UNLV Law School Apologizes for Using Word ‘Picnic’ Due to Diversity and Inclusion Concerns
“historical and offensive connotations”

Who knew that the word ‘picnic’ was offensive?
The College Fix reports:
UNLV law school apologizes for using word ‘picnic,’ changes it to ‘Lunch by the Lake’
A scheduled “picnic” sponsored by the University of Nevada Las Vegas law school’s Environmental Law Society has been renamed “Lunch by the Lake” due to “diversity and inclusion” concerns.
According to a memo obtained by Libs of TikTok, the law group informed members that the word “picnic” has “historical and offensive connotations,” and apologized for “any harm or discomfort” caused by its use.
The group’s view mirrors that of the University of Michigan’s IT department from several years ago: “Picnic” was included in a “Words Matter Task Force’s” list of offensive words and phrases along with “brown bag,” “blacklist” and “long time, no see” among others.
At the time, Reuters did a fact check on the alleged offensiveness of “picnic”; its verdict: It “does not originate from racist lynchings” but instead comes from the 300-plus-year-old French word “pique-nique,” meaning a potluck-like social gathering.
The UNLV event memo even uses “potluck” (pictured).
Still, Reuters claimed 19th and 20th-century lynchings of black Americans “often occurred in gatherings that could be referred to as picnics.” But a PolitiFact article noted the term historians actually use is “spectacle lynchings” — where people “took photographs and looked for souvenirs.”
Ferris State University’s David Pilgrim, curator of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, said “it’s possible someone used the word ‘picnic’ to refer to lynchings, but ‘what we know for a fact is that’s not where the word ‘picnic’ came from.’”

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The “Niggardly Crew” doesn’t care about actual etymology. They simply want something imaginary but bruising, to beat you over the head with. And when you cave, like the idiots at UNLV Law School, they win again.
But in the end, people like you and me win. You know who gets to have picnics? Teddy bears. There’s even a song about it, one we can sing to our kids, one that will never be cancelled.
Unicorns never get to have any ◼️ing picnics. Sucks to be them.
Are there any adults at UNLV Law School?
The revised name, ‘Lunch by the Lake’, uses the term “lunch”. This word will obviously cause great harm and discomfort among all the snowflakes, who can barely read and like to infer racism into everything. They will read “lunch” as “lynch,” and will wet their pants and write whining letters to the administration after having a good cry.
All I can say is, sorting out this pile of misinformation is no picnic.
These people are, of course, nuts.