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Iran Threatens Israel With “Huge Earthquake” if IDF Continued Strikes on Gaza Terror Targets

Iran Threatens Israel With “Huge Earthquake” if IDF Continued Strikes on Gaza Terror Targets

Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei: “We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack.”

As the Israeli military gears up for a ground offensive to eliminate Hamas leadership and free hostages, Iran has threatened to unleash “a huge earthquake” if Israel continues strikes on terrorist targets in Gaza.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian on Saturday declared that Iran’s Lebanon-based proxy terrorist group Hezbollah was prepared to attack Israel from the north if counter-terrorist operations against Hamas continue.

The term “earthquake” is significant, since Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei used the same phrase to describe last Saturday’s terror attack on Israel.

“We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack,” Khamenei said last week in his first televised speech since the mass-murder of Israelis at the hands of Hamas terrorists. “This destructive earthquake (Hamas’ terror attack) has destroyed some critical structures (in Israel) which will not be repaired easily,” he boasted.

Last week’s cross-border attack by Hamas, a terrorist group funded and armed by Hamas, killed more than 1,300 Israelis, mostly civilians. The terrorist infiltrators took up to 200 hostages into Gaza, including women, children, and the elderly.

The remarks come as Iranian foreign minister holds talks with the leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iran-sponsored terrorist groups–all part of a terrorist axis created by Tehran to encircle Israel.

The top Iranian envoy’s threat was followed by increased attacks by Hezbollah into northern Israel. The Jerusalem Post on Sunday morning reported the “firing of rockets, attempted invasions, and other tension on the northern border.”

The Associated Press reported the latest Iranian threat:

Iran’s foreign minister on Saturday called on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza, warning that the war might expand to other parts of the Middle East if Hezbollah joins the battle, and that would make Israel suffer “a huge earthquake.”

Hossein Amirabdollahian told reporters in Beirut that Lebanon’s Hezbollah group has taken all the scenarios of a war into consideration and Israel should stop its attacks on Gaza as soon as possible. (…)

Amirabdollahian discussed in Beirut on Saturday the situation in Gaza and the region with the top Hamas official in exile, Saleh Arouri, and the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, Ziad Nakhaleh, according to Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV. (…)

Amirabdollahian said he met Friday with Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who briefed him on the group’s conditions in Lebanon.

“I know about the scenarios that Hezbollah has put in place,” Amirabdollahian said. “Any step the resistance (Hezbollah) will take will cause a huge earthquake in the Zionist entity.”

IDF evacuates civilians, creates security zone in north

Israeli military, expecting Hezbollah’s entry into the conflict, has taken counter-measures–evacuating civilians along the northern border with Lebanon and creating a 4-kilometer-wide security zone to repel terrorist attacks and intrusions.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

The IDF on Sunday created a four-kilometer security zone in northern Israel to keep any civilians who do not live in the area out until further notice.

It said this was necessary after the continued firing of rockets, attempted invasions, and other tension on the northern border.

Further, the IDF said that those within two kilometers of the border should remain in bomb shelters and safe rooms.

Residents of the northern moshav were told to seek shelter immediately. Later, the Kiryat Shmona municipality also told the border city’s residents to seek shelter following exchanges of fire on the border.

Hamas sets up roadblocks, stops civilians fleeing battle zone

Days after the IDF urged Gazans to evacuate the northern part of the Hamas-controlled territory ahead of a possible ground offensive, the terrorist group is preventing civilians from leaving the zone.

Hamas has put up roadblocks on the evacuation routes designated by the Israeli military. The IDF has been sending text messages, dropping leaflets with maps telling civilians to leave certain areas.

“On Friday, the IDF published instructions to residents of northern Gaza, directing them to evacuate to southern Gaza due to planned military operations in Gaza City in northern Gaza,” the Jerusalem Post reported. “Leaflets were also dropped over the Gaza Strip with the instructions and a map was published showing which roads would be safe to use for evacuation.”

Hamas, who needs Gaza residents as human shields, has been ordering civilians to ignore IDF warnings and stay in their homes. Meanwhile, Hamas terrorists are hiding in tunnels and in residential areas to maximize civilian causalities if Israel goes ahead with a ground offensive to eliminate terrorist culprits and to rescue hostages.

Hamas’ measures to trap civilians in the battle zones comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday vowed to step up the military operation. “You ready for the next stage? The next stage is coming,” the prime minister told troops gathered along the Gaza border.

The Times of Israel reported:

The Israel Defense Forces says the Hamas terror group is preventing Palestinians from evacuating the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The IDF has warned Gaza residents in the northern part of the Strip to evacuate amid preparations for an expected ground incursion or a stepped-up offensive. The area is home to about 1 million people.

The military says it has identified hundreds of thousands of Palestinians moving south, but many are getting stuck in traffic caused by Hamas roadblocks.

“Hamas is making it difficult for the residents of the Gaza Strip to move on main roads, and prevents the passage of vehicles on these roads,” the IDF says.

The military releases a video showing heavy traffic in the Gaza Strip, which it says is caused by Hamas roadblocks.

“We see an active effort by Hamas to block and prevent the population from going south. Hamas wants to show the world that it has casualties and dead,” IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari says in a press conference.

“We continue to urge the residents of Gaza City, go south… Hamas wants you as human shields… This is for your personal safety,” Hagari adds. “We are going to attack very widely in Gaza City in the near future.”

IDF kills Hamas commander involved in cross-border attack

The IDF on Sunday eliminated one of leading culprits who led last Saturday’s terror attack.

The Times of Israel reported:

The military on Sunday said it killed another commander in Hamas’s commando forces who led the murderous attacks on southern Israeli communities last weekend, as Israel moved to evacuate a border city ahead of the Israel Defense Forces’ expected ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. (…)

The IDF said Billal al-Qedra, the commander of the so-called Nukhba unit’s southern Khan Younis battalion, was killed in an airstrike following intelligence efforts by the Shin Bet security agency and Military Intelligence Directorate.

“He was responsible for the murderous raid in Kibbutz Nirim and Nir Oz,” the IDF said.


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If Iran sows the wind, they will reap the whirlwind many times over.

Taking advantage of weak US leadership.

I suspect 100 lbs of TNT detonated in a tunnel will be the earthquake?

Iran already did that last Saturday. Israelis have a long memory but I can only hope retribution will come sooner rather than later, for the world’s sake as well.

This has been festering for too long. Might as well have the really big fight now and get it over with.

    PrincetonAl in reply to walls. | October 15, 2023 at 11:49 am

    Been wondering if Iranian government goaded Hamas into something stupid so they have the pretext to escalate.

    If so, hopefully it will prove as stupid to their existence as what Hamas did.

    Or will lead to a “Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius” type of situation.

Iran threatening Israel is like Saddam Hussein bragging that he would unleash the mother of all wars.

If Iran backs Israel into a corner and things get desperate, Israel will do the unthinkable and the Republic of Iran will become the former Republic of Iran.

    Concise in reply to Peabody. | October 15, 2023 at 11:47 am

    I don’t entirely disagree but would say Iran already has blood on its hands through its sponsored proxies Hamas/Hezbollah.

    henrybowman in reply to Peabody. | October 15, 2023 at 1:39 pm

    I’m waiting for LI’s take on the news that MBS just left Israel at the bar and went home to Iran’s place.

About time for Iran to enter the fray and China to threaten Taiwan.

“Trumps gonna start WW III!”
-media for 4 straight years

“Hold my beer.”
– Biden

    Concise in reply to PrincetonAl. | October 15, 2023 at 11:49 am

    Would be funny if it weren’t true.

    Peabody in reply to PrincetonAl. | October 15, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    Biden says not to worry because he has everything under control. At his last news conference he read from the teleprompter, “I have one word for you,” And then in an almost indiscernable whisper, he said, “Don’t.”

    Stuytown in reply to PrincetonAl. | October 15, 2023 at 1:32 pm

    Ukraine, Hamas/Gaza, Taiwan, Niger, Nagorno-Karabakh, and, of course, Afghanistan. Probably Hezbollah and Iran to come. Europe after that.

    Biden isn’t so much a threat to democracy as he is a threat to all of humanity.

    I think they were just mad that it was Trump that was going to get to do it when they wanted to do it. Then they were disappointed when he didn’t do it.

“We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack.”
Thus spake the 84 year old head of the snake. He is of the small Shia segment that believes the final Imam is yet to appear which will bring Allah to the rest of the world.

    TheOldZombie in reply to Whitewall. | October 15, 2023 at 1:46 pm

    Yes. I don’t think many people know that the bulk of the ruling elite in Iran believe that to get the final Imam to appear you need to kick off Armageddon. The end times.

    And that’s their goal. Most of Islam doesn’t believe in the theory of the 12th Imam. But that doesn’t matter because the leaders of Iran do and they are working hard at it. Chaos in the Middle East, attacks on Israel, and of course working hard on making nuclear weapons.

    Iran would be the first nuclear armed country where the leaders would welcome a nuclear holocaust all because they believe in the 12th Imam. That’s how dangerous they could be.

    All other nuclear armed countries, even the less stable ones Pakistan and North Korea, have one thing in common: they would like to live to see tomorrow. It tempers their actions.

      Whitewall in reply to TheOldZombie. | October 15, 2023 at 2:00 pm

      Exactly. Too bad there doesn’t seem to be a way to surgically remove the Iranian ruling cabal without touching off massive sectarian civil war and an ensuing explosion in the oil markets.

      This may mean they have a bomb read for testing. Everyone else who has made a nuclear bomb since we did it tests it to show they had built one. This was a warning other countries to stay away. I believe Iran is likely to “test” theirs by dropping it on Israel. They wouldn’t want to waste a perfectly good nuclear bomb without killing some Jews.

        henrybowman in reply to Martin. | October 16, 2023 at 1:38 am

        “I believe Iran is likely to “test” theirs by dropping it on Israel.”
        Is this where Palestinian Quality Control actually originated?

But, hey, no mean tweets!

My advice to Israel would be to respond with;
‘Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately the Israeli Military ground forces and its stocks of precision munitions are currently in use offensively in Gaza and in defensive positions along its remaining borders. Therefore Israel will have to rely upon dumb ordinance dropped/delivered onto the suspected point of origin of any rocket or artillery fired from Lebanon, the West Bank or elsewhere. Any hostile group approaching, much less crossing, Israeli borders will taken under fire and destroyed. The determination of what constitutes hostile is within the purview of the local military commander on scene. Should any Nation State actors seek to use the current situation for their own purposes Israel reserves the right to respond when, where, how and with as much or as little force as we see fit when the opportunity presents itself notwithstanding any pause whether temporary or permanent in the current situation or its operational tempo. No questions, as the statement speaks for itself.’

Dementia Joe is the useful idiot of muslim terrorists.

Iran and hamas are smiling.

Surely Tehran realizes Israel has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons?

    Martin in reply to Ghostrider. | October 15, 2023 at 3:59 pm

    and they don’t care. That is the point of the whole chaos and war bringing the 12th Iman.
    Besides the ones that are not true believers expecting to be rewarded in the next life will be hiding somewhere out of the way.

Earthquake? Is this another “Mother of all Battles” threat like that issued by Saddam Hussein some years ago? Why do Muslim leaders come up with such nonsense?

Not so fast. It seems Iran just punked out and threw Hamas under the bus.

Iran warns Israel: Don’t attack us, we won’t engage you

“Iran’s armed forces will not engage, provided that the Israeli apartheid does not dare to attack Iran, its interests, and nationals. The resistance front can defend itself,”

If they could have, they would have.

I seem to recall Saddam Hussein warning the US that if it attacked, there would be “the mother of all battles,” and that the sand would run with American blood. They folded like a cheap suit.

Our biggest problem was that Colin Powell persuaded GHW “Read My Lips” Bush to break off the attack on the retreating Iraqi army instead of finishing the job.