Miami University Experiencing Low Enrollment for Degrees in Social Justice and CRT

It’s amazing that anyone was willing to pay for these degrees in the first place.The College Fix reports:

Miami U. tells ‘social justice’ and CRT degrees to fix lack of interestLow-enrollment degrees at Miami University need to adapt or die, according to a memo from school officials.Majors in “social justice, “critical race and ethnic studies” and “art history” are among those that must adapt their offerings in order to survive. The Oxford, Ohio university is facing a $36 million budget deficit.Students are generally not interested in majors in these programs, according to five-year averages pulled from university data. For example, the critical race major has averaged 2.6 graduates in the past five years.“Miami University is facing unprecedented fiscal, societal and political challenges that are prompting very difficult decisions about our curriculum,” a document from university officials stated, according to The Miami Student. “Tragically, we no longer have the resources to support the current portfolio of academic programs, particularly our lowest-enrolled degree programs or majors.”The newspaper reported:

Along with [Latin American Studies], 16 other majors were identified as low-enrolled. These include American studies, art history, critical race and ethnic studies, classical studies, French, French education, German, German education, health communication, health information technology, Italian studies, Latin education, religion, Russian, East European and Eurasian studies, Spanish education and social justice.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Ohio, Social Justice