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FBI Seized NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Cellphones, iPads as Part of Campaign Investigation

FBI Seized NYC Mayor Eric Adams’ Cellphones, iPads as Part of Campaign Investigation

The investigation is centered around allegations the “campaign colluded with the Turkish government and others to direct money into his mayoral effort.”

The FBI seized New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ cellphones and iPads concerning a corruption investigation into his 2021 campaign.

The investigation is centered around allegations the “campaign colluded with the Turkish government and others to direct money into his mayoral effort.”

From the New York Post:

Adams campaign attorney Boyd Johnson said a review discovered that “an individual had recently acted improperly” and it was immediately reported to the FBI, which triggered the seizure.

“After learning of the federal investigation, it was discovered that an individual had recently acted improperly. In the spirit of transparency and cooperation, this behavior was immediately and proactively reported to investigators,” Johnson said in a statement obtained by The Post.

“On Monday night, the FBI approached the mayor after an event. The Mayor immediately complied with the FBI’s request and provided them with electronic devices. The mayor has not been accused of any wrongdoing and continues to cooperate with the investigation.”

The seizure happened Monday after Adams attended an event at New York University. The agents served Adams with a warrant, entered an SUV with him, and took his devices.

The FBI returned the devices this week.

The investigation began last week when the FBI raided the home of Brianna Suggs, his lead fundraiser:

It came a week after Adams had to abruptly and dramatically bail on a slate of White House immigration meetings to fly back to the Big Apple when FBI agents raided the home of his lead fundraiser Brianna Suggs — almost as soon as he had landed in Washington DC.

In the raid, agents seized two laptops, three cell phones and a folder labeled “Eric Adams.”

The surprise door-bashing prompted Adams to scuttle plans to meet with the White House and other leaders in Washington, D.C. in favor of returning to the Big Apple.

He later said the quick change of plans was out of a desire to support his team, including Suggs – a 25-year-old former intern the mayor lamented had gone through a “traumatic experience,” according to the New York Times.


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Given the FBI’s track record in investigating political corruption, I have to wonder what threat Adams poses to Biden Inc.

    Frank G in reply to irv. | November 10, 2023 at 7:47 pm

    As Tom M below states: He has been squeaking about the dual-impacts of Sanctuary City Virtue Signaling actually getting the D*ldo of Consequences

    henrybowman in reply to irv. | November 10, 2023 at 8:47 pm

    I think Biden don’ be payin’ for your share of the sanctuary seekers, Ricky.

Looks like his complaining about the Federal immigration policies has consequences.

    caseoftheblues in reply to Tom M. | November 11, 2023 at 7:00 am

    Tom… that is exactly what is going on. The FBI doesn’t give a damn about foreign nations controlling our politicians…. They know exactly how deep Biden is in with Ukraine and China and even Hamas with certain others. The mayor has gone off the plantation… and that’s not allowed.

FBI will sit on anything harmful. Adams is being shown who the boss is.

It appears Adams done pissed off the swamp.

That article is weird and purposefully confusing.

But have them right back, within 48 hours

I didn’t know Adams was a Republican.

Oh, the schadenfreude. This makes me kinda like Adams a little. Don’t get me wrong. He’s a piece of shit like most on the left. Anyway, get fucked, FBI.

Well, Adams is a real turkey.

Hmm, Adams has been screeching about the illegal aliens they stupidly invited by making their city a so-called sanctuary, and in the process had been trying to extort more aid money out of the feds.

Given the Eff Bee Eye track record these last 10 years, I would be favorable to Adam’s.
The Administration/ Deep State is out to get him for personal reasons not for any criminal activity. That they could care less about.

Ninth Dimension | November 11, 2023 at 6:11 am

That sounds a lot like when Matt Taibbi had an unexpected “home visit” by the IRS at the exact moment he was testifying before Congress about the Twitter files. A few too many coincidences.

So now, when a person becomes an irritant to the regime, they should expect a police investigation. But we’re not a banana republic, no! We’re a Democratic Banana Republic.

Bucky Barkingham | November 11, 2023 at 7:10 am

Black man wandering too far from the Biden Plantation on open borders. Gotta discipline that uppity Negro.

I wonder what verbal gymnastics Adams was going to use to complain about a Biden appointee flooding his city with undocumented immigrants and endorse Biden for reelection? And is there any chance he’ll change his mind about that?

Leftists have been turning on their own ever since the Reign of Terror.

campaign colluded with the Turkish government and others to direct money into his mayoral effort

Kind of like how Obama colluded with illegal middle eastern donors by turning off credit card verification for small donations?