U.N. Human Rights Council Held Moment of Silence for Lives Lost in ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory and Elsewhere’
UN Secretary General: “I am deeply distressed by today’s announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, nothing allowed in – no electricity, food, or fuel.”

The United Nations is trash. The United Nations is anti-Israel.
At least the obsolete organization doesn’t hide the truth.
The Human Rights Council held a moment of silence for those who lost their loves “in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere.”
On Monday afternoon, the @UN Human Rights Council observed a moment of silence for the loss of innocent lives in the occupied Palestinian territory and elsewhere.#HRC54 pic.twitter.com/9cgQDoQAyF
— United Nations Human Rights Council | 📍 #HRC54 (@UN_HRC) October 9, 2023
It gets better.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is distressed by the news that Israel plans on a ground invasion into Israel:
I am deeply distressed by today’s announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, nothing allowed in – no electricity, food, or fuel.
The humanitarian situation in Gaza was extremely dire before these hostilities; now it will only deteriorate exponentially.
Medical equipment, food, fuel and other humanitarian supplies are desperately needed, along with access for humanitarian personnel.
Relief and entry of essential supplies into Gaza must be facilitated – and the UN will continue efforts to provide aid to respond to these needs.
I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip.
Guterras also lectured Israel because of course:
I am deeply alarmed by reports of over 500 Palestinians — including women and children — killed in Gaza and over 3,000 injured.
Unfortunately, these numbers are rising by the minute as Israeli operations continue.
While I recognize Israel’s legitimate security concerns, I also remind Israel that military operations must be conducted in strict accordance with international humanitarian law.
Civilians must be respected and protected at all times.
Civilian infrastructure must never be a target.
We already have reports of Israeli missiles striking health facilities inside Gaza as well as multi-storied residential towers and a mosque.
The anti-Israel sentiment is loud within the UN. No one is showing solidarity with Israel? No one is calling out those people? Man, Nikki Haley would have caused a scene if she was still the US Ambassador to the UN.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was ‘deeply distressed’ by an announcement that Israel will initiate a complete siege of the Gaza Strip, following an attack by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas over the weekend https://t.co/bmgD2zHi9K pic.twitter.com/6jP1jKlGdZ
— Reuters (@Reuters) October 9, 2023
"Nothing can justify these acts of terror and the killing, maiming and abduction of civilians."
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, delivers a statement on the Israel-Hamas war.
— Mike Walker (@New_Narrative) October 9, 2023

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Sad to say, this is nothing new under the Sun. The feckless, indefensible and morally bankrupt dhimmitude of the perennially Israel-vilifying U.N. rears its ugly head, for the gazillionth time.
This scum, Guterres, is “deeply distressed” by Israeli Jews availing themselves of common-sense tactics in a war that was started in the most barbaric way imaginable, by goose-stepping, sadistic Muslim terrorist thugs doing their best imitation of German National Socialists from World War II.
Guterres should send his blame missive to Hamas’s leadership, where it properly belongs.
Leftists are such vile people. Any time you think they can’t go any lower, they manage to prove you wrong.
I’m pretty sure the U.N. Human Rights Council is launching a preemptive strike on itself to thwart all impending ridicule by The Babylon Bee.
In all seriousness, Israel should launch a Commando raid on the UNHRC, and slaughter them.
That might be a good start for getting rid of the UN. Toss them out of America and stop funding their lunacy.
If you eliminate the UN diplomats, what will all the high end hookers do for work?
Guterres: [M]ilitary operations must be conducted in strict accordance with international humanitarian law. Civilians must be respected and protected at all times. Civilian infrastructure must never be a target.
To paraphrase ADL CEO Greenblatt: Who’s writing the U.N.’s reports? Hamas?
Just who does he think the Hamas invaders have been kidnapping, raping, and killing for the past three days?
We’ve known for a long time that the U.N. “Human Rights Council” is a joke, but even so, I don’t think we’ve seen the full punch line yet.
Just more evidence that it is time for the US to stop giving money to the Useless UN and to issue an eviction notice delivered by a combined force of Heavily Armed Rangers and Marines.
“Leave the building now take nothing with you, everything on the premises is now US property, including all papers, safes, computers, cell phones, and contents. Please empty your pockets and proceed to the front exit in an orderly fashion.”
UN facilities should be repurposed for prosecution of crooked traitors and actual domestic subversives and terrorists. It could also be used to expel illegals.
“The U.N. Building. What a joke! They turned it into low rent housing. It’s a dump.” – “Harry Canyon”, Heavy Metal
WION News out of India is trying to present Paliscum as unjustly being attacked. The only thing of merit are their videos of them receiving small doses of what they have coming.
Strange that an Indian media outlet would air this, given how many Muslim terrorist attacks India has had to deal with.
The UN is simply proof the best intentions and things can be easily derailed by abusers.
It was built on the ashes of the Holocaust, a moment of good, but then human nature reappeared, and it became obsolete. Such a treaty could never happen again, without a catastrophic catalyst.
And when the good is gone, no matter what they tell you, it’s not coming back before much pain and suffering.
The lesson of the UN.
On the contrary, it was conceived and born in sin; an arrangement that by design included the USSR, a regime every bit as evil as the Third Reich, as an equal partner in the bright new future it would build. It was impossible for the fruits of such a treaty to be other than they were.
Amen. Our first “progressive” globalist president, Woodrow Wilson, helped found the League of Nations, which (properly) failed. Our second, Franklin D. Roosevelt, revived this bad idea as the United Nations.
Perhaps it would be a good idea not to provoke your much bigger, far more able neighbors with a series of provocations including attacking civilians. The idiots running Hamas chose this path, set it in motion and now it mist play out to the end. Sucks to be them b/c Israel now gets to take the actions it feels are necessary and proper and UN doesn’t get a seat at the table.
Being weak shouldn’t be a shield. Weak people picking fights with strong people get what they deserve.
Yet another reminder that the U.S. should be out of the UN.