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Latest Hamas Propaganda Video Shows Captors Telling Yarden Bibas His Family is Dead

Latest Hamas Propaganda Video Shows Captors Telling Yarden Bibas His Family is Dead

Psychological warfare.

Psychological warfare.

Hamas claimed the other day that the terrorists handed Shiri Bibas, 32, Ariel, 4, and Kfir, 10, to another terrorist group.

Then Hamas announced the three are dead.

No one has been able to confirm either claim.

The latest video shows the terrorists telling Yarden Bibas, the husband and father, that his family is dead.

Yarden weeps at the news. I’m not going to post the video:

Bibas goes on to blame the death of his wife and children on Israel, pleading with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to allow their bodies to be returned to Israel.

Hamas claimed in a statement released with the video that it had offered to release the bodies of Shiri and her children to the IDF, but that the Israeli military allegedly refused.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari refuted the claims and reiterated that Hamas’ testimony regarding the fate of the Bibas family has not been verified.


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Dear God……

What animals. They are so proud of their depravity. And Palestinians and their supporters cheer them on. Even the formerly respected Susan Sarandon and her ilk. Past disgusting. There is no place for these peope or their actions in a civilized world.

Savages are gonna savage. It’s simply in their nature. You can no more reach a peaceful accord with Gazan than you could a rabid jackal.

“Bibas goes on to blame the death of his wife and children on Israel, pleading with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to allow their bodies to be returned to Israel.”

This is how Israel LOSES the war. It’s not Hamas to blame but Israel! His grief is misplaced in a time of war. It isn’t new…. remember that the Israelites. wanted to return to Egypt after being freed by G-d…. tired of manna and wanted the food back in Egypt? War and suffering have been visited upon him and thousands more…not by Israel. Does he want future families to grieve also from letting Hamas survive?

Hamas is now, in the middle of a ceasefire, simply poking Israel with a terrorist stick, hoping to cause Israel to act irrationally and give Hamas even more propaganda to exploit.

Don’t do it, Israel. Be cold, calculating and slaughter every single one of these things that are a lower “life” form than scum. Remember: cold, calculating. If it were me, I would also have a thin smile on my face as I sent this vermin to their “virgins”.

not just Hamas, but the animals who are supporting/directing them; Hamas/the Gazans are but one head of the hydra.

propaganda is supposed to make your side look good, these evil people don’t even know that

I am seeing more and more stories of Blinkin and Democrats fucking Israel over by threatening to release funding to Iran if they destroy Hamas.

The latest is particularly galling given Blinkins threats about their, Israels, credit not extending to destroying Hamas completely.

These stories may be lies BUUUUUT, and here is the kicker, its actually not a stretch to believe the stories are true given Democrats hatred of Jews and Israel.

Lucifer Morningstar | December 1, 2023 at 6:41 am

And tell me again why there needs to be a cease fire (which Hamas violated within 15 minutes of its first impostion) and why Israel doesn’t simply eliminate Hamas, its terrorist allies, and all the so-called “civilians” that glorify in this savage, barbaric, inhuman, behavior. Enough is enough.

The Left insists on evil having a right to counter good. How dare anyone make a judgement call.