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Nashville Democrat Fail: Known Violent Criminal ‘Accidentally’ Guns Down College Freshman

Nashville Democrat Fail: Known Violent Criminal ‘Accidentally’ Guns Down College Freshman

“Taylor’s background also includes charges for vehicle theft, robbery, handgun possession and multiple aggravated assault charges.”

Nashville DA Glenn Funk is a regressive Democrat ‘criminal justice reformist,’ and as such, the blood of Belmont University freshman, Jillian Ludwig, appears to be on Funk’s ‘decarceration’ hands. Funk is one of those ‘let’s let repeat criminals, including known killers and violent offenders, run free’ DAs we associate with Soros-approved “justice reform” threats to law and order, with threats to our society as a whole.

Case in point: Eighteen-year-old Ludwig was killed by a known criminal’s “stray bullet.”

What gun law would have stopped a known criminal (with gun charges, no less) from shooting this innocent young woman?

(Spoiler: zero gun laws stop criminals, who are so-named because they flout and break the law. We have laws against shooting people, against killing people. Oddly, criminals don’t think much of, much less abide by, such (or any) laws. They commit crimes. They are criminals. D’oh.)

The alleged shooter, Shaquille Taylor, has a criminal history dating back to 2010.

WSMV Nashville reports:

The man accused of shooting a Belmont student on a run is no stranger to law enforcement.

Shaquille Taylor, 29, is accused of shooting Jillian Ludwig, 18, in the head Tuesday afternoon.

It is the latest in a string of Taylor’s alleged crimes over the years. WMSV4 Investigates dug through his criminal background and found charges dating back to 2010.

In 2016, he was charged in connection to a home burglary. Ultimately, court records show he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, but the victim of that home burglary said she could not believe that he is now connected to this shooting case in 2023.

Taylor’s background also includes charges for vehicle theft, robbery, handgun possession and multiple aggravated assault charges. One affidavit WSMV4 Investigates obtained said he shoved a man to the ground on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge downtown back in 2015 before stealing money from him.

Taylor’s most recent aggravated assault charge was in May of this year, but the District Attorney’s Office did not prosecute. The DA’s Office told WSMV4 that he was found incompetent to stand trial.

Here’s the ‘official’ report of the ‘incident’ (i.e. a known violent criminal’s murder of an innocent college student) [archive link]:

The investigation shows that Taylor was standing on 13th Ct when he opened fire on a car traveling on 13th Ct toward Deford Bailey Avenue at 2:24 p.m. Tuesday. At that same time, Ludwig was walking in the park located on the opposite side of Deford Bailey Avenue. One of Taylor’s shots is alleged to have struck Ludwig in the head, causing her to immediately collapse. She was discovered on the ground at approximately 3:30 p.m. by a passerby who quickly notified police. Ludwig was transported to Vanderbilt University Medical Center where she is in extremely critical condition.

A review of surveillance camera footage and witness information led to the identification of Taylor as the suspected gunman. He admitted to firing shots during an interview with detectives at police headquarters. He claimed to have given the gun involved to another person.

Taylor had been last arrested on September 21 in a grocery store parking lot driving a Ford F-150 pickup truck that had been carjacked by two men wearing ski masks on September 16 on Whites Creek Pike near Dickerson Pike. Taylor did not admit to being involved in the carjacking. He was charged with felony auto theft and was subsequently released on a $20,000 bond. He failed to appear in court on that charge last Friday. A failure to appear warrant was issued by the court.

Democrats seem to want violent criminals and murderers running free. They refuse to enforce laws that could have prevented this tragedy; indeed, they enabled (and arguably colluded in) this crime by being soft on this known violent criminal who had previously been charged with gun crimes. They let him live and walk among us even as they knew the threat he posed. That threat was always very real and completely ignored, and the end result is this tragedy inflicted upon this innocent college freshman and her family.

This is a crime, and the suspect has been arrested for it, but the culpability runs right through these Soros-type ideologues who seem to want maximum violent gun crime . . . in order to target law-abiding gun owners rather than the actual violent criminals who should not be running free, much less armed and killing innocents.

Democrats are cynical and sick and evil. They aren’t remotely interested in keeping guns out of the hands of known criminals, but they are hell-bent on taking them from law-abiding citizens. What. The. Actual. Hell?


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 10, 2023 at 5:41 pm

The worst part is the fact that the guy was deemed incompetent to stand trial and then let back onto the street. If someone committed a violent crime and is “incompetent to stand trial” (LOL) then that person would, in a sane, competent society, be put into an institution until he is competent to stand trial. The idea that someone can be a criminal but incompetent to stand trial but not immediately put into an institution for criminals who are too stupid to be held accountable (which is an insane policy, to begin with, as criminal conviction is not a moral charge) is INSANE in the extreme.

Our society has devolved into one that is too incompetent, intellectually, to persist. It is very sad and very sick. There has not been another society in history that has set such a suicidal path for itself. This is unprecedented in the extreme and is one of the sickest events the Earth has ever seen.

    When the criminal is found incompetent but isn’t treated, then the criminal justice system has failed both the criminal and the victim.

    Or that’s the way it would be if anyone actually believed this guy was incompetent to stand trial. More likely, he just put one over on the idiot who examined him.

    It is impossible to overstate what a complete travesty of justice this case is.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to irv. | November 10, 2023 at 6:04 pm

      More likely, he just put one over on the idiot who examined him.

      More likely, the idiot who examined him just put one over on what’s left of civilized society.


    Let the insane run the streets armed and dangerous

    This is our America today…

    “If someone committed a violent crime and is “incompetent to stand trial” (LOL) then that person would, in a sane, competent society, be put into an institution until he is competent to stand trial.”

    I always thought that was how it worked and seem to remember a number of cases of violent criminals being found incompetent and held while they got treatment then were brought into court

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to diver64. | November 11, 2023 at 7:38 am

      >>I always thought that was how it worked and seem to remember a number of cases of violent criminals being found incompetent and held while they got treatment then were brought into court<<

      That's the way it's supposed to work but in reality once a defendant is declared “competent” unless the crime is heinous enough they are immediately released back into society to cause more trouble. Lather, rinse, repeat and you get situations like this.

        How would the same person be incompetent to stand trial and yet competent to go free? Given that he already had been convicted of violent crimes, the DA, judge, or both should pay millions in a civil suit – except they both enjoy unqualified immunity. So criminal law should step in – at least one of them should be tried as an accessory before the fact, or for manslaughter.

    The way the criminal system works today must be reformed.

    Habitual criminals generally commit increasingly sever crimes.

    How about a criminal scorecard, and when they hit a threshold, either lock them up for life, or end it.

    “incompetent to stand trial” (LOL) […] criminals who are too stupid to be held accountable (which is an insane policy, to begin with, as criminal conviction is not a moral charge)

    I think you are confusing “not guilty by reason of mental defect” with “incompetent to stand trial”. The latter is not a judgment of the person’s guilt or innocence. It says nothing about his state of mind at the time he is alleged to have committed the crime. It’s a judgment that right now he can’t be tried. I don’t understand how you can think that’s something to laugh at, or an “insane policy”. Nor do I understand what “a moral charge” has to do with it. If someone isn’t capable of standing trial, how can you try him anyway? It’s ridiculous. He would not be getting due process.

    However, as you say, if he’s incompetent to stand trial, and especially if he’s the functional equivalent of a 5-year-old, then how can they let him wander the streets on his own? We don’t let real 5-year-olds do that.

We need to stop giving less punishment for mental issues. I’m very close to believing we need to treat mental issues as an aggravating factor.

    A friend of mine likes to point out that the ancient Greeks considered mental illness an aggravating factor in a crime, rather than a mitigating factor. You see, to them, if you were insane it meant you had made the gods angry, which proved you were a bad person.

    But we’re all enlightened now and don’t judge people as bad, no matter what depraved crimes they commit.

    Milhouse in reply to Crawford. | November 12, 2023 at 11:49 pm

    You can’t try someone who is incapable of standing trial.

It’s not just the criminal let out on the streets Torrey on society that need to be punished. The DA’s need to be accountable but other than rarely let go none nothing happens to them.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Skip. | November 11, 2023 at 1:14 pm

    Let’s be honest.

    The DAs and AGs have to still produce some level of prosecutions. But they place heavy attention to white men, and ignore crimes committed by others.

    Otherwise they wouldn’t have jobs.

Another very important reminder that every local election is important and every election outcome has consequences. Off year spring municipal/county elections are a pain in the ass but if we don’t show up and help make the choice of who becomes DA, Sheriff, Mayor, County Commission or sits on the School Board ….then you have no legitimate complaints about the choice made in your absence or the whacko policies they implement. How many people knew who their County’s Public Heath Officer was or what the extent of their powers were pre Covid mania? Even the dog catcher election is important.

“If the only way we can criminalize gun ownership is putting known murderers back on the street then that’s what we’ll do.”

Kate Steinle was unavailable for comment.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to navyvet. | November 11, 2023 at 1:18 pm

    But her murderer is available and living the high life.

    Acquitted of murder, charged with a firearms violation, and walking the streets to this day.

    Must be nice to be an illegal alien, breaking the law at every step, including entering the country illegally, and then piping a cap in the head of a beautiful young woman.

    White guys, “throw the book at them.”

Being that he was found mentally incompetent in the previous case, unless he’s been treated they’ll probably have to free him again.
We are truly living a nightmare. Criminals are coddled and honest citizens are threatened with every type of idiotic gun control proposal.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to JimWoo. | November 11, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    I vote that vigilante justice be used. The days of coddling mental defects who are prone to assault and murder can be handled by the average citizen.

We live under a social contract. Part of that contract says that it’s an either/or. You are either sane enough to stand trial or you aren’t and require institutionalization.

If you claim that you aren’t sane enough to be held responsible for your actions then you are opting for the necessity for you to be institutionalized for your own safety and that of society.

This agenda-driven liberal judge is an excellent example of why judicial immunity needs to be reviewed. Her ridiculous order clearly enabled the murder of the young woman.

I got a kick out of the clown running ATF saying his dream is to have AR-15s taken out of society or something like that. He ignores the fact that police ignore warning signs of a nut going homicidal in nearly all mass murder cases. The latest guy in Maine. The kid in Broward County. Highland Park IL too all had exhibited warning signs and were ignored. Yet ATF works to disarm law abiding citizens.

    alaskabob in reply to JimWoo. | November 10, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    All he is doing is decreasing the need for ATF… ban guns, ban alcohol (part of international push) and tobacco. Then the agency can focus on being the Bureau of Accuracy, Fact, and Truth as part of the Ministry of Justice.

Nashville is in a woke contest with San Francisco. The white freshman was part of the oppressor class. It’s called social justice.

“He had a brain infection and behaves like kindergartner.”

He gets busted for auto theft. They allowed him out on bail. Because he’s retarded in the head.

He fails to appear and a few days later he accidentally murders an 18 year old girl. Because he’s retarded in the head.

And since he’s retarded in the head he may go free again, because the people in charge of public safety are retarded in the head.

I’m really shocked we’re not seeing large amounts of vigilante action, yet. What would you do if this scumbag murdered your beautiful daughter? What does the proggie bureaucrat who let him out deserve? What about the fu*king morons who keep voting these proggies into office? At what point does this go hot?

    henrybowman in reply to Paul. | November 10, 2023 at 8:52 pm

    You’re asking ME? I’m the only guy I know that watched “Falling Down” and rooted FOR the character played by Michael Douglas.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Paul. | November 11, 2023 at 1:23 pm

    The last time I posted about handling something like that myself, and having an iron clad alibi, my post was deleted.

    Vigilante Justice is not authorized or condoned.

“He admitted to firing shots during an interview with detectives at police headquarters.”

Wow. He fired shots during a police interview? And at the police HQ, no less. That’s pretty bold.

The picture says it all.

I’d shoot the DA now. He deserves it. That’s real American justice, the old fashioned way. We need lots more old fashioned justice.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 11, 2023 at 7:04 am

They let this thug back out on the streets without a problem to continue his violent and murderous ways but there are still people being held in federal prison without charges, without legal representation, still without having a trail date set from the alleged January 6th “insurrection”. All in violation of their Constitutional rights. Just how disgusting is that.

Get out of jail free card for blacks ??

BLM is smiling.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to smooth. | November 11, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    And our retarded Vice pResident helped BLM increase donations for the Black Lives Murderer Membership.

Give him the needle…today.

He was declared incompetent to stand trial but was released? Society has more rules than a prison has yet some moron of a judge decides that a person who is incompetent should be released back into society. I think punishment for judges that do this should be treated as accessories to the crime their released criminals commit. It would be the fastest cleanup in the history of the judicial system!

My best lady friend works in our state hospital in the unit that gets guys ready for trial appearances

Mostly filled with the ones who just snapped and killed family and the sort

They keep them highly medicated and are pretty docile. Occasionally one will pull it out and wave their weenie at her, then they get “the chair” where they’re strapped and set in the hallway

Besides that, they usually behave themselves and do as they’re told

    murkyv in reply to murkyv. | November 11, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    Always 2-3 big burly guys on hand to take care of any misbehaving

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to murkyv. | November 11, 2023 at 1:29 pm

    The only operative word in your statement is “medicated.”

    Either to make them docile or to euthanize them. Either one is good for me. But I am quite interested in the concept of post birth abortion on demand.

    Maybe Ohio can lead the way.

    After all, aren’t vicious dogs put down every day?

It’s all news worthy because the weapon was a gun.

But what will really kill you in these leftist hell holes is the death by second chances of these drugged out zombies (or just criminals) behind the wheel of the car.

Most of those don’t make the cut because it looks like just another wreck, but they are getting so deadly, rampant and egregious that they are starting to finally get attention.

Traffic fatalities in Wa are up by like 1000% . These are all the same criminals who are running the organized crime rings, retail theft and open air drug dealing. Wa will not put them and jail and if by chance they end up in jail, they let them go with a kiss and promise to “get better” and they are out committing same crimes an hour later.

They always end up behind the wheel and are literally guided missiles traveling down the road.

What. The. Actual. Hell?

The proper way to think of this is the Democrats want a deniable army of brownshirts, and are happy to use criminals of politically preferred pigmentation for this purpose. Leftist parties in Europe have done this for decades, and it’s amazing how investigations into attacks on their political opposition don’t seem to get anywhere.

“Democrats seem to want violent criminals and murderers running free.”

“They aren’t remotely interested in keeping guns out of the hands of known criminals, but they are hell-bent on taking them from law-abiding citizens. What. The. Actual. Hell?”

The two are related. They want criminals on the street causing mayhem and destruction because that engenders fear. A fearful populace is easier to control. Control is their drug and they will do anything to attain and maintain it.

They don’t see the rampant criminals as a problem because, although they are difficult to control, they are a tiny minority of the population. They’re willing to let them run free in order to obtain the primary objective: control over the huge majority of the populace who simply want to be able to feel less fearful and more secure.

If enough mayhem and fear is created, the populace will eagerly give up control over their lives to big government for a little taste of that elusive security.

The problem they have is that many Americans, instead of succumbing to the fear, are simply preparing themselves to defend against the mayhem by arming themselves.

That won’t do at all…so they pursue laws and policies that would make it difficult (ideally impossible) for the law abiding to defend themselves. Can’t have them exercising power over themselves, they have to be coerced into giving that power to their government overlords.

Looking at the situation in that light, it becomes perfectly clear why the statists pursue the policies that they do.