House Republicans Nominate Scalise for Speaker, But Vote Likely Not Happening Today
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House Republicans Nominate Scalise for Speaker, But Vote Likely Not Happening Today

House Republicans Nominate Scalise for Speaker, But Vote Likely Not Happening Today

Scalise needs 217 votes. Only 113 of the Republicans voted for him.

The House Republicans nominated Majority Leader Steve Scalise for Speaker.

Scalise won 113 votes. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan won 99 votes.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, who led the charge against former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, will vote for Scalise.

Due to the vote count, the House will not hold a Speaker vote today. The winner needs to have at least 217 Republican votes.

Jordan offered to nominate Scalise on the House floor.

But Jordan showing support for Scalise is changing few minds. Some House Republicans said they will not vote for Scalise or are unsure.


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As expected.

I wish the RINO’s were heading for extinction from public service.

I read (here? elsewhere?) that Scalise is the darling of the GOPe, while Jordan is seen as a “dangerous populist.” Now, I’m on board with “dangerous populism,” but without having watched the voting records of these guys over the years, it’s impossible to tell what is misdirection and what is not. If Jordan is truly taking himself out of consideration, it looks like I won’t have to. 🙁

I’ve never thought of Steve Scalise as a RINO. What is it that is making people call him that?

    Ironclaw in reply to Dathurtz. | October 11, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    The man was shot by a rabid communist, a Bernie Sanders supporter. If that happened to me I wouldn’t even be able to look at a democrat, but he’s willing to talk to them. I very much doubt he’s willing to fight too hard in light of all of that.

    ChrisPeters in reply to Dathurtz. | October 11, 2023 at 7:46 pm

    There’s a reason he has been part of the House leadership under McCarthy and Paul Ryan…

    4rdm2 in reply to Dathurtz. | October 12, 2023 at 5:28 am

    Because they want to be rebels without a cause, sticking it to ‘the man’.

These people are suicidal.

And this is why the GOP can’t ever get a damn thing done. This sounds more like a High School Class officer vote than the vote for Speaker of the House.

This is why Dems tend to come out on top one thing they do better than the GOP is unify.

Ignorance, stupidity, and parochialism – plus, they read it on a website somewhere. I would have preferred Jordan, but I think whoever finally gets elected is going to face the same problems
that McCarthy did – no margin for error.

Let’s get this done now: Motion to Vacate!

No Scalise!

Keep that one vote threshold for a motion to vacate, at least now they won’t be able to say you wouldn’t dare.

Like it or not the more rowdy, more populist, more willing to rock the boat and take a few risk group of two dozen +/- members hold the power in the HoR right now. They will not be willing to get run over in some stupid and unnecessary rush to select someone, anyone as Speaker b/c the legacy media is calling the GoP names. The committees are still functioning and able to do the day to day work. Take your time and select someone who can work with the disparate groups in the caucus and one who clearly has internalized that the populists hold sway for the moment. Maybe explain to the rest of the GoP members that the days of this populist group being pressured into accepting the lesser evil has been reversed and the more moderate to liberal members gonna have to lean to live with being on the short end of the stick ….at least until they can elect enough additional members to nullify the populists.

Team Gaetz might end up handing the Speakership to the Democrats at this rate

Whether it was Scalise or Jordan, it was utterly LUDICROUS to think that there was going to be an actual formal vote for Speaker immediately after the closed-door selection of the candidate.

Whichever one of them won was going to have to give the hard sell to the supporters of the other.

And yes, Scalise is going to have to make promises to Gaetz and his crew, or deal with the Democrats, like McCarthy was stupid enough to try and do.

    4rdm2 in reply to Olinser. | October 12, 2023 at 5:31 am

    Yes, Gaetz and company will demand a list of unkeepable promises then throw a tantrum when unkeepable promises aren’t kept.

      Tiki in reply to 4rdm2. | October 12, 2023 at 6:57 am

      I just want to put an end to Omnibus budget package deals.

      mailman in reply to 4rdm2. | October 12, 2023 at 4:12 pm

      Those “unkeepable” promises seem to me to be more beneficial to Americans as a whole than to the Democratic Party. Probably why people like you refer to them as “unkeepable”, because something benefitting America is bad for the uniparty.

Depending on his prognosis and whether the GOP can retain power in the House in 2024, Mr Scalise’s tenure might only be a one year

Subotai Bahadur | October 12, 2023 at 4:17 pm

OK, noting ahead of time that I am increasingly dubious that electoral or legislative means will save the country in the absence of a Social Contract; I have to say that my first inclination would be to hope that Scalise becomes Speaker. Why?

He was shot by a Leftist supporter of the Leftists/Democrats in Congress in an attempted mass murder of Republicans in Congress. The Democrats cannot avoid a significant share of the responsibility for the shooting any more than the population of Gaza can avoid the responsibility for the war and terrorism the political movement they created and supported commits.

I have more hope [though noting the GOPe, it is not overwhelming hope] that Scalise’s wounds will remind him to fight back against the Left in the House.

I also acknowledge that what hope I had is shaky as there are unconfirmed reports now [1416 hrs. 10-13-23] that Scalise may have dropped out.

Subotai Bahadur