Jewish Students at MIT Allegedly Physically Blocked From Entering Buildings by Anti-Israel Protesters

If this story is accurate, it is time for law enforcement to intervene. MIT obviously can’t handle the problem on their own.

The New York Post reports:

Jewish students at MIT blocked from attending classes by ‘hostile’ anti-Israel protestersJewish students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say they were prevented from attending classes by a “blockade” of hostile anti-Israel students — and fear the school is “not safe for Jews.”An open letter penned by the MIT Israel Alliance alleges that Jewish and Israeli students were “physically” obstructed from classrooms by a “hostile” pro-Palestinian group called the Coalition Against Apartheid (CAA).“This is after students from the CAA harassed MIT staff members in their offices for being Jewish and interrupted classes in the past few weeks,” the letter read.“Many Jewish students fear leaving their dorm rooms and have stated that they feel MIT is not safe for Jews,” the letter continues.“This message is compounded by the public and private warnings of Hillel [the school’s graduate Jewish community] and many faculty that Jewish students should not enter MIT’s main lobby today.”Four hours after the CAA protest began, the administration told students to leave the lobby and threatened them with suspension — but only the Jewish students who were there to counterprotest left, according to the group.“Indeed, the CAA proceeded to invite more students and non-MIT protestors to join them in calling for a violent uprising (“Intifada”) and justifying the terror attacks of Hamas on Israeli civilians,” the alliance said.An hour later, all students received an emergency notification telling them to avoid the area, “officially recognizing the danger present to students as a result of this violent protest.”

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Israel, Massachusetts