Harvard Divinity Student Evicted From Housing After Being Identified in Anti-Israel Mob on Campus
“evicted from his housing and relieved of proctor duties after he was identified as one of the key individuals”

It has been horrifying to watch what is happening on the campuses of some of our most prestigious institutions following the Hamas attacks on Israel.
At Harvard, there was one such incident which involved a student from the Divinity School. See below:
Harvard – another student has been identified participating in the antisemitic mob caught harassing a Jewish pupil in this now viral clip.
Meet Harvard Divinity School student Elom Tettey-Tamaklo. Tettey-Tamaklo graduated from Haverford College with a concentration in political… pic.twitter.com/wNOQ0phRFr
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 10, 2023
The student has been identified and there were consequences.
UPDATE: Elom Tettey-Tamaklo has been evicted from his housing and relieved of proctor duties after he was identified as one of the key individuals participating in an antisemitic mob on campus.
Tettey-Tamaklo is a second year Harvard Divinity student on a Haverford scholarship.… https://t.co/JwVTFDh7AW
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 11, 2023
The Harvard Crimson reports:
Harvard Proctor Indefinitely Relieved of Duties Following Confrontation at Pro-Palestine Protest
A Harvard College proctor has been indefinitely relieved of his duties following his involvement in a confrontation at a pro-Palestine protest, according to a petition that began circulating Friday evening and a student with direct knowledge of the situation.
According to the petition, the First Year Experience Office — which oversees freshmen residential life — notified Elom Tettey-Tamaklo on Wednesday that he would be relieved of his proctor position “for an indeterminate amount of time.”
Tettey-Tamaklo, who is a second-year student at Harvard Divinity School and a proctor for Thayer Hall, declined to comment.
Proctors are Harvard graduate students, instructors, or staff who oversee a group of freshmen. They are unpaid and receive compensation in the form of meal swipes and housing in a freshman dorm. According to the petition, Tettey-Tamaklo was asked to vacate Thayer on Friday.
“Elom’s treatment by the Residential Life administration seems to be in direct conflict with Harvard’s supposed ‘vital commitment to free expression,’” the petition states. “Expressing and organizing around our beliefs should not place us in jeopardy of housing or vocational insecurity.”
The Washington Free Beacon has more:
Elom Tettey-Tamaklo was “indefinitely relieved of his duties following his involvement” in the protest, according to the Harvard Crimson, which cited a “petition that began circulating Friday evening and a student with direct knowledge of the situation.” That petition, according to the campus paper, said the university asked Tettey-Tamaklo to leave his campus dorm over “student discomfort.”
The move comes three weeks after the Washington Free Beacon first reported footage from an Oct. 18 “die-in” protest, during which Tettey-Tamaklo and other protesters pushed, shoved, and surrounded a first-year Israeli student at Harvard Business School. The protesters used keffiyehs to block their own faces and the Jewish student’s view while shouting, “SHAME!”
Of course, there is another side to this story, we are being told.
BREAKING: Harvard is evicting a Black @hgsuuaw student from campus housing today for serving as a student safety marshal during a recent campus protest organized by @HarvardPSC
— Harvard Grad Students Union-UAW Local 5118 (@hgsuuaw) November 10, 2023
People pushed back on this theory.
Somehow, the Harvard PSC believes that stepping over people lying on the ground, and videotaping people in public, both of which are perfectly legally (and the latter constitutionally protected) activities, gave them the right to harass and physically bully said individual. https://t.co/2TywOLlBgD
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) November 7, 2023
Reminder, there is video of the event, and there is no evidence whatsoever at the student stepped on anyone’s head, intentionally or otherwise.
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) November 11, 2023
Harvard students who harassed and assaulted a Jewish student maneuvering around a "die-in" to get to his destination think it's a valid defense to say "we asked him to exit" and "we tried to get him to stop taking videos," neither of which he had any obligation to comply with,… pic.twitter.com/wg5pU8dc24
— David Bernstein (@ProfDBernstein) November 7, 2023
Hey geniuses, when you hold a public protest people are allowed to film it. Nobody has to obey your pathetic little edicts about where they are free to go and what they are free to film. The fact that any of you go to Harvard is terrifying. https://t.co/Tp3F3W2vl5
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) November 7, 2023
You are doing a protest in a public space. He is well within his rights to walk among you and film peacefully, which is what he’s pictured doing until y’all got physical WITH HIM. https://t.co/zP9M4T2WBg
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) November 7, 2023
It’s stunning that a Harvard Divinity School student would be involved in any of this. Harvard has a problem, and it has done serious damage to their image in recent weeks.
Featured image via Twitter video.

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Cue the race card response.
Harvard. A HOTBED of hate and destruction. An Anti-Semitic hatred ripe with abuse and support of murder.
No one can white wash the Jewish hate from Harvard going back nearly 100 years.
They need to lose their non-profit status. Tax their endowments, and stop all federal dollars for research.
Do not allow Federal student loans or loan guarantees to Harvard and other schools which allow this type of activity, refuse first amendment rights to Conservatives, Jews or other non favored students, professors and speakers.
Great idea. An even better idea… eliminate the DOEd and get the federal government 100% out of education. Full stop.
Excellent idea. I would vote for the candidate who promises to eliminate the Department of Education.
The sense of entitlement among the woke weirdos is dialed up to eleventy. ‘Hey man, you gotta respect our die in protest where we lay down in public attempting to block public access, no fair walking through and filming’.
I wonder what they are teaching in the Divinity School?
If they are taking their clue from the current Pope the Social Justice, climate change and grievance studies
Why not just hold pictures of butchered Israeli children, women and men up to their faces. Then film them closing their eyes to the savagery of the very people they’re advocating for. FJB
A transfer from Haverford College? Haverford is a traditional Society of Friends—Quaker– affiliated school. Quakers are traditionally tolerant, to a fault and non violent. Curious.
I went to a Quaker college and graduated as a Vietnam veteran. I can confirm that at least in that era, people tolerated diverse opinions, and protests were in the form of silent vigils.
You got it. I can only think of two such schools, the other being in North Carolina..
He has to be an Affirmative Action admit to meet the goals of the Federally imposed admissions mandates.
Pixelating the face of a Nazi hater. Why are people retweeting that image. Take a minute and screenshot the video freeze frame.
We’re still playing by their rules. Pathetic.
It’s quite possible that the person requested that and the original image source granted that request.
The black and white Palestinian shawl is a swastika stand-in. Everyone wearing that shawl is literally a Waffen SS volunteer.
From this day forward I will call out, in person, anyone wearing that hateful rag. Doing so isn’t something that fits my true persona, but do it I will.
And remember: “SA” stands for “safety marshal.”
“Elom Tettey-Tamaklo on Wednesday that he would be relieved of his proctor position “for an indeterminate amount of time.”
He won’t suffer any real consequences, soon as this dies down he’s back on top
This is great; name and shame these fools.
I notice how many of these idiots wear rags on their heads or mask up like the fascist “antifa” pussies. Undoubtedly they do this to avoid repercussions from their tyrannical cosplay.
There is an area of study in artificial intelligence that is focused on using video of a person’s “gait” as a biometric marker for identification, and apparently it is just as accurate as a fingerprint or iris scan (nearly 100% accurate).
So, I wonder if anyone is applying this type of technology to name and shame all the rag heads and antifa pussies in these fascist crowds?
Relieved of proctor duties? Wow. They’re really cracking down. I suspect this “eviction” is BS also.
I’m wondering where the assault and battery charges are…
He should be expelled, from all colleges for at least a year.
Hardly “divine” behavior. Another “Ibram X” fraud in training.
First Leninist Church of Woke, Maoist Synode. Liberation theology with a touch of the (false) Pope’s catechism.
I think the divinity school’s name betokens the teachings of the cross dressing porn actor, Devine, rather than those of the biblical Lord.
At least arrest him and give him a night in a jail cell with Bubba, a resdident proctor-ologist.
Elom Tettey-Tamaklo is a documented racist who blames all his problems in life on white people.
Woke trash.
“It’s stunning that a Harvard Divinity School student would be involved in any of this. “……
Actually at this point it’s anything other than stunning. Harvard has basically become a daycare center for spoiled dull-witted entitled brats….anyone who thinks grabbing a Harvard grad for their business is as stupid as the typical Harvard student … students who demand and get A’s for zero work and the MAJORITY who were accepted due to identity policies and nothing whatsoever to do with intelligence or ability.
A much different place than what it was intended to be in 1816:
Call them what they are, marxist progressive indoctrination centers.
“It’s stunning that a Harvard Divinity School student would be involved in any of this.”
These are the words of someone who knows nothing about Harvard Divinity School.