Derek Chauvin Stabbed In Federal Prison
“The attack happened at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages.”

Derek Chauvin is serving 20 years in federal prison for the death of George Floyd. He is in federal prison because he pleaded guilty to federal civil rights charges after he already was convicted in state court. Pleading to the federal charges allowed him to serve his time in the presumbably better and safer federal system, since he surely would be a target of other inmates given the profile of the case.
As we have articulated and documented many times, Chauvin did not receive a fair trial:
Derek Chauvin did not get a fair trial for the killing of George Floyd. As the liberals like to say, “period, full stop.”
We have covered this many times based on what actually happened in the trial, as opposed to the media coverage which was mostly dishonest. Much like the Michael Brown “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative was false, so too was the narrative that Chauvin kept his knee on George Floyd’s neck “for 9 minutes.” The video doesn’t show that, and that wasn’t even the prosecution theory of guilt – Chauvin did have his knee on Floyd’s neck for a time, but mostly on the upper back and shoulder. The prosecution medical evidence of death was positional asphyxia, that the pressure on Floyd’s back while face down in the prone position made it impossible for Floyd to inhale, leading to death.
I wrote near the end of the trial that there was evidence that Chauvin kept the pressure on Floyd too long, even after he was subdued, handcuffed, and unconscious, and that could provide a basis for conviction. It is possible that someone was guilty of a crime, but also did not receive a constitutionally required fair trial. This is such a case.
[Note: There has been some media buzz lately about supposedly new medical examiner evidence. It is not new, it was known, it was argued as part of the case.]
His appeals have been fruitless, with the Minnesota Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court refusing to hear the case.
The problems with the trial, which I watched live and Andrew Branca live-blogged, were enormous, starting with the open threat of violence and rioting if Chauvin was found not guilty. The trial took place in a fortress in Minneapolis with protesters all around, a mob scene which all but guaranteed a conviction no matter what. The trial judge refused to change venue.
According to numerous reports, Chauvin was stabbed and seriously injured:
Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was stabbed by another inmate and seriously injured Friday at a federal prison in Arizona, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.
The attack happened at the Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, a medium-security prison that has been plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages. The person was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the attack and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity.
The Bureau of Prisons confirmed that an incarcerated person was assaulted at FCI Tucson at around 12:30 p.m. local time Friday. In a statement, the agency said responding employees contained the incident and performed “life-saving measures” before the inmate, who it did not name, was taken to a hospital for further treatment and evaluation.
Derek Chauvin should never have been in prison in the first place.
He was a jerk, he was a lot of things, but he didn't murder George Floyd.
— Laurie (@laurieinri) November 25, 2023
MORE TO FOLLOW as more information becomes available.
Here are some of our prior posts demonstrating numerous problems with the Chauvin trial:
- Derek Chauvin Files Motion for New Trial and To “Impeach the Verdict” Due To Jury Misconduct
- Chauvin Juror Admits Participating In Pre-Trial Protest, Photographed In “Knee Off Our Necks” T-Shirt
- Alternate Juror in Derek Chauvin Trial: “I did not want to go through rioting and destruction again”
- Derek Chauvin Trial Tainted By Threats Of Violence Calling Into Question Whether Any Minneapolis Jury Could Be Impartial
- Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal
- Chauvin Trial Verdict Prediction (of Sorts): On legal merits alone, not guilty — but political dynamics drive injustice
- Maxine Waters: Protesters Need to “Get More Confrontational” If No “Murder” Conviction Of Derek Chauvin
- Chauvin Trial: Jury has “a basis” to “find reasonable doubt here, but it’s not what I’m expecting”
- Derek Chauvin Did Not Receive A Fair Trial, But Minnesota Supreme Court Will Not Hear His Appeal
- SCOTUS Refused to Consider Derek Chauvin’s Appeal for New Trial in George Floyd Death

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Does anyone believe Keith Ellerson gives a damn about this incident? Or will lose sleep over it? The Marxists are happy
Does anyone believe that Chauvin’s 20 years prison sentence in a federal prison “plagued by security lapses and staffing shortages” isn’t really meant to be a death sentence?
Chauvin survived this time. But he’s still got a whole lot of years to get through before being released. He’d better start watching his back as this won’t be the last incident of violence against him. Guaranteed.
In answer to your first question:putting him in gen-pop is the death sentence. I’m surprised it took this long.
I also suspect the perp’s canteen fund has had some sudden, high-dollar deposits.
They want him dead so they can forget him. With him alive he will keep being remembered and the injustice of his trial and imprisonment will keep coming up.
This guy can’t get an appeal taken, either.
Profiles in courage. Nothing more despicable than a cowardly judge donning black robes and lecturing us on the noble non-political judiciary. You probably can’t tell, because I hide it so well but I really dislike Roberts.
I wonder if the socialist lawyers’ collectives are threatening to cancel any lawyer that takes up his case, like they did for Trump.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the guards arranged this event.
“I wrote near the end of the trial that there was evidence that Chauvin kept the pressure on Floyd too long, even after he was subdued, handcuffed, and unconscious, and that could provide a basis for conviction. It is possible that someone was guilty of a crime, but also did not receive a constitutionally required fair trial. This is such a case.”
Calling BS on this statement!
Absolutely ridiculous
Clearly Professor you’ve never been in a situation with a drugged out perp
You have no idea what they are capable of
I have
Floyd ingested enough drugs to kill a horse, suscide by stupidity, evolution in action.
Doesn’t matter. I’ve dealt with perps that should have been dead with what they ingested only to see them possessed by some chemical demon with the strength of 20, causing great harm to others
Back in the 80’s I saw a guy on PCP take down 6 police officers, he put several of them in the hospital with permanent injuries. It took 9 cops to get him in a strait jacket. He was not what I would call a big guy.
I always have doubts about anyone’s claims about having LEO experience when they use the word “perp”. That’s a TV term I’ve never heard a real officer use.
As someone who’s been an officer for 20 years I’ve known since the beginning of my career you’re responsible for the safety of the person you’re arresting. Regardless of if he was previously violent when the interaction (which Floyd was not) you can’t continue to keep someone in a position that places them in danger of dying if they are no longer resisting.
He wasn’t the in danger in The position he was in, nor by the knee on his upper back
It was the drugs that killed him and the late arriving EMS, which should have arrived 15 minutes earlier, don’t know the delay, don’t know if they could have saved him
Perp is used ALL the time..
Upper back” no, it was the neck watch:
No, it was his shoulder. Pressure on the neck would make it impossible to breathe, also making it impossible to say “I can’t breathe.” Which Floyd was saying even before he was put on the ground after violently resisting.
Sorry professor but neck compression is not airway compression. Anatomy 101.
You can breathe fine with one open nostril. Even partially closed… Side compression of the neck on its own would have to narrow the airway more than that. That would be a crushing force on Floyd and Chauvin isn’t that big. What killed Floyd was himself… Drugs and health condition that the police had no way of knowing.
And the coroner wrote exactly that… until he was told by his superiors that this analysis was not politically acceptable.
The professor was writing what the law is not how much force a reasonable person may feel justified in using.
An innocent man, railroaded by America-hating leftist officials who are looking to feed the mob, denied all of his Constitutional rights over and over again, locked away by miserable criminals who deserve prison, themselves, for lifetimes. Finally, denied any sort of justified relief by the SCOTUS and now put out to be murdered in prison, by the criminals running the prisons colluding with the lowlifes serving real prison sentences.
This is a story straight out of the USSR.
Concerning his supreme court appeal, the best way to not have your appeal heard is if it is moot. If he will spend 20 years in federal prison whatever the supreme court verdict there is no reason to hear the case. I thought his appeals possibility ended the day he plead guilty in federal court because it made the murder conviction a moot point.
Where were his cop brothers when this happened? They should have raised millions across precincts all over the country to mount a world class defense. They should have walked off the job throughout the nation in protest. I don’t think in narrative modes. Cops are careerist, crooked cowards, but they are not marauding race killers. This man was totally innocent, and I wish everyone involved in his persecution to rot in hell for all eternity.
He did nothing but perform what he was trained to do. He was sacrificed to the woke, antifa, blm and white people afraid of being called racist or in the professor’s case wanting to come across as reasonable. His fellow officers have left him for dead. RiP
Anyone who expects any principled collective action out of cops hasn’t been paying attention for the past 50+ years. It simply doesn’t happen. They’ll do it for a “job action,” but never for any other reason.
USA has become unworthy of police protection. Vigilante Justice may be needed to take over since the corrupt New World Order legal system is on the side of evil and anti-Western forces.
Poor guy. Railroaded by The System and stabbed. Prayers for him.
I think it is worse.. he was a part of the system that ultimately railroaded him.. He was part of it, and he believed in it.
Lets pray for Chauvin, the January 6 people, and all the other political prisoners in the USA.
Shame on our country!
Derek is a political prisoner, suspected this would happen.
It is possible, of course, but this is not such a case. Not in any way, shape, or form.
The only thing Chauvin is guilty of is following police procedures as he was taught and acting too professionally towards Boy George, who was the very definition of “a menace to society”.
Far too much deference is given to the lies of obviously drugged out perps and criminals who have been caught red-handed. It is a mockery, frankly. Boy George should have had his ankles cuffed, thrown in the back of the police SUV and carted off to the nearest jail. Sadly, the Minneapolis officials would have just let him walk the next day, so that he could get high as a kite on a neo-speedball of fentanyl and meth and get behind the wheel of his car, again.
TY… Scotus denial, Chauvin stabbed.. brings back the entire dumpster fire.. It has been very interesting to look, through the magic of X advanced search to see what people have been saying all along, re George. Eye opening. It has been surprising how many people I respect were on the brutal murder, or awful murder bandwagon. I am in the overdose group. All along.
Not possible, he had his knee on his neck
Trial judge, jury, district attorney, “celebrity” invitee medical examiner “expert” witnesses, mayor, attorney general, governor, and up to the Supreme Court of the United States, ambulance chasing reporters (remember them?) and MSM employer, ‘citizens’ of Minneapolis, and now, again, our penal system – this “trial” and its aftermath will ultimately go down in history to be recorded as a mile marker in the decline and fall of the criminal legal system in the United States.
It and its aftermath will become and be known as the travesty it continues to be. It fully exposes the consequences of racists and racism, religious zealotry, bigots, haughty “professionals,” blind ideologues, a corrupt media, and raging “citizen” mobs have on the country to this day. Collectively, they are disgraceful.
Andrew Branca’s clear-eyed, informed analysis of the events and trial are something that was missing and escaped everyone, everyone, involved in the event, shamefully so. And once again, Professor Jacobson’s willingness to openly support coverage – as it unfolded rather than in hindsight – regardless of outcome, are stellar examples of “journalism” as it should be done.
I hope the justices are feeling some guilt today.
Rest assured, they’re not …
That poor man. I cannot imagine how hopeless and despondent he is. Nothing about his trial was fair. It’s all so shameful.
The ripple effects of the trial continue. The man followed the training of the dept. The incident involved a habitual offender with a heart condition(s) who was high as kite, refused to follow commands. The only question is did he maintain the restraint on Floyd too long which caused his death. IMO there’s no clear evidence that shows this to be true. In addition it is beyond clear that the jury was influenced by the daily demonstrations and attempts to intimidate and the prior riots following Floyd’s death. No reasonable person can make a contrary argument about the jury remaining unbiased they were not b/c they simply couldn’t be under the conditions and circumstances, they are only human.
His knee was on the upper back, NOT the neck
Try reading my post again and point out where I made such a claim. You won’t find it.
Maybe she’s thinking of her own post above?
I wouldn’t have been able to endure indefinite solitary confinement while awaiting appeals results either. However Chauvin did make a plea deal that made his murder conviction effectively a moot point making the likeliness his appeals got heard close to zero and that was Chauvin’s call.
Solitary confinement is Hell. Hell on Earth for potentially years worth of appeals, and further hell with a side of hell while awaiting the decision.
Almost every appeal in this country fails, and making your appeals moot makes failure to even be heard significantly more likely.
This isn’t to say prison should be some kind of hotel, but I think anyone could conceded the prospect of solitary confinement….I would pick being stabbed and risk never recovering/dying instead please.
Solitary could also be requested by a felon, Chauvin himself was more willing to take risk of being stabbed than living in Hell.
There are ways we treat prisoners that needs serious reform, and this case is touching on those.
IMO we should have three levels of prison.
1. Max -solitary cell. No interaction with anyone but the guard.
2. Medium – two prisoners in a cell. No other interaction outside staff and guards.
3. Minimum – two prisoners to a cell but with exposure to other prisoners in common areas.
All prisoners must 100% submit to the rules and routine of the prison or they get moved up a step. Injure another prisoner and go to super max for the remainder of the original sentence plus the time for the new crime.. Injure staff or a guard and get the death penalty. No leniency. Individual prisoners can ‘rehabilitate’ themselves or not. The purpose of prison is to remove criminals from the community and punish them first and foremost. They can have access to books and magazines and even the folks in super max should get 60 minutes a day in an isolated, outdoor enclosure so long as they behave.
And pleading guilty to federal offenses to avoid being in solitary for years is by far the most likely reason the Supreme Court of the United States and Minnesota refused to hear Chauvin’s appeal. If he is guilty of other things he will be spending a longer sentence in prison for than what his murder conviction mandated…….you could see why the supreme court would throw the appeal away.
I do not think this is a unique case either. I think solitary is something to review. and if it’s application as policy for death penalty cases is not abolished that will mean the end of the death penalty because a lot of people who can support it in principle like me do not like or think life of solitary confinement once you are given the death penalty is justifiable as justice or keeping order.
That’s fine and even justified in an academic, theoretical sense. In the real world though not so much. Unless you are willing to put your principles into practice by choosing to become a prison guard and subject yourself to the dangers your policy preferences will create.
That’s the distinction between lofty ideals and their real world application. Many people want things to be one way but are unwilling to get involved personally to accomplish that.
I believe we don’t apply the death penalty to enough crimes nor use nearly enough. All 1st degree murder, violent rape, violent elder abuse, and molestation of children should carry the death penalty. Streamline the process. Post conviction the convict gets one automatic appeal to raise any issues from the trial CT. Create an intermediate appeals CT whose only function is death penalty review. The convict can appeal that decision to the normal CT of appeal which fast track the hearing. Bottom line is it shouldn’t take more than 3 years from conviction to execution.
Taking the situation Mr. Chavin is in now, some questions —
— was he in a segregated setting or was he in ‘general population’? If the latter, did no-one at the prison, from warden to guards, understand the danger an ex-cop faces when in general population?
— if he was in segregation, how was it that he was stabbed?
— of course the cons can obtain and make weapons. Happens daily at every single prison in the country. What was the weapon used to stab Mr. Chavin, and how was it made or obtained?
— who was the con(s) that stabbed him? What gang affiliation?
— did the attacker(s) and the gang have orders from the outside? Did they have orders from the prison authorities?
Now that Mr. Chavin has been shanked (which everyone knew would happen at some point), what security measures will be undertaken to protect him in the future?
” If the latter, did no-one at the prison, from warden to guards, understand the danger an ex-cop faces when in general population?”
They have their orders.
“who was the con(s) that stabbed him? What gang affiliation?”
Just tell me his race. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.
Is the picture at the top of this article Derek Chauvin or his attacker? If it’s Chauvin, he’s lost a lot of hair and turned from mostly dark to mostly gray in just two years. If it’s the attacker, he’s paler than I expected for someone who allegedly infiltrated a Mexican organized crime ring for the FBI.
I watched the documentary, “The Fall of Minneapolis” on Rumble last week. I fully expected when I clicked on it I I’d watch 5 minutes, lose interest, then click on to something else.
Instead, it had my full attention all the way to the end. Professional production value. Almost no superfluous information. Extremely well done. Highly recommended,
(Especially if, like me, you got sick of how the media was “reporting” it at the time and tuned out much of the noise.)
All four convictions were unjust. The men were railroaded to appease a mob due mostly to a failure in leadership at all levels: mayor, governor, and police commissioner. Full stop.
Reminiscent of Salem in 1692.
There are no legislative solutions to moral problems. Not even SCOTUS wants to dirty its hands with this case. They would rather watch him die in prison.
Maybe the 75.8% needs to start rioting and destroying things now…….. It seems that is all people listen to….
Counterproductive. They’d have to destroy their own stuff, since the 24% doesn’t actually own or make much of anything durable.
There’s two similar trials (lynchings) in motion in Wa for police doing their job.
Other states— bus ALL your criminals to Wa please… those voters deserve everything they get.
Consequences, the stabbing was probably the consequence of “The Fall of Minneapolis” getting the information out to the public. And the consequence of the stabbing, more crime. What cop, seeing this information, will not pull back even further. And human nature as it is, if you decrease the consequences of an action you increase the probability the action reoccurs
I read elsewhere that this attack occurred shortly after Derek Chauvin made some sort of statement. I haven’t seen this confirmed, anywhere.