Terrorist Captive: Admits Hamas “cut off their heads” after killing Israelis, and “raping and whoring” of children

Slowly — too slowly — more evidence is coming out about the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas and other Gazans who crossed the border during the attack on Israel.

Some of that evidence is from eyewitnesses, photos, and videos. There also are videos being released of interrogations of Hamas terrorists captured by Israel — all of whom appear well-fed and in good health — admitting to the crimes.

We previously posted one such video, of a terrorist admitting the goal was mass rape, even of babies: Hamas Goal In Capturing Jewish Women, Children, and Babies Was To “Dirty Them, To Rape Them”, Admits Terrorist:

Now another video has been released of a terrorist admitting not only to rape and murder, but beheading.

According to Religion, all of which happened is forbidden.

What is forbidden?

The kidnapping, the raping, the whoring of children….

He also admitted to beheading:

“Old men, men, and women, and babies, little ones, young women, teenage girls” … “they killed them, they cut off their heads, placed them on the ground”

(I have started downloading many videos and images to our own server, since Twitter, YouTube, among others, are removing videos and evidence documenting these crimes. You can view this one here)

Tags: Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, islamic jihad, Israel, Palestinian Terror