SF Police Powerless as Homeless Convicted Pedophile Camps Across From K-8 School With ‘Free Drugs’ Signs

Homelessness, crime, and open-air drug use have all become major problems in some Democrat-run cities in California including San Francisco, so much so that in one recent story that has been called the “most San Francisco story ever,” we learned that a homeless convicted pedophile has been allowed to camp for two years across from a Catholic K-8 grade school.

To make matters worse, the man, 46-year-old Adam Moore, recently began displaying two signs in front of his encampment, one of which reads “Free fentanyl 4 new users.” The other one reads “Meth for stolen items!”

The San Francisco Standard was the first SF-based news outlet to report the story:

Joseph Adam Moore, 46, is camped opposite the Stella Maris Academy K-8 Catholic school on Geary Boulevard at Ninth Avenue. Convictions in Santa Cruz in the mid-’90s that are listed on the state’s registry of sex offenders say he was found guilty of forcible unlawful sex in 1997 and committed lewd acts with a child under 14 in 1996.[…]A Santa Cruz Sentinel article from 1997 reports Moore was convicted of molesting a 12-year-old girl in Santa Clara County before being released from custody and then having sex with a 15-year-old in Santa Cruz behind a set of bathrooms on Seabright Beach.Moore’s most recent arrest on May 11 also accused him of committing a felony while on bail; The Standard was unable to obtain court records revealing what the felony was or what happened with the case.

“Yeah, this is actually happening,” Moore told the news outlet when they questioned him on if he really was selling drugs from his encampment right across from the Stella Maris Academy Catholic school.  An Archdiocese of San Francisco spokesman informed the Standard “that police had come to the location multiple times” prior to the posting of the drug signs.

ABC 7 Bay Area reporter Dan Noyes was so shocked by the report that he visited Moore himself to see what was going on, and saw that authorities were offering him a place to stay but that he declined:

Moore told Noyes that he himself didn’t actually do drugs, but that he typically trades off or sells the drugs to other people in exchange for supplies he said he needed:

Moore: “So they bring me trash that they’ve scavenged, things that they think are valuable, or they give me some of the drugs that they have, which I don’t do.”

Noyes: “You’re exposing grade school kids to this? This is not right. You know that?”

Moore: “No, no, it’s shallow.”

Noyes: “I mean, the kids, the kids come out of the school and they see this.”

Moore: “Yeah, I only live by two rules: be kind to others and make it look easy for children.”

Noyes also reported that Richmond District police had previously tried to arrest Moore in a “sting” but that they couldn’t because they didn’t find any drugs on him during the “undercover” operation. Further, according to SFPD Captain Chris Canning, Moore–who per the ABC 7 story “does not have to follow the rule to stay 2,000 feet away from any school” because he’s not considered “high risk”–is allegedly “in compliance with all the components of what his sex registration are.”


The Standard happened to be around Friday when police told Moore he had to leave the area. In the below clip, they informed Moore he had one hour to clear out:

As they also noted but which is not seen in the above video clip, Moore was indeed arrested and his belongings were cleared out, but he was soon released back onto the streets:

From the second ABC 7 report:

Late Friday, we learned that during the ride [to the police station], Moore had a medical complaint and went to the hospital. Then, police decided to delay pursing the probation violation. He was out of custody Friday night.

Just unbelievable. Or maybe not, considering this is about par for the course for San Francisco. About the only punishment Moore has received over the drug signs and his insistence on camping out steps away from the school was from a parent, who allegedly punched him at one point this week out of frustration:

Moore and police officers told The Standard Friday morning that Moore had been punched by a concerned parent of a student at the academy. No further details were released by police when contacted for comment.

This is what happens when the system continues to fail law-abiding citizens; they proceed to take matters into their own hands.

I honestly think at this point that the only thing that could get the Democrat “leaders” in blue cities like SF to change their tunes is for everyone else to move out and have the only people left in the city be the homeless, criminals, and the Democrats who have turned these places into hellholes. Then maybe they’d finally see and understand the damage they’ve done.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: California, Crime, Democrats, Education, Progressives, San Francisco