Trump Georgia Case: Sidney Powell Takes Plea Deal, Must Testify Against Codefendants
Six years probation, $6,000 fine, and $2,700 restitution.

Former President Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell, pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case in Fulton County.
Sidney Powell is sentenced to 6 years probation, $6000 fine, $2700 restitution, an apology letter, she must testify against the codefendants, and have no media contact concerning facts and circumstances of this case.
— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) October 19, 2023
Fulton County prosecutors are recommending a sentence of six years probation. Powell will also be required to testify at future trials and write an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia.
As part of her guilty plea, Powell is admitting her role in the January 2021 breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia. With the help of local GOP officials, a group of Trump supporters accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump.
Fulton County prosecutors drop all 7 felony charges against Sidney Powell – in exchange for a misdemeanor plea.
They overcharged and they knew it.
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) October 19, 2023

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Last I had heard, Sidney Powell was seeking some document that showed that she had no involvement with the Georgia case.
How does that square with a guilty plea ?
You can find the pretrial hearings either live streamed ( if you catch them ) or post livestream. My feeling is that the prosecution is playhing fast and loose with discovery. The judge basically says “don’t do that” when the defense protests but then doesn’t take action. The defense argues that they want responses to requests in writing, but the judge does not hold their feet to the fire.
I guess she feels it is easier to take the peal deal then go through the process and finally get vindicated.
Unfortunately, even for a high-priced lawyer, our legal system makes guilty pleas (even if not actually guilty) the path of least pain.
Is there any way of knowing why Gabriel Malor has blocked me from viewing his posts?
I think he’s a guy who posts on Ace of Spades. I don’t really know anything about him but it does bother me when I’m blocked for no apparent reason.
It’s happened when I invited it but I didn’t get sideways with this Malor fella.
Do her probation terms permit her to release the kraken?
I believe the Kraken is in Chuck Norris’s aquarium which is why I knew she was full of it when she said it.
She will lie to
Save her butt
Don’t know if I would have the constitutional fortitude, but I would hope so.
Lying will get her slapped with a perjury charge. I think she wants to continue to practice law.
On her practicing law, that ship has sailed.
IDK, it is a misdemeanor so maybe not although that silly $10,000 plea left her some change
That’s not how that works.
Not true. I double checked and she was sanctioned not disbarred.
not lying to suit Fani won’t
Not when she’s lying to aid the swamp.
Not if she is lying in support of the Biden Regime.
If she testifies as they wish, she will be lying.
Not if the lie hurts Big Don. Those lies are never prosecuted by Dems.
I am so disappointed in her. I based 90% of my opinion of the election based on her credibility.
Why would you do that?
You shouldn’t have read my top level response. I almost overreacted too. She bit deep.
Gub’mint: hacks into election systems to rig elections, obfuscate evidence of such criminal activity, and will face zero criminal consequences.
Krakenites: hacks into election systems for evidence of criminal activity by government to rig elections, and will face criminal consequences.
Clear as muddy two-tiered justice system.
But she didn’t hack, she was allowed in
This is one woman who way overreacted.
There is plenty of evidence that the election was not on the up and up.
Massive drop box deliveries., poor handwriting verification, shutting down the counting then an hour later only Democratic counters restarting etc.
Instead she bought into this weird conspiracy involving Venezuela, as if Venezuela would really want to see “Uncle Joe elected”.
I really don’t know what is going on with her., but I am certain that Cheseburo is happy not to be tried with her.
I always assumed that they were led to the nonsense stuff as a way of pacifying them.
Venezuela is sending half their population across our southern border so not so fast, hotrod.
There were a whole lot of problems with the election, substantiated problems. Those voter machines may or may not have been one of them
Exactly. The system has scabbed over the wound to prevent examination of the damage underneath.
Now we’re simply not going to learn about the mechanics of the voting machine election manipulation whether it exists or not.
Can someone explain to me (pretend I’m a four year-old) as to how an election can be interfered with after voting took place?
if Democrat speak, that means that the cheating was interfered with
The system is designed in such a way as to assume honesty will prevail. There are no safeguards against rigging. The timing is too short go really go thru courts, the courts don’t want to deal with it for a multitude of reasons, other politicians are afraid that their elections (with or without their knowledge) were rigged and they will lose their positions, the system doesn’t want to believe the elections can be rigged or the facade of the Potemkin governments just might be revealed. Leaving us with anarchy.
Yep. Very nicely said. We currently have a presumption that a vote is valid. IMO, the presumption should be the opposite. Each voter, their ballot and their voter registration should be scrutinized for 100% compliance before their ballot is accepted much less counted.
Elections should be considered guilty until proven innocent.
That’s when people start looking for fraud and the crooks are afraid they’ll be exposed.
The electronic records can be changed. I don’t trust a device that gets programmed.
The bad guys sure seem to be piliing on the wins today.
Joey will step on all that tonight
all window dressing
she retires with her cash, no jail time
so basically walks
and what was she gonna do, lie on the witness stand against other people ??
Given that the Jan. 6th defendants were asked to lie about Trump, safe to assume the same will happen here.
What cash did she get from whom?
was she formally “Trump’s lawyer” or just someone near the campaign ?
can’t find where she was actually retained by Trump or his campaign
She was a free agent but she had credibility with Rudy and the top level legal group.
I don’t think she was ever retained.
She seemed to self invite her services but it never went anywhere.
the Never Trumpers at Hot Air are just going nuts over this
like it’s the end for Trump
Karen Townsend is always off the rails about Trump
a true nut job
well, it looks like she was on the team but she was fired soon after the election for making wild claims
This is like when police waived in protestors in the capitol building on Jan 6. Then they get charged with trespassing for taking selfies that put them in the location.
With the left its the process that matters not the outcome.
I like Sidney,, and this is disappointing to me.. but I am hoping, down the road there will be some kind of explanation, one that I can understand.
I don’t believe for a minute she would commit crimes, nor would she conspire to overthrow an election. The last requirement, about testifying truthfully is absurd.. There is no other kind of testimony, not with an ethical lawyer. Yup, I still believe she is ethical. Absolutely.
now she can release her lawyers and walk free as a bird after looking at 7 felonies
this is as good a deal as the prosecution could get
But,…..there is evidence that the government knowing presented false evidence to the grand jury that indicated her.
So? Where do you think you are living… in the USA? Silly rabbit… Marxism rules the USSA.
This is not the USSA, it’s the American Socialist Superstate.
Anatomy of the Deep State section on this page will tell you why Sidney has to pay.
I assume it’s to avoid bankruptcy from legal fees.
If she testifies not to what she agreed to say but to what is true, will it void the plea deal?
Neither she nor he co-defendants violated any law so what will he testimony be about?
All those felonies and just s misdemeanor plea and probation? Sounds like a vast overcharge to me.
What, exactly, is she going to testify to? That she was Trump’s legal advisor, gave him crappy advice and he believed it? Not much crime there.
I think that with the ridiculous felony charges all pleaed to one misdemeanor we see the lawfare that is being waged.
Per John Hinderaker (HindRocket) at, Powell plead out to the only criminal charge in the indictment, that of illegally accessing a voting machine in Coffee county GA (with the objective of proving voter fraud). It’s also the only count where Donald Trump is NOT a codefendant.