Report: FBI Targeting Donald Trump Supporters as Threats to 2024 Election
So basically the data viewed by Newsweek shows the FBI is putting those who do not have leftist views on the same level as Timothy McVeigh, an actual domestic terrorist.

Newsweek reported that the FBI is targeting supporters of President Donald Trump as threats to the 2024 election.
The FBI’s duties include domestic terrorism. You know, like those rowdy, insane parents at school board meetings! Or even traditional Catholics!
But what is domestic terrorism? Timothy McVeigh is a domestic terrorist. The Weather Underground was a terrorist group. There were a lot of domestic terrorist groups in the 1970s.
Well, the agency isn’t supposed to specifically target a political party, but the info Newsweek received, showed the majority of targets are Trump supporters:
In a joint report to Congress this June, the Bureau and the Department of Homeland Security say that “Threats from…DVEs [domestic violent extremists] have increased in the last two years, and any further increases in threats likely will correspond to potential flashpoints, such as high-profile elections and campaigns or contentious current events.”
The FBI and DHS report concludes: “Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence.”
The threats listed in that paragraph are all clearly associated with America’s right and in particular with Trump’s MAGA supporters. Right after January 6, the FBI co-authored a restricted report (“Domestic Violent Extremists Emboldened in Aftermath of Capitol Breach, Elevated Domestic Terrorism Threat of Violence Likely Amid Political Transitions and Beyond”) in which it shifted the definition of AGAAVE (“anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism”) from “furtherance of ideological agendas” to “furtherance of political and/or social agendas.” For the first time, such groups could be so labeled because of their politics.
They’re treating those not on the left (because who are we know it’s anyone who does not share the left’s views) on the same level as McVeigh:
“The FBI is in an almost impossible position,” says a current FBI official, who requested anonymity to discuss highly sensitive internal matters. The official said that the FBI is intent on stopping domestic terrorism and any repeat of the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. But the Bureau must also preserve the Constitutional right of all Americans to campaign, speak freely and protest the government. By focusing on former president Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, the official said, the Bureau runs the risk of provoking the very anti-government activists that the terrorism agencies hope to counter.
“Especially at a time when the White House is facing Congressional Republican opposition claiming that the Biden administration has ‘weaponized’ the Bureau against the right wing, it has to tread very carefully,” says the official.
Well, the FBI is not treading carefully. Director Christopher Wray said domestic terrorism threats similar to the Capitol Hill Riot are “not going away anytime soon.”
I guess I’m a domestic terrorist since I’m an anarchist and traditional Catholic.
In October 2022, the FBI added “AGAAVE-Other” as a subcategory. People who do not fit the agency’s definition of “anarchist, militia or Sovereign Citizen groups” get shoved into the subcategory.
The definition: “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority motivations for violence or criminal activity not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a specific political party.”
The data showed AGAAVEs make up 31% of the FBI’s investigations. Cases marked as AGAAVE and civil unrest make up 60% of investigations.
Notice how they overuse the words “violent” and “violence.” How do they define those words?
Experts know we live in a partisan country right now, but some don’t think the FBI should approach the problems as “terrorism.”
Top expert Brian Michael Jenkins: “The current political environment is not something that the FBI is necessarily responsible for, nor should it be.”
The FBI is trying to justify everything:
In a statement to Newsweek, the FBI said: “The threat posed by domestic violent extremists is persistent, evolving, and deadly. The FBI’s goal is to detect and stop terrorist attacks, and our focus is on potential criminal violations, violence and threats of violence. Anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism is one category of domestic terrorism, as well as one of the FBI’s top threat priorities.” The FBI further said, “We are committed to protecting the safety and constitutional rights of all Americans and will never open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity, including a person’s political beliefs or affiliations.”
One FBI agent said Trump and his supporters are a threat, but:
Another senior intelligence official who requested anonymity told Newsweek, “We’ve crossed the Rubicon.” In emailed responses to questions, he said, “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically…that’s the reality and the problem set. That’s what the FBI, as a law enforcement agency, has to deal with. But whether Trump and his supporters are a threat to national security, to the country, whether they represent a threat of civil war? That’s a trickier question. And that’s for the country to deal with, not the FBI.”

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What? Is it supposed to be some kind of surprise when the Gestapo starts targeting their political opponents of their superiors?
The huge federal data centers that are suddenly appearing are storing every keystroke we make to be used in dossiers against us.
Will you support the 2A if we start getting rounded up? It sure appears that the left is THAT desperate to retain China’s hold on their party.
My question to the tribe of “republicans presidential candidates:”
Do you plan on disbanding the FBI and an anti-American organization that opposes the Constitution of the United States?
If they can’t answer the question with a definitive yes, then they do t get my vote.
I just became a single issue voter.
I doubt this question would even be asked, but I agree 100%. If it were asked and a candidate answered “yes”, then the usual suspects on the right (looking at you, Mitch) would howl with indignation.
I consider the FBI to be a legalized domestic terrorist organization. I’m not kidding.
One step away from being brownshirts for the regime.
They’ve already made that last step.
Yeah. So far, the tactics are (usually) different, but the objective is the same.
Ever since I’ve retired, I have spent hundreds of hours reading books that I never had the time to read as a lawyer, since my career consumed so much of my time. Whatever is happening now, which I abhor, is nothing at all like the Gestapo. For you to make the comparison just shows how ignorant you really are about history.
Sometimes karma just yowls out for a Josh Kruger moment.
It is in it’s infancy, the AMERICAN Gestapo, but we have seen far too many instances.
ALWAYS suspect the message from someone that speaks for The Science, or The History for that matter.
The use of the State Security apparatus to monitor and record communications, working with or even directing private companies to censor the lawful communications of Citizens? A Security apparatus which seems to have adopted a biased political viewpoint of its own? An apparatus that went so far as to investigate as ‘terrorists’ the local Parents upset that a School Board lied to their face about tranny policies and in one instance covered up the rape/sodomy of a minor? An apparatus seemingly being used to provide harsher treatment depending upon the political affiliation of the suspect and where Loyal Party Members have little to worry about except in the most heinous cases which become public?
This seems to ring a few bells from the historical record. While it is not yet equivalent nor yet repeating the worst examples from history it is certainly beginning to rhyme in some very concerning ways. IMO, we should be vigilant in watching for potential warning signs out of prudence. Not out of fear or paranoia and certainly not doing so to force prices to fit any preconceived jigsaw puzzle of conspiracy.
Says the NAZI loyalist. Of course that’s the conclusion you would come to.
Really, what would you suggest it’s more like? The Cheka? The Stasi? It represents the abuse of the security State against citizens who are well within their rights to do the things they’re doing. And it’s completely consistent with that that pedophile in the White House has already demonstrated he’s capable of doing.
It isn’t fair to compare the FBI to the Gestapo. The gestapo were better dressers.
Please, elucidate, then.
Apparently your reading the wrong books
Interesting. So what are the ‘right’ books, gonzo? Please provide us a list of books that you deem the ‘right’ books. Also, make us all laugh by sharing the title of the last book you read.
Why? Have you run out of fuel for your fire?
And why don’t you give us a smile by letting us know what weighty tome your caregiver last stopped you from chewing on?
The Gestapo enforced the party narrative in furtherance of the party’s agenda. What makes the FBI different from the Gestapo in this regard?
BTW, I’ve been reading the books you never had time to read for nearly 50 years. You have a considerable amount of reading to do to catch up. (My particular area of study has been WW II and the Third Reich.)
“But what is domestic terrorism? Timothy McVeigh is a domestic terrorist. The Weather Underground was a terrorist group.”
Now I’m confused. Do they want to give us city council seats and tenured chairs in Chicago and California, or do they want to give us the needle in Terre Haute?
Oh, that’s right. It all depends on what party we’re registered in!
“Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically”
“Trump’s Army?” I’m pretty sure “Trump’s Army” is “an idea — an ideology — not an organization.” That’s how those things work, right?
I want to sign up for a tenured chair in Chicago. Bill Ayers, Obama’s bestie in Chicago, had a sweet deal. Daddy came through.
I read that and immediately thought “someone’s been reading about ‘Dumbledore’s Army.” Same war between good and evil.
Certainly whenever I hear Democrat women like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren etc. I immediately think of Dolores Umbridge. “Hem hem”
Heh. I think this is actually the root of the Democrats’, and more broadly the left’s, problem with Rowling. She portrayed them as they are.
The big problem is that the FBI is staffed by idiots.
And run by traitors.
Accidentally downvoted you Henry
Should the supporters step aside, too, in favor of other supporters?
Or will the realization be made that all supporters are in the cross-hairs?
It was always alleged that Trump would suspend the rule of law, but as Biden/Obama get more desperate to hold power, that does not seem far off. They have given us the American police state. Shame on anyone that falls for hoax anymore that they are democrats or that they care.
Confession through projection.
Call me paranoid but I think they may be laying the groundwork for something not exactly nice.
Meanwhile, here’s the prototypical Marxist academic idiot, complaining that there’s a chance of Republicans doing what Democrats area already doing now. And his choice of the term “Red Caesar” is either the height of gaslighting or the hight of un-self-awareness.
Years ago, someone commented (possibly here on LI), “If they’re trying to take your guns, it’s because they’re planning to do something you’d shoot them for.”
This thread is becoming pathetic. While I agree with some of it, to say that it is just like the Gestapo is pathetic. Do you have any knowledge whatsoever about what it was like to actually live under the Gestapo? Of course you don’t. So why do you make these comparisons? You are pathetic, and you are actively diminishing the very real suffering by the Jews under the Nazis. Go fuck yourself.
Only the tactics are different. The strategic purpose is identical – protect the regime, suppress dissent, further the regime’s agenda. Any government agency that operates in this strategic regime is no different from the Gestapo. A more polite Gestapo, and still with a veneer of legitimacy, but no different in kind.
Stated for quite awhile here and a few other places, once they get DJT whey will move down the list. Anyone a threat to their totalitarian regime will pay.
They can’t allow anyone to speak against their government.
When was there ever pro-Trump bias at the FBI? The FBI worked to undermine Trump from the moment he was elected.
Before he was elected
Not according to the rider on Peter Strzok’s insurance policy.
Oh! I misunderstood your comment to respond to randian’s first sentence, not his second. We agree.
Wray and/or Garland need to be in striped suits for a long time. Alternatively, they could share a pad with Edward Snowden for a long time.
Striped suits? I don’t want to waste good food on them. Spend one bullet each and be done with it
Where is Milhouse… shouldn’t he have already posted that …..acshuallly..,,it’s a good and legal thing for one party in control of government to target and try to throw in prison anyone in the opposition party who opposes them..,,
His proxy already commented.
Pardon my ignorance… but have to know… who is Milhouse jr.?
Nevermind… JR who “retired” from law….is here to reassure us how totally non-nazi it is to throw anyone who opposes you or who you view as a threat in jail and take everything they own …. And anyone who thinks that ….is insulting those in German history who were thrown in jail and had all their belongings seized for having different views than Nazis…🤪
Accepted figures are that 74 million people (all alive and most voting only once) voted for Trump in 2020. So the FBI is now targeting Trump supporters …. are they insane??? 74 million Americans? Most of us were true believers, proud of this country and trusting of our government. But that was then, just a few years ago. Before the ridiculous Russian Hoax. Before the stolen election. Before the big lie that J6 was an insurrection. Before the mistreatment of J6 prisoners by a zealous legal system using terrorism laws passed after 9/11. As the realization spreads that, incredible as it may seem, our own government is working against us, this is not going to end well. The FBI itself is sowing suspicion by making it clear that it has become the enforcement arm of a political party. We have such pygmies in leadership roles today that it seems the United States is doomed. Hard to believe the outright stupidity of the left. I guess they never heard of the Law of Inertia. I believe the Law of Inertia applies to everything. Even politics.
They understand only a small number of them have to be roughly handled in order to discourage the many. The more the many disregard the message, the more roughly the regime’s enemies will be handled, until the mass of those enemies gets the message. And that’s how you drive a resistance under ground. Ultimately, it’s self-defeating, but history is full of has-been dictators who thought they could keep their people oppressed. Sooner or later, the lid blows off.
I trust Russia more than I trust my own government. At least Russia isn’t spying on me in church. And Russia isn’t censoring my speech.
The FBI picked up where the KGB left off. The FBI now has millions of “domestic terrorists” to fight. More agents, more money, more power. The Soviets wanted to defeat the West….they turned out to be the West’s role models….with China being the modern prototype.
The reason that Russia isn’t spying on you or censoring you is because you don’t live there. If you did, and you spoke out against Putin, they most certainly would be doing all that to you
The FBI is turning into a secret police, our government is out of control and becoming authoritarian at an ever-increasing rate, but that doesn’t let Russia off the hook.
Since it is not only probable but inevitable that the FBI reads this site, I just want to state for the record that I believe Black lives do matter, criminal action should be punished according to the severity of the action and the law, that we don’t pay law enforcement enough to put up with the (censored) they have to go through on a daily basis, and I believe that non-violent action to support the rights of the people and keep the system of government given to us by our founding fathers is the only approach.
(Where is the monthly samizdat you were supposed to slip me while reading that disclaimer?)
Boy, I’m sure glad the FBI took care of Antifa and BLM who caused billions in property damage and murdered a number of people and can now move on to something else. I was getting sick of the endless media coverage of those Antifa/BLM show trials and long prison sentences
They’re working their way up to martial law and cancelled elections due to the supposed threat from “domestic terrorists.” Then, mass arrests, no doubt.
You mean like “hands up, don’t shoot?” Oh, not that kind of conspiracy theory promoting violence.
““Dumblefore’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically…that’s the reality and the problem set. That’s what the Ministry of Magic, as a law enforcement agency, has to deal with. But whether Dumbledore and his supporters are a threat to national security, to the country, whether they represent a threat of civil war? That’s a trickier question. And that’s for the country to deal with, not the Ministry.”
Making it plain for the Y and Z generations.
The people saying such things weren’t the good guys– no matter how much fluff and pink they attached to their evil.
““Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically…politically…that’s the reality and the problem set. That’s what the FBI, as a law enforcement agency, has to deal with. But whether Trump and his supporters are a threat to national security, to the country, whether they represent a threat of civil war? That’s a trickier question. And that’s for the country to deal with, not the FBI.””
I should have read further before posting.
Nah. Great minds and all that.
“Sociopolitical developments—such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence—will almost certainly spur some domestic terrorists to try to engage in violence.”
This is like focusing on the fire and ignoring the arsonist. If they want to avoid violence, there’s no need to crack down on Trump supporters. How about:
1. Stop lying to us (the border is secure, the election fair, the vaccines are safe and effective, you can keep your doctor, etc.)
2. Investigate and prosecute criminal activity of all sorts related to the electoral process (they can start by digging up the investigation they buried into fraudulent voter registrations in MI)
3. Prosecute everyone associated with the mass violations of human rights that occurred during the pandemic
4. Secure the border
It’s not rocket science, it’s what the government is supposed to be doing. Instead, it’s been turned into a mechanism that has as its objective the acquisition and retention of offices and the accumulation of influence and wealth for a handful of people. While they’re at it, they can root those people out too, prosecute them, and put them away. Maybe hang some of them.
If they did these things, they could avoid violence. Or at least avoid violence from people who are usually good citizens who otherwise have respect for the law, and think the Constitution means what it says.