Hunter Biden entered a Delaware federal courthouse today. Officials will arrest him before he enters a plea on gun charges.
The gun charges are the same ones as before. It stems from his gun purchase in 2018:
Hunter Biden was indicted on felony gun charges in September for making false statements and unlawfully possessing a firearm.According to the indictment, “on or about October 12, 2018, in the District of Delaware, the defendant, Robert Hunter Biden, in connection with the acquisition of a firearm, that is, a Colt Cobra 38SPL Revolver with serial number RA 551363…knowingly made a false and fictitious written statement, intended and likely to deceive that dealer with respect to a fact material to the lawfulness of the sale of the firearm…in that the defendant, Robert Hunter Biden, provided a written statement on Form 4473 certifying he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious.”
The court released Hunter under these conditions:
The judge went over the conditions of Hunter Biden’s release and said he discussed them with the probation officer.The conditions of release include supervision by a U.S. probation officer in the Central District of California, actively seeking employment, not possessing a gun, not using alcohol, not using drugs and submitting to drug testing if required by the probation office. He would also have to participate in substance abuse counseling if the probation office requires it.