Israel’s Response To October 7 Massacre Triggers Virulent Antisemitic Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Europe

Israel’s counter-terrorism operation in Gaza triggered angry pro-Hamas demonstrations in London, Berlin, Brussels and other European cities. Tens and thousands of largely immigrant Muslims turned out for anti-Israel rallies, marked with violent clashes and antisemitic incidents.

Islamist and pro-jihad demonstrators are joined by useful idiots from the European Left, who see terror-supporting Palestinians as allies in their struggle for Utopian Socialism.

These ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies are accompanied with antisemitic attacks on Europe’s tiny and dwindling Jewish population “The public prosecutor’s office is investigating the attempted arson attack on a Jewish community in Berlin,” German state TV ARD reported recently. “Since Hamas’ attack on Israel, more than 200 antisemitic cases have been registered in Germany.”

In London, hundreds and thousands of pro-Hamas marchers on Saturday were confronted by English nationalists, who wanted to prevent them from desecrating British monuments and war memorials as their anti-Israel rally coincided with Armistice Day, marking the end of the WWI.

The UK media and politicians condemned ‘far-right’ demonstrators for guarding national symbols. “Far-right protesters repeatedly tried to ambush pro-Palestinian supporters on a huge march across central London,” The Times of London reported Saturday.

The mainstream media blamed the ‘far-right’ for disrupting the pro-Hamas demonstration. “More than 300,000 people gathered in London for a pro-Palestinian march as police arrested dozens of mainly far-right counter-protesters seeking to disrupt what had turned into a hot political issue,” the Bloomberg reported.

Ahead of Saturday’s pro-Hamas march, the London police apparently remove the Union Jacks from national war memorial. The Daily Mail (UK) reported November 5:

The Metropolitan Police vowed to use ‘all its powers’ to prevent disruption on the day of reflection and were seen out in force this weekend guarding the Cenotaph, which has been stripped of its British flags and surrounded by metal barriers.Scotland Yard said the Union Jacks had been removed as part of a routine clean ahead of the memorial weekend adding that they would be returned soon after anger and confusion erupted on social media at the sight of the bare monument.

Uncontrolled mass-migration from the Middle East and Muslim-majority North Africa, has converted major European cities into strongholds for Islamic radicalism. Israel’s anti-terror offensive in Gaza gave many jihad-supporters an opportunity to come out in full force.

“Several thousand people took part in a demonstration in Dublin city centre in support of Palestine today,” Irish state broadcaster RTÉ reported. “Around 1,500 people attended the march in Cork city in support of Palestine.”

Similar “peaceful” pro-Hamas demonstration took place in the Belgian capital of Brussels. The France24 TV channel reported:

Many of the protesters yelled “free Palestine” and “stop the genocide” as they participated in the peaceful demonstration that took place on Armistice Day, a public holiday in Belgium and other countries to mark the signing of the armistice that ended World War I.Some also cried out “EU, shame on you” for perceived bias towards Israel at the expense of Palestinian lives and rights.Brussels police, which put the turnout at 21,000, watched over the march and closed traffic on several roads as it wended through the city for two hours.

Berlin: Pro-Hamas mob angered by Israel flag; Berlin state bans antisemitic “From the River to the Sea” slogan

In Berlin, a mob of Hamas supporters got enraged when a resident waved an Israeli flag from his apartment. A video clip showed demonstrators kicking the person’s door and shouting threats at him.

“Residents waved an Israeli flag,” German weekly Der Fokus reported Saturday. “This angered the Demonstrators, who booed and screamed.” According to the magazine, “one of the Israel-haters reportedly broke into the house. Another video shows an unknown person kicking the residential apartment’s front door.”

But there is still some silver lining despite this dark pro-jihad cloud over Germany. Berlin reportedly became the first German state to ban the antisemitic “From the River to the Sea” slogan. “Berlin appears to be the only one of the 16 German federal states to outlaw the chant ”From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free,” which has often been heard at mass rallies in the capital city. The criminal penalty for incitement to hate can be a prison term or a fine,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Friday.

Pro-Israel demonstrations are a rare thing in German cities nowadays. Every pro-Israel gathering is met with a much larger pro-Hamas mob.

Here is a video I myself took on October 19 in the Germany city of Bonn, showing a few dozen of us (pro-Israel demonstrators) surrounded by 600 Hamas supporters screaming Allahu Akbar and trying to shout us down. Only a strong police presence prevented them from getting into a hitting-distance from us.

Tags: Antisemitism, Europe, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel