Report: White House Not Allowing Officials to Travel to Conferences Promoting Fossil Fuels

Fox News reported that an internal memo to the Department of Energy (DOE) from the White House National Security Council (NSC) forbids officials from traveling to conferences promoting fossil fuels.

The guidance started in November 2021:

The memo was authored by Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk who outlined travel restrictions and stated officials are required to obtain approval from the NSC before attending any global energy engagement.”This guidance sets out a presumption that agencies and departments will pursue international energy engagement that advances clean energy projects,” Turk wrote in the memo. “It also outlines a process for seeking limited exceptions to pursue carbon-intensive engagements on a justified geostrategic imperative or energy-for-development/energy access basis.””The guidance rules out any U.S. Government ‘engagement related to unabated or partially abated coal generation,’” he continued. “Carbon-intensive international energy engagements are those ‘directly related and dedicated to the production, transportation, or consumption of carbon-intensive fuels that would lead to additional greenhouse gas emissions.'”

The fossil fuels include coal, natural gas, and oil.

An April 2022 memo told the department how to achieve the new rules.

Officials can attend the conferences “if they advance national security or are essential to support energy access in vulnerable areas.”

The latest memo, dated September 2023, said, “Departments and Agencies are required to submit exemption justifications to the NSC and receive NSC concurrence before proceeding with a covered engagement.”

OK, so the officials cannot travel and attend conferences about fossil fuels.

If those officials have to attend a conference about green energy…do they have to use green energy transportation?

Tags: Biden Energy Policy, Climate Change, Energy, Environment