Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin Challenges Teamster President to Fight
“You stand your butt up, big guy.”

Sen. Markwayne Mullin challenged Teamster President Sean O’Brien to a fight during a Senate hearing.
A fight came up because of an O’Brien tweet from June:
Greedy CEO who pretends like he’s self made. In reality, just a clown & fraud. Always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act in these senate hearings. You know where to find me. Anyplace, Anytime cowboy. #LittleManSyndrome
Greedy CEO who pretends like he’s self made. In reality, just a clown & fraud. Always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act in these senate hearings. You know where to find me. Anyplace, Anytime cowboy. #LittleManSyndrome pic.twitter.com/JNvT7IsA6m
— Sean M. O'Brien (@TeamsterSOB) June 21, 2023
I mean, if you can dish it, you can take it. I don’t know why anyone would challenge an MMA fighter.
Mullin was ready. O’Brien said he was as well, but who knows? Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had to step in to stop anything from happening:
MULLIN: “You know where to find me. Any place anytime, cowboy. Sir, this is a time this is a place. You want to run your mouth. We can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here.”
O’BRIEN: “OK, that’s fine. Perfect.”
MULLIN: “You want to do it now?”
O’BRIEN: “I’d love to do it right now.”
Then Mullin said, “You stand your butt up, big guy.”
The ladies behind Mullin had the best facial expressions LOL!
Oklahoma Sen. Markwayne Mullin @SenMullin just stood up and tried to fight labor leader Sean O'Brien @TeamsterSOB at a Senate Help Committee hearing after reading his tweet where O'Brien says he'd take him "any time, any place." pic.twitter.com/8oiPSNZJV8
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 14, 2023
The reactions are priceless.
I love it.
Let’s do it. Anyplace, anytime. @ComfortablySmug https://t.co/VIoQXJiEPh pic.twitter.com/oUuOxDTvxX
— Markwayne Mullin (@SenMullin) November 14, 2023
Dude's name is Markwayne.
You don't fuck with dudes who have two first names connected like that.
It's science. https://t.co/2gHhuJdrwO
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 14, 2023
Mullin “is a former undefeated Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter with a professional record of 5-0. He was inducted into the Oklahoma Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2016.” https://t.co/tHxk3R44Ld
— Olivia Beavers (@Olivia_Beavers) November 14, 2023
I do not support giving the FBI $300 million for a new headquarters, BUT I do support allowing Congress to use $300 million towards building a congressional thunderdome. https://t.co/NxZrfNqwh2
— Breanna Morello (@BreannaMorello) November 14, 2023
For the record, Taiwan's parliament has full-on brawls all the time and the country is a damn sight better run than Washington.
Maybe it's time.
https://t.co/Jl52AUqLqX pic.twitter.com/vxdqxiRwJp
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) November 14, 2023
How about @TeamsterSOB shows up for a charity MMA event…benefiting say the Red Cross…so @SenMullin continue his undefeated MMA streak in the ring?
Or is he Sean a coward who refused to put his money where his mouth is? https://t.co/lTVNHA0GzD pic.twitter.com/u6kz0uqpnX
— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) November 14, 2023

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Mix it up!
There are so many details to work out, starting with the guest list. And there’s the rules, the attending physician, choice of weapon. It goes on and on.
Rules there are no rules in a knife fight or political grudge match.
Bar knuckles in a cage.
Pay per view and donate the gate to charity. No holds barred!
“I do not support giving the FBI $300 million for a new headquarters, BUT I do support allowing Congress to use $300 million towards building a congressional thunderdome.”
I literally “laugh out loud” at anything only maybe three times a year.
This one closed out 2023 for me.
Shades of House candidate Neil Kumar (R-AR), who named Preston Brooks as the legislator he most admired. Brooks was the representative who caned and sent Senator Charles Sumner to the hospital for insulting his family honor.
having the blood bank on stand by …
next of kin notification forms filled out.
undertakers ready …. Lard butt might
just die b4 he gets in the ring
Taking away the threat of personal violence just lets weasels run rampant.
Yes, I believe this is a big reason why the education system is turning out so many idiots these days. Back when I went to school in the 80’s the freaks and idiots would get busted in the mouth a few times and learn to STFU. They soon became content living under their rock. Now we let them run around spouting their idiocy, grooming our kids and running important organizations. Perhaps it is time to start beating the fu*k out of them again, for the good of society.
True story from even earlier. When I was in junior high, on the way home from school, a fight broke out between two kids on the bus. The bus driver pulled over, opened the doors and told the two kids to “take it outside”.
They got off the bus, rolled around in the ditch flailing at each other for a couple of minutes, one of them finally got in a good punch and busted the other kid’s lip, the injured party promptly surrendered.
After it seemed to be over, driver opened the doors, said “You done? Back on the bus and don’t get any blood on my seats.” and we went on our merry way.
Granted, this was a rural community. The bus driver was a farmer who drove a bus in the winter to keep himself occupied and make a little extra cash; he was a no nonsense dude and if they’d have fired him over it, he wouldn’t have lost any sleep.
As it was, it was over and done with, any necessary lessons were learned and there was never any more trouble between the two combatants.
I personally was involved in more than one fist fight on school grounds. The teachers would always break them up at some point if it went on too long or looked like someone was going to really get hurt, but they never seemed to be in any big rush about it. Most of the time the fight would be over before they did anything.
Strangely, we never had any school shootings or even threats of them, even though probably 90% of the students had guns at home and in high school during hunting season, it was not at all uncommon to see rifles in window racks of half the pickups in the parking lot.
It is difficult when confronted by violent morons like Mullin. Normal, intelligent people think of consequences before acting. Idiots like Mullin have no impulse control. (Wonder if he’s on something?) Sooner or later, the moron will probably try to assault one of his constituents. Better he resign now. Although, given he’ll still be moron even after resignation, there’ll likely be stupid violence in his future anyway.
What would you know about ‘normal’ ‘intelligent’ people, being a moronic sewer dweller?
The teamster leech threatened Mullin, with his keyboard– as is the modus operandi of moronic sewer dwellers, enjoying being able to pretend to be a ‘worker’, and Mullins answered, in person and to his face.
And you, of course, side with your fellow.
Unions are leeches, modern day slavers –tearing their lavish lifestyles from people who actually work and produce goods and services while providing nothing but extortion and violence.
I don’t side with union sludge you fool. I’m against moronic clowns pretending to start a fight at a senate hearing like it’s a WWF show. I never paid attention to this buffoon senator before. Just spit-balling but I’m guessing he accomplishes nothing productive, unless he views embarrassing Oklahoma as productive.
Upon reconsideration, I can see that my response might have been misconstrued as support for union wretches. Poorly written on my part. Let me be clear that I dislike unions in general, in particular public sector unions, which I loathe.. I also dislike morons like Mulllin.
” I also dislike morons like Mulllin.”
You know nothing about Mullin according to what you’ve stated.
So how can you dislike him?
For standing up to an online ass who probably never thought he’d have to answer for his assholery?
Never having to face the consequences of their actions is what drives the left. They think they can attack with impunity and we will never do anything.
If Mullin had not said anything about the incident it is very likely that the toad would have crowed about Mullin’s cowardice after the hearing. About how he’d called Mullin out and how Mullin had just taken it, insinuating that he took it because it was true..
And he would have been right.
We’re past the time when ‘sometimes you gotta fight when you’re a man’. Way past. And still we sit here taking it.
They’re killing and mutilating our kids. They’re destroying our businesses. They’re ripping apart our country.
Mullin should have punched that old commie in the face, and leapt over the desk and beaten that fool bloody.
And then looked at both of them and said, this is the US Senate NOT a leftist playground..
Because, like it or not, THAT is where we are.
Yep match with proceeds going to charity.
Sean don’t make threats you can’t back up.
Maybe the union leader really is a tough guy but there is little doubt that the Senator can back up his talk.
Got to admire a guy who was a champion wrestler, undefeated MMA record, built a trucking business driving a truck with his wife running the office.
He sounds like the real deal. We need a bunch more like him in Congress.
Mullin owned a plumbing business. He took over when he was 20 after his dad got sick. He sold it in 2021 (before he became a senator). I don’t think he ran a trucking company.
Sorry just remembered a clip of his discussion about driving a truck
You admire this bozo? This kind of thing is bad enough when they play act it for some WWF show. In real life, not so funny.
There are an incredibly large amount of people who would benefit immensely from a thorough ass kicking. Properly applied an old fashioned ass kicking tends to remove whatever it is that produces the entitled, smug, condescending attitude in many folks today. I suspect the lack has led to the rise in general dumbass behavior.
Absolutely. He got called out by this union leader who continued to go after him on a number of accounts. He challenged him and mocked him. When he got called out he both doubled down and dodged the opportunity to back up his tough talk.
Accountability is a often a good thing and consequences for threats are as well.
Well I agree that dumbass is the proper descriptive here. For Mullin. Never saw him fight. I suspect he was as pathetic a fighter as he is a senator.
Hard to believe this moron even had the brains to plunge a toilet.
Hard to believe you have enough brains to use the internet.
why don’t you go tell him that …
I have never had any interest in this kind of stuff, for the first time I will make an exception.
I love the fact that O’Brien’s twitter handle is “TeamsterSOB”. Truth in advertising, there. Of course, “TeamsterSCUMBAG” would have been a little bit better … still, I won’t quibble. Although, he could change his name to “Scumbag” and then it all fits perfectly.
Jim Jordan was a two time ncaa wrestling champion at 134lb in 1985-86. at the university of wisconsin. Mullin did not wrestle at the ncaa level due to shoulder issues,however he has a unique skill set when he wrestled five mma matches. Either one of those guys could take O’Brien out quite quickly even at the current age. He also has a son on the Oklahoma St. wrestling team.
Jim Jordan was not just a two-time NCAA champ but he beat John Smith for one of those championships. John Smith went on to become the most decorated international wrestler in American history.
This moron should be ejected from the senate. Reflects badly on Congress and the MMA sport. Real professional fighters have some self-control. They really must have been having a bad year if this clown was undefeated. He seriously has no place in one of the highest elected offices in this country. What a disgrace.
Oh, stop. The Teamster chump was nothing but an internet troll and his target called him out. Let them fight!
This wasn’t the internet. It was a senate hearing. No need to actually address serious issues when we can have such fun watching these monkeys throw shit at each other.
I would worry a lot more about the “sheet,” lies and corruption that goes on behind the scenes.
Congress needs to throw fewer investigative committees and throw much, much more actual shit.
But the worst part about this buffoon Mullin’s tantrum is that it makes that communist fraud Bernie Sanders actually look good.
Sanders still looked like the idiot he is.
Mullin was fine. The SOB from the teamsters said that he wanted to fight him so Mullin just took him at his word.
For all my life I have never seen Sanders do or say anything that didn’t make him look like an idiot. Until today. Thanks to this idiot Mullin.
And so what? Despite a perfect record of buffoonery, Bernie still has enough voters to keep him in borscht, possibly even White House borscht. Everybody else wanted to see Union Clown go down. Bernie couldn’t afford for a union — any union — to look stupid: it would be bad for Teh Revolution.
Sanders is not a Communist fraud. He is a real Communist.
One can be both a fraud and a communist, without necessarily being a fraud AS a communist.
But yes, Bernie is also a fraud AS a communist.
The man got voted out of his commune for not pulling his own weight. His comrades were tired of picking up his work slack.
This is the cardinal sin of communism: the able-bodied sponging instead of producing.
So Bernie got into politics, where parasitism IS the job description.
He’s monstrously unsuited for anything else.
I’m well aware of Sanders and his wife’s history being born and raised in VT. I watched this worthless carpetbagger from NY come in, get elected Mayor of Burlington the Congress now Senate. Never did an honest days work in his life. I’ve talked to him on numerous occasions
Personally I like the Taiwan brawl scene. Might do our reps some good to go Neanderthal for a while. Let fresh oxygen reach some long neglected brain cells.
For one thing, it might finally clear our Congress of the iron grip of geriatrics.
I’m pretty sure Sen. Mullin would end Doughboy O’Brien with great expediency.
No taxpayer bailout for union thugz.
Why are half the cars in the UAW parking lot japanese brand? Why won’t UAW buy their own products?
Verily, US auto manufacturers are touchy about that, or at least they were. Back in the ’80s, when I was in mainframe sales, sales and support engineers to accounts like Ford and GM came under considerable social pressure from the customer if they showed up to service the site in a competitor’s vehicle.
The union goon is the problem with the internet. He is a troll and all brave when typing about people then challenges Markwayne in a place he knows there will never be a fight in. Just another crybully momma’s boy
When honor was the highest moral value, a gentleman would rather die in a duel defending his honor than allow the besmirchment of his reputation go unchallenged.
The problem is not Mullin.
The problem is a society with a morality code that no longer values honor. Tort law was supposed to be the “civilized” remedy to compensate someone for an unfair character assassination, but the Supreme Court has gutted defamation laws and made them toothless.
We need more real men like Mullin who are ready to defend their honor against scoundrels like O’Brien who face no real consequence for impugning Mullin’s honor.
If you want civil, honest and substantive public discourse, then there must be real consequences for those who fail to conduct themselves that way. If you know you may have to defend your words to the potential death via a duel, or get the sh!t beaten out of you in the Octagon, then you are on notice there could be very REAL consequences for your words. Public discourse would be more honest, more civil, and more substantive.
Mullin defended Capitol cop Mark Byrd, who shot Ashley Babbit.
No one should forget that this crybully tough guy troll runs the union that just put Yellow out of business. Slime union thug