Jewish College Students Describe ‘Hostile Environment’ Created on Campus by Pro-Hamas Students and Faculty

Jewish college students across the country are now having to witness acts of support for Hamas on campus. For years now, left-wing students have used claims of feeling ‘unsafe’ on campus to silence opinions they don’t like. In the case of these Jewish students, I believe them when they say they feel unsafe.

It is disgusting that this is being allowed to happen.

FOX News just interviewed three students about their experience and it’s maddening:

Jewish college students say they’re scared to go to class, blame universities for silence on antisemitismAs anti-Israel protests continue to erupt at colleges across the U.S., Jewish students are pushing back against universities allegedly turning a blind eye to antisemitism on their campuses.”As soon as the terrorist attacks occurred, it became a hostile environment for Jewish students,” Julia Wax, a Georgetown University law student, told FOX News on Tuesday.”People are scared to go to class. You have to sit next to classmates who are posting antisemitic rhetoric, who are promoting rallies that spew antisemitic rhetoric. People are scared, and the universities are not doing their part, and they’re not stepping up, and they’re staying silent.”Responding to the upheaval, Wax founded a Zionist group on campus to give Jewish students a place to go and to understand their heritage. One of her best friends is on the front lines of the conflict, she said, and the Jewish students at the university are all tied to the conflict in the Holy Land in some way…Michael Korvyakov, a freshman at Georgetown, told “FOX & Friends” host Lawrence Jones that he has been witnessing similar rhetoric, including claims that some Hamas-led atrocities, including the beheading of babies, never happened.”The biggest problem has really been the fact that student organizations have cropped up on campus that are largely spewing this antisemitic rhetoric. We had a rally a week ago in favor of Hamas. It was a Palestinian martyrs basically rally,” he said.

Watch the video below:

Here are some examples of what these students are talking about.

This is the University of Washington.

This is UW-Madison.



Keep this in mind the next time left-wing students claim they need a safe space because a conservative is speaking on campus.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Antisemitism, College Insurrection, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas, Israel