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We Must Get Back to Basics Week in Education

We Must Get Back to Basics Week in Education

Your weekly report on education news.

It has become increasingly clear that we need to stop all the woke stuff and get back to the basics of education at every level.

This is what we’re up against.

This woman knows what I’m talking about.

DEI policies are embedded everywhere.

Legal Insurrection is fighting the good fight.

Some cracks are showing in the left.

Not everyone wants what progressives are selling.

An outrage.

No one will protest this.

Who are the controversial ones here?

This is not sustainable.

Young entrepreneur?


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Sharyl Attkisson did an eye opening podcast and tv broadcast in September 2022.

Quite illuminating — about how the Amish and the Mennonites approach schooling. And work. And life. Aside from the purely religious/clerical aspect.

Long story short: They generally get far less formal schooling than do most Americans, and they generally get far more material success.

It’s an amazing story if, like me, you had had no idea.

    Cray in reply to Cray. | September 30, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    If you go to http://www.Sharyl the podcast is archived at 30 September 2022.

    No reader of Legal Insurrection will , I’m virtually certain, regret the time spent.

    No I’m not an influencer
    No I do not know Ms Attkisson

    Amish Millionaires Built on an 8th Grade Education (Podcast)


So I hear there are a dozen or so schools in Baltimore that have zero students proficient in math. Zero.

I wonder why that may be…

    Well, when the playing field has been bulldozed into the sewers, you get what you put into it. The Dems are destroying children and childhood.

    artichoke in reply to not_a_lawyer. | October 1, 2023 at 4:13 pm

    Part of it is that Baltimore has some exam-based high schools that skim off all the better students. But still, one would think there were be a few passes, a few “points of light”, kids that goofed off on the qualification exam and suddenly decided to learn something since they were in school anyway, or a few kids for whom all the remedial stuff that costs taxpayers so much actually worked and remediated their problem.

Democrat run schools provide the same level of promise, performance and success as Democrat controlled government: none.

Reading, writing and arithmetic have been converted into racism, feelings, triggering, and unnatural gender mutilations.

The failing schools should ultra-focus on basics. Like 4 hours a day on reading, 2 hours on math, 0 hours on anything else except lunch and, if elementary school, recess.