Pentagon Doesn’t Have Enough Money to Replace Weapons Sent to Ukraine
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Pentagon Doesn’t Have Enough Money to Replace Weapons Sent to Ukraine

Pentagon Doesn’t Have Enough Money to Replace Weapons Sent to Ukraine

“Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

The Pentagon told Congress it doesn’t have the money to replace all of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.

The Defense Department only has enough money to give weapons to Ukraine for six months.

The letter comes after Congress eliminated Ukraine funding from the stopgap bill it passed over the weekend:

Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord told House and Senate leaders there is $1.6 billion left of the $25.9 billion Congress provided to replenish U.S. military stocks that have been flowing to Ukraine. The weapons include millions of rounds of artillery, rockets and missiles critical to Ukraine’s counteroffensive aimed at taking back territory gained by Russia in the war.

In addition, the U.S. has about $5.4 billion left to provide weapons and equipment from its stockpiles. The U.S. would have already run out of that funding if the Pentagon hadn’t realized earlier this year that it had overvalued the equipment it had already sent, freeing up about $6.2 billion. Some of that has been sent in recent months.

Sending Ukraine military aid has already put a dent in our forces.

McCord warned, “Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

The stopgap bill expires mid-November. Congress passed the bill to give lawmakers more time to figure out how to fund the government for fiscal year 2024.

McCord told Congress the Defense Department cannot use the money it receives in the stopgap bill to provide more aid to Ukraine.

Since February 2021, the U.S. has given Ukraine over $74 billion, including $44 billion in military aid.

The Ukrainian government has tried to assure America that it uses all aid in a responsible manner.

The Pentagon has tried to assure Americans that it has kept track and managed all the aid to Ukraine.

In May and June, the Pentagon admitted it overvalued the military equipment sent to Ukraine by $3 billion. Then the department doubled the amount to $6.2 billion.

That’s no chump change.

Then, in July, a Pentagon watchdog discovered that criminals, volunteers, and arm traffickers stole a bunch of weapons and equipment meant for Ukraine in 2022:

A Pentagon inspector general report, obtained by through a Freedom of Information Act request, shows that, in the opening months of the war in Ukraine, American military forces were unable to monitor where much of the military equipment being sent into the country was ending up — showing a violation of U.S. law and suggesting some gear fell into the hands of Russians and criminals.

At the time, the U.S. had shipped a wide variety of equipment to Ukraine, including thousands of Stinger and Javelin missiles; howitzers; more than 10,000 grenade launchers; C-4 explosives; and 59 million rounds of small-arms ammunition. Larger, more complex systems included National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, or NASAMS; newly developed Phoenix Ghost drones; and High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS.

The IG report also slammed the Pentagon for not doing more to track the equipment:

Although the report does not specifically say the weapons were provided by the U.S., the example is cited in an otherwise heavily redacted section that deals with how American-supplied gear was largely tracked by the Ukrainians and not U.S. officials.

The IG noted that effective monitoring of the large amount of gear the U.S. was providing required people on the ground in Ukraine to conduct compliance assessment visits and accountability assessments.

“The inability of [Defense Department] personnel to visit areas where equipment provided to Ukraine was being used or stored significantly hampered [Kyiv’s Office of Defense Cooperation]’s ability to execute [end-use monitoring],” according to the IG report.


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We are so screwed

China, Russia, NK… bet they are LTAO

Congress gave $25.9 billion to replenish military stocks that were sent to Ukraine, but we only have 1.6 billion left.

“Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

Okay. Now it’s time for Jamaal Bowman to pull the fire alarm.

Subotai Bahadur | October 2, 2023 at 6:46 pm

1) You can bet that most of the stock replenishment funds went into some group of politicians’ pockets.

2) What remained was shifted to Diversity Studies.

3) Defending this country is a mortal sin to the Left.

Subotai Bahadur

What did anyone expect putting up a dementia riddled retarded pedophile traitor in the white house?

I warned all of you that this was going to be the excuse.

They were going to empty obsolete and current military stockpiles and when the actual support cratered because Ukraine was always going to lose, they would haul out the ‘well we have to spend hundreds of billions replacing our OWN stockpiles’.

They needed a new place for military graft after Afghanistan.

The Democrats did it, get them to pony up out of their slush funds

The underlying problem some of the missile systems haven’t been built in 10 to 15 years. I have a neighbor that retired from Boeing 11 years ago has been called out of retirement to teach new engineers how to build a missile guidance system.

Suddenly people believe what the government says. weird

And anyone who doesn’t vote to replace the weapons gifted to Ukraine for some reason will be painted as a military hater.

lol. You mean all that crap we don’t use and has been in mothballs for decades? The M-113 APC was Vietnam era. The M-1s we sent are not fully upgraded. The missiles we’re sending are the old ones we no longer buy.

We’re mostly emptying out long-term storage of old weapons.

Why in the name of frank is the Sec. Def. making public announcements about the state of our military readiness?

Well with this one he has probably already give all of our battle plans to our enemies as a gift.

The worst danger to Military Readiness at the current time is the upper ranks of the current Military.

    puhiawa in reply to Gremlin1974. | October 2, 2023 at 11:06 pm

    To scare more money out of Congress.

    henrybowman in reply to Gremlin1974. | October 3, 2023 at 2:22 am

    “Why in the name of frank is the Sec. Def. making public announcements about the state of our military readiness?”

    He lost General Li’s satphone number, but he knows the General never misses CNN nightly news.

    Dathurtz in reply to Gremlin1974. | October 3, 2023 at 7:03 am

    Because our military doesn’t exist to deter or defeat enemies and hasn’t for a very long time. It exists to allow for a vehicle to line the pockets of our parasitic overlords.

You don’t have to replace everything instantly. You budget.

fishingfool55 | October 2, 2023 at 8:51 pm

“The U.S. would have already run out of that funding if the Pentagon hadn’t realized earlier this year that it had overvalued the equipment it had already sent, freeing up about $6.2 billion.”

Overvalued? Some were pricing at replacement value and others at actual value. Congress didn’t specify how to value so DOD decided if it priced everything at actual value, it could send more arms. So Congress authorized $60 B and the DOD sent $60 B knowing it would take at least $66 B to replace.

We are at the $1,200 hammer/toilet seat stage of this war. Austin, of course, is intent on sending more money to his buddies in private industry, certain he will be rewarded with tens of millions when he leaves “government service”.

I can’t see todays DEI grads becoming Rosie the Riveter to save Ukraine

The Russians blew up a huge weapons depot recently. That’s troubling on it’s face that they store the weapons in such concentrated areas.

I have a weird idea…and I am just spitballing here….why don’t be not leave billions of dollars of equipment behind when we decide to leave a place we probably should never have been?

Oh, and this is not a just a Afganistan thing, we did the same at the end of Desert Storm, though admittedly Afghanistan was far worse. Oh, right this is the same guy who helped organize that Sh*t Show!

This is what happens when the military is deployed as a statement not to actually win. Something the US has become very adept at doing.

You can tell a military hasn’t faced an actual war and is declining when it becomes top heavy with Politicians in Uniform.

Sicka yer whining, fat boy. Hold a bake sale.