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California School Districts Defy Newsom by Adopting Policies Requiring Parental Notification About ‘Trans’ Kids

California School Districts Defy Newsom by Adopting Policies Requiring Parental Notification About ‘Trans’ Kids

“When asked by Breitbart News last week why parents do not have the right to know, Newsom offered no answer, other than claiming that climate change was a bigger problem than the issue of transgenderism among children.”

An increasing number of school districts in California are siding with parents over Governor Gavin Newsom, when it comes to notifying parents about transgender kids.

Most people would not view this as controversial but many progressives do. The idea of parents having control over their kids is a foreign concept to them.

Joel Pollak reports at Breitbart News:

Seven California Districts Defy Newsom, Adopt Parental Notification on ‘Transgender Kids’

Seven school districts in California have defied Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) by adopting policies requiring schools to notify parents when their children express a desire to change genders.

As Breitbart News has reported, Newsom’s administration is suing the Chino Valley school district in Riverside County for adopting a parental notification policy — even though polls show that 84% of California voters support the idea that parents have a right to know.

When asked by Breitbart News last week why parents do not have the right to know, Newsom offered no answer, other than claiming that climate change was a bigger problem than the issue of transgenderism among children.

Here’s more from EdSource:

Over the last two months, seven school boards have passed policies that require school district staff to inform parents if their children are transgender.

Chino Valley Unified in San Bernardino County, Murrieta Valley Unified and Temecula Valley Unified in Riverside County, Orange Unified in Orange County, Anderson Union High School District in Shasta County, and Rocklin Unified and Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District in Placer County all require that teachers and other school staff inform parents, generally within three days, if a student asks to use a different name or pronoun, or to take part in a program, or to use a facility associated with a gender other than the one they had at birth.

We reported on what happened in the Chino Valley Unified School District in July.

When the board there adopted this policy, activists and even a state official threw the meeting into an uproar.

Following the decision, the school board president received death threats.

The left is not used to being challenged on education. They think they own the issue.


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Parents should know EVERYTHING that happens to their kid at school. PERIOD.

And if you have good reason to believe they should NOT know something, there had better be a call to CPS somewhere in there, since it had better involve perceived abuse.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no valid reason to keep anything from parents – not even a hangnail.

This is simple common sense so of course that retard Newsom will hate it.

As adults, we are supposed to be making the lives of our children better. Instead, we are making them worse. This current generation of children – let’s call the Generation P for Perverted- will have every right to be angry at the adults because their lives have been utterly ruined by the sorry adults around them.

“An increasing number of school districts in California are siding with parents over Governor Gavin Newsom”
This is courage. This is what we pay our politicians to do for us.

“The idea of parents having control over their kids is a foreign concept to them.” True, but more to the point it is a threatening concept to them.

I bet the schools supporting Newsom’s views on parental rights regarding sex and gender issues still require parental permission slips for field trips.

And the irony goes right over their heads.

Victor Davis Hanson says how Newsom – in left-friendly media interviews – has about 15 minutes worth of pat responses to wedge topics and beyond that time limit he fades fast.

In a recent podcast VDH mused that Newsom needs to be forced into a debate scenario that exceeds the script time – because Hanson notes that Gavin Newsom, in the entirety of his career, has never once been challenged face to face by a political opponent, much less a competent political opponent. And because of that, Newsom is both lazy minded and unable to respond to real-time challengers.