would have to use dogs and combat engineers. The Israeli forces are advancing slowly and currently control only part of the hospital site, according to three Israeli officers. They also have avoided entering a shaft that was discovered there.But the military claims it already has proof of at least part of an underground tunnel complex under the hospital. A video, which an Israeli official said was filmed by a camera that was lowered into the shaft by troops on Friday, and which was reviewed by The New York Times, indicates that it is a man-made tunnel, with at least one lane wide enough for the passage of people. The tunnel appears to be 50 feet or more in length, and at the end of it is a door that the official said is fortified to withstand explosives. The video shows that the door has a small porthole that, according to the Israeli official, allows one-way shooting from the other side of the door into the tunnel.

We now have a much better idea of the tunnel structure, as Israel has released some video showing exactly what the Times report said, a long tunnel (I’ve seen 50 meters, not feet, as the description) with a blast door at the end. The video apparently was obtained by cameras mounted on IDF dogs lowered into the tunnel.

There is no possible way there was a medical purpose to the tunnel – you have to climb down into it (or terrorist climb out of it), it’s narrow and very similar to dozens of other tunnels we’ve seen over the years.

[Gaza Tunnel 2013]

[Gaza Tunnel 2018]

And at the end is a blast door with a firing hole.

What is behind that blast door is something the IDF is working on – or may alreay have figured out but has not revealed. The one thing it can’t do is just send people into tunnels without the tunnels already having been explored for booby traps and Hamas terrorists.

The existence and nature of the tunnel puts the lie to all the claims that Shifa is purely civilian.

So does new video the IDF obtained from Shifa’s internal surveillance cameras, showing hostages being taken to Shifa on October 7. Some but not all are wounded.

There was no medical reason to take them to Shifa – there was a terrorist reason. There were numerous other hospitals along the path the hostages were taken. They were taken to Shifa because it was completely Hamas controlled and provided civilian shields.

Not all made it out. Including Noa Marciano.

Everything you’ve heard from all the usual international suspects was a lie.They all lied.

Be patient. More will come out.


Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, IDF