University Holds Town Hall for LGBT Themed Crosswalk and Two People Show Up
“offered attendees a $55 food delivery service gift card”

Virtue signaling just isn’t what it used to be.
The College Fix reports:
University’s town hall for LGBTQ-themed crosswalk draws total of two people
A fading “rainbow crosswalk” at the University of Victoria needs some fresh paint, but school officials didn’t want to take any action until it consulted with members of the LGBTQ community.
As such, they put out $24,000 for a consultant, advertised a “queer, trans Black, Indigenous, People of Colour” town hall and offered attendees a $55 food delivery service gift card.
But according to the Times Colonist, a whole two people showed up to the town hall.
Cleo Philp of the University of Victoria Students Society, who’s transgender and uses “she/them” pronouns, said she “wasn’t surprised” by the paltry attendance as a few days prior hardly anyone showed for an LGBT staff and faculty “focus group.”
Philp also said the crosswalk meeting didn’t “seem well advertised” and that UVic “should be focusing on tangibly maintaining the safety and inclusion of trans and queer people instead of painting the road in a super duper right way.”
She added that the $24,000 paid to the “skilled external consultative group” PeerNetBC feels “like throwing money to the wind” and “could be used in better ways.”
Local art curator and DEI consultant Regan Shrumm, a UVic alum, disagreed, saying “things just take a long time.” A September 13 update on the crosswalk concurred, saying its work “is important and it takes time.”
UVic is “doing the real work to support our community and foster a sense of belonging for all who study, work and visit here,” the statement said.

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“She added that the $24,000 paid to the ‘skilled external consultative group’ PeerNetBC feels ‘like throwing money to the wind'”…
Gee, ya think?
Well, Sailorcurt, it could have been better used to study how to justify raising tuition again. Oh, that loss of $24K is enough justification.. Silly of me.
I guess the word of mouth does not apply to the LGBT bunch. Their mouths are used for other things.
I have some red. white, and blue paint that they can have for free.
Why did the chicken use the trans crosswalk?
Hey, henrybowman! Don’t leave us hanging! Give us a properly snarky answer. Like:
– To trample on LGBTQ+ rights.
– Zheeeit wanted to get zheeeit’s beak tattooed black & brown.
Mine are lame. C’mon, man. (Whoops, I uttered a dirty word.) I’m sure your community can do better!