Senators Probe Fauci-Run Biolab in Montana Where Scientists Conducted Bat Research With Covid-Like Virus in 2018

The last time we checked in on former White House coronavirus “expert” Dr. Anthony Fauci, he was grousing that the public may not buy into future mask recommendations should there be a super-duper strain of COVID or another infectious respiratory virus.

The UK Daily Mail recently reported that US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak. The lab, with connections to Fauci, is located in Montana.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), under Dr Anthony Fauci’s leadership, infected 12 Egyptian fruit bats with a ‘SARS-like’ virus called WIV1 at a lab in Montana in 2018.The WIV1-coronavirus was shipped from the Wuhan lab the FBI believes caused the Covid pandemic and was tested on bats acquired from a ‘roadside’ Maryland zoo….The 2018 experiment was carried out at the NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, which was overseen by Fauci, the former director of National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.The research was a joint venture between the NIH’s Rocky Mountain Laboratories and Wuhan Institute of Virology collaborator Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina.

Republican Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Eric Schmitt (R-MO) recently sent a letter to the NIH demanding ‘to learn more about potentially risky research’ at the Montana facility.

Questions include: ‘Will the renovated RML conduct gain-of-function research or any other type of experimentation enhancing the pathogenicity of infectious agents or creating chimeric versions?”Should any biosafety incidents at RML occur, how will Congress and the public be notified?”Where are RML’s lab animals sourced from? Are bats or other animals being imported from foreign nations?’The senators’ letter highlighted the lab had previously reported a number of protocol breaches, including a mouse infected with an Ebola-like virus escaping its cage and roaming free for a day and unauthorized individuals, including a child, found wandering near the lab’s primate facility.The CDC was not alerted immediately about the breaches because, the letter states, lab officials ‘did not believe they needed to report the escaped rodent but later did when instructed to by CDC officials.’

Meanwhile, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is demanding to interview a key Fauci aide about the possible destruction of critical records related to COVID-19.

Johnson (R-Wis.) demanded the Department of Health and Human Services make Dr. David Morens, a former aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci, available for an interview with his staff, and urged the HHS watchdog to take the matter seriously….Underpinning Johnson’s concerns is a June 17, 2021, email sent by Morens, a 25-year National Institutes of Health veteran, to his colleagues about a request days earlier by Johnson for a tranche of documents about the NIH’s handling of the COVID-19 respiratory illness.“I have tried to make sure I have retained no documents that might lead other members of [American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene] to be approached for similar document production,” Morens wrote.“In other words, I don’t think there is anything to worry about because there is no ‘there’ there.”Morens also stressed his desire to receive correspondence on his private Gmail address. His email had the subject line, “CONFIDENTIAL WITHIN OUR SMALL GROUP, PLEASE.”Citing that email, Johnson concluded that “Morens may have intentionally deleted or destroyed records” and “directly obstructed my oversight efforts.”

Tags: Anthony Fauci, US Senate, Wuhan Coronavirus