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NYU Law Students Say Their Classmate Losing Job Offer Over Support for Hamas is ‘Violence’

NYU Law Students Say Their Classmate Losing Job Offer Over Support for Hamas is ‘Violence’

“letter’s signatories, which include the Black Allied Law Students Association and the Women of Color Collective”

When a student supports actual violence, that’s not violence. Holding her accountable is violence.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

NYU Law Students Say Classmate Losing Job Offer Over Pro-Hamas Statement Is ‘Violence’

New York University law students are rallying behind a student who lost a spot at a white-shoe law firm for defending Hamas, saying the firm’s decision to rescind their offer constitutes “violence.”

The Chicago-based Winston & Strawn withdrew its offer of employment to Ryna Workman after the nonbinary NYU student issued a statement claiming “Israel bears full responsibility” for the terrorist attacks that have left more than 1,300 dead, including at least 30 Americans. The firm’s decision is just one instance of “systemic, concentrated violence” Workman has experienced since issuing her anti-Israel pronouncement, according to a letter of support obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The letter’s signatories, which include the Black Allied Law Students Association and the Women of Color Collective, accuses NYU of being complicit “in the abuses of the Israeli government,” and condemns “the broader NYU administration for not protecting Ryna as a student and important member of our community.”


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These students, who are all adults and college graduates, live in their own dream world and never have suffered the consequences of their own actions.

Unfortunately for the students, the internet is forever, and their words shall follow them.

Look at all of the hateful demonstrations going on in Europe, USA, and Canada.

There may not be any solution to get rid of this hate.

JackinSilverSpring | October 20, 2023 at 11:32 am

Supporting savages who rape, kill and decapitate infants, kill elderly and kill civilians for no purpose has consequences. These little ninnys will take offense at microaggressions, whatever that means. I guess macroagressions get a pass. And, oh what about the Jews on campus? I guess they don’t count.

    They are not little ninnies. They are dangerous and could do a lot of damage in the legal system. Stop forgiving them as if they’re children. For years already they’ve been old enough to hold what they say and do against them, as it certainly would be for a Jewish student.

Morning Sunshine | October 20, 2023 at 11:33 am

Ask these students – which violence would they prefer to live with:
1) that perpetrated at the Supernova Music Festival


2) a rescinded job offer

“They use the words, but they don’t know what they mean.” — Chris Plante

They’ve probably never been told “No” in their lives. Entitled twits.

    artichoke in reply to Rusty Bill. | October 20, 2023 at 4:49 pm

    It’s worked for them so far. Also, if they back down, people won’t forget all they’ve done. So they might as well keep pressing ahead with as much destructiveness as possible. They’re irredeemable, like most Dems at this point, because they’ve already committed enough offenses including crimes. They just have to keep anyone who might impose justice on them at bay.

irishgladiator63 | October 20, 2023 at 3:01 pm

Imagine being a Jewish employee of that law firm and the firm hired these morons knowing that they believed Jews should be raped, tortured, beheaded, their children slaughtered, all because they were simply Jewish. Can you say hostile work environment?

Nonbinary law student with support for Hamas?

They know they dodged a bullet.

So when they complain about “violence” it’s meaningless. Noted. Actually I already knew that, so this is more of the same.

Best time to learn that actions have consequences?
Age 3.
Second best time?

As long as they sign the complaint, so that it can be circulated to the firms that aren’t hiring quislings, it’s all fine by me.

I still think every one of these students needs to be treated to a soupcon of actual violence, just to inform them as to what violence actually is and is not.

And where was Ryna the Hyena ever guaranteed a job with that law firm in the US Constitution? More than likely the Hyena signed an employment application stating the position was “at will” subject to termination y either party at any time with or without prior notice. That’s HR 101, not “Violence”, but students whining. Tough luck, Hyena, you probably would have cost the firm clients/money. And those are two things that they don’t want you doing.

Deport the muslim terrorists.

So now not offering a job to a workplace cancer like this activist who is an anti-semite and supports terrorists is violence? Boy, there are sure going to be a lot of violence victims out there when this is all said and done and I won’t shed a tear for them as they are handing me fries their $300,000 Ivy League degree vacation for activism netted them.