Nothing To See Here: Democrats Shocked To Learn Their Own “Hate” Cancel Culture Rules Now Apply To Them

One overriding principle has seemed to rule Democrats and their Intel-ruled hacktivist media mouthpieces over the past several years: What Democrats say is “Teh Truth,” and what everyone else says is “Disinformation,” “Misinformation,” and/or just plain ultra MAGA lies that pierce the soul of our nation. And stuff.

So imagine their surprise when they learn that America is still America, that we have not lost our way, that more than 80% of Americans support Israel.

Most alarming, perhaps, is that we have learned their rules and are more than happy to apply them, as needed.

Twitchy: “Smile Time: Dentist’s Employer Says ‘Bite Me’ to Hostage Poster Pillager Who Wants His Job Back”

Twitchy: “WOW: IL Attorney in State’s Comptroller’s Office FIRED Over Grossly Anti-Semitic Messages (screenshots)”

The weepings and wailings must have been glorious. There was probably a rending of clothes, as well.

But America continues to reject the Hamas-supporting, terrorist-cheering moblets.

HotAir: “BBC Takes 7 Journalists Off the Air for Pro-Hamas Social Media Posts”

HotAir: “Hollywood Agent to Top Stars Apologizes for Labeling Israel’s Response to Hamas as Genocide”

HotAir: “Tech CEO Resigns After Accusing Israel of War Crimes”

I’m very good with all of this, in case you were wondering. Consequences and all that, right? We didn’t make the rules, but we have always been very rule- and law-abiding, so wouldn’t it be a damn shame if we failed to follow the new Democrat rules for objectionable behavior? Totally out of character. I may not like the new rules, but I am happy to follow them since they are, after all, the new rules.

This next bit is hugely worrying. For obvious reasons. And, for the same obvious reasons, this person appears to have deleted the offending and worrying tweet. I share it because these people are everywhere. Take heed.

Twitchy: “Wait WHAT?! NYC Pro-Palestinian Cardiologist Claims He Sedated Pro-Israel Patient to ‘Quiet Him Down'”

Meanwhile, over 400 Capitol Hill staff pledge their allegiance to Hamas. Or something.

Twitchy: “Over 400 Capitol Hill Staffers Signed a Letter for a Ceasefire and They Need a SAFE SPACE STAT”

Nothing To See Here

Your tax dollars at work:

Apparently, trying to make a gross child-sniffing, doddering old corruptocrat creep seem cool is a hard sell.

‘Bad Biden’ is apparently having the opposite of the hoped for effect on under 35s—and/or they could just be looking at the world on fire and their empty pocketbooks and think the “Dark Brandon” marketing is just stupid. Who knows?

Oh, and there’s this.

This seems noteworthy, but don’t expect the Hamas-supporting Democrat media to report it:

PJMedia: “Son of Hamas Co-Founder Says Israel Is Doing ‘Palestinian People the Greatest Favor'”

Did you know that random baby beheading supporters think that McDonald’s is secretly pro-Israel. And stuff?

Is there any day that is not a woke day? I couldn’t be more over this crap.

So Trump thinks he’s Teh Anointed One and has decided not to participate in the third GOP debate.

The Washington Examiner: “Trump to appear at Florida rally on night of third GOP debate”

In a seriously problematic totalitarian twist away from all that is right and good about America, we witness a “Meme-Maker Sentenced to Seven Months in Prison for Attempting to Trick Voters.” This is chilling. But that’s the point, I guess.

This was a well-known meme, often used by Democrats, but who goes to prison? Oh, right, the “enemy of the state” (i.e. anyone who is a political opponent of Democrats. Disgusting.).

Reason: “He’s Going to Prison for Twitter Trolling. That’s Not Justice.”

The gaslighting on Biden’s crushing inflation and middle-class crushing policies is surreal. But here’s the Democrat hacktivist media at work for their Democrat overlords.

They appear to be all-in on fakery and expect you to believe their lying lies and not your lying eyes.

Definitely Nothing To See Here

Um, definitely nothing to see here in this . . . oddly timed real estate purchase by the most corrupt president this country’s ever suffered.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that nothing good can come of sexualizing little children in public schools . . . and on the taxpayer dime.

Meanwhile, our nation’s Commander in Chief hates the forces he commands . . . or is indifferent to their viability and safety. Which is worse?

Social credit scores are absolutely coming here. Plan for it.

Seriously good read via The Wall Street Journal (archive link): “Dostoevsky Knew: It Can Happen Here. Some people who cheer Hamas’s atrocities would surely be capable of committing similar acts if given an opportunity.”

And finally, when good things happen:

This is how it’s done:

Fox News: “Sarah Huckabee Sanders to sign executive order eliminating ‘woke, anti-women words’ from state government use”

PJMedia: “Armed Seattle Home Invaders Stunned When Homeowner Shoots Back. It’s a Lesson for the Gun Grabbers.”

Bearing Arms: “After Hamas Attacks, Jewish Americans Are Arming Up”

Tags: Biden Economic Policy, Culture, Democrats, Gaza - 2023 War, Israel, Media Bias