Update re Video

We always strive to be accurate. We posted a tweet with embedded video from someone who in the past has been reliable, which purported to reflect an incident that has been alleged by Israeli first responders, of a pregnant Israeli woman with her stomach cut open and her baby killed.

The video in the tweet we posted purported to show that incident, using a video posted by Hamas on its Telegram channel. Since Hamas attackers wore Go Pro cameras it would not be surprising to see video.

We took this post down when when the accuracy of the video was called into question, to look into it.

The person has now posted the following:

It appears, until further evidence comes forward, that the video was real, but not from Israel.

In light of that, we have removed the content from this post, as well as the comments which were responding to something that may not have been accurate.

The other posts regarding Hamas’ brutality remain.

Tags: Gaza, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel, Palestinian Terror