Report: NASA Contractor to Study 1,000-year-old ‘Alien’ Mummies From Mexico
NASA recently issued an Independent Study Team Report on UAPs in which the organization said the their study deserves a more rigorous, science-based approach, focused on national security concerns.

The last time I reported on the coverage of the US congressional hearings focused on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)/Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), I concluded with the following statement about how to handle actual information related to this subject in terms of its distribution to the public.
… I would encourage [US UAP review panel] to disclose all the information on biologics. I think that would be a proper balance, at least at the present time, between security and science.
Until then, I remain alien-questioning.
Mexican officials recently took me up on this challenge.
Mexican lawmakers heard testimony that “we are not alone” in the universe and saw the alleged remains of non-human beings in an extraordinary hearing marking the Latin American country’s first congressional event on UFOs.
In the hearing on Tuesday on FANI, the Spanish acronym for what are usually now termed Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), politicians were shown two artifacts that Mexican journalist and long-time UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan claimed were the corpses of extraterrestrials.
The specimens were not related to any life on Earth, Maussan said.
The two tiny “bodies,” displayed in cases, have three fingers on each hand and elongated heads. Maussan said they were recovered in Peru near the ancient Nazca Lines in 2017. He said that they were about 1,000 years old, analyzed through a carbon dating process by Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM).
Similar such finds in the past have turned out to be the remains of mummified children.
Now, it is being reported that a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contractor is looking to study ‘alien bodies.‘
Jaime Maussan, a veteran broadcast journalist and prolific ufologist who presented the corpses last week, told the that an unnamed third-party contractor has been in contact with him about carrying out a ‘DNA investigation’ potentially on behalf of the US space agency.
The news comes just one week after NASA’s top UFO investigator Dr David Spergel was pressed about the purported alien corpses – and did not shut them down entirely.
Dr Spergel told reporters: ‘We don’t know the nature of those samples. My recommendation is, if you have something strange, make samples available to the world scientific community, and we’ll see what’s there.’
Sprergel was interviewed by the science publication Nature and said this about the alleged alien mummies.
When someone says they’ve seen something strange, we don’t want to immediately say, I don’t believe it. Rather, say: OK, how do you test the strange idea? And let me give the mummies as an example. If this is real, send some samples to a number of labs and we’ll sequence what their DNA is.
We have an obligation as scientists to sometimes spend a portion of our time checking reports of strange things. We need to not just approach things with the attitude of I believe or not, but collect data and see what we learn. It’s going to give us a teachable moment to show how science advances.
Meanwhile, scientists are demanding DNA analysis of those objects, and Peruvian officials are investigating how those objects ended up in Mexico.
Professor Brian Cox joined the ranks of skeptics, demanding that a sample be sent to the biotech company 23andMe for independent verification. He stated that it is highly improbable for an intelligent species that evolved on another planet to bear resemblance to humans.
Meanwhile, in Peru, while investigations and tests are ongoing in Mexico, authorities are incensed about the journalist taking pre-Hispanic objects without their knowledge. A criminal investigation has been launched against him.
On a substantially more serious note, NASA recently issued an Independent Study Team Report on UAPs in which the organization said their study deserves a more rigorous, science-based approach.
Historically, reports of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings went largely undocumented with no standard way of logging and analyzing the event. Now, NASA is pushing to work more closely with the Department of Defense’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to find out what is behind credible and unexplained sightings.
“We have to be able to explain this, whether it’s our adversaries doing something or something else is going on. We need to get to the bottom of this,” said John Crassidis, SUNY distinguished professor at the University at Buffalo in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Moog professor of innovation.
He said his concerns with UAP sightings lie in national security.
“I personally don’t believe in aliens, but there’s something going on that obviously in that report we can’t explain some things,” Crassidis said.
Whether or not this particular evidence is actual proof of extraterrestrial life, the news has resulted in some great memes.
This was the real picture of the alien found in México
(@UncleHotep) September 14, 2023
I remain alien questioning until such time as a reliable expert comes forth with confirmation. And with the current quality of “experts,” I will likely be questioning for some time to come.

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Didn’t Peru say they were mummified bodies of deformed children?
I can’t feed my kids but ALIENS
Lady, please stop this nonsense. These fakes were concocted through South American crowdfunding by hucksters with fake credentials. Some careful commentary by NASA does not make it worthy of notice on this site. Maybe you should be writing Jackie-O, UFO diet secrets for the tabloids.
No one believes these are aliens. And I doubt the space agency is involved with this in any form.
First off, aliens cannot be real. Considering the rarity of sighting them alive or dead if they exist, then why are they…along with Sasquatch…not on a Protected Species list?
Lastly, if interstellar travel can be accomp….accump…accan…done it would not require Burma Shave signs in Peru.
I was reliably informed decades ago by the Six Million Dollar Man that Sasquatch is an android created by illegal extraterrestrial aliens.
A twofer
We can rebuild him, stronger, faster.
If you remember the 6M$ Man, do you remember In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy?
Aliens must have built the pyramids of mexico because we know that people of color would never use slave labor, right? The “narrative” must never be questioned.
Or human sacrifices
Those human sacrifices were really alien abductions and experiments on humans. Because we know people of color would do such a thing, right?
That also means the aliens had to be white. It’s interstellar white supremacy.
The Daily Mail story says, ‘A contractor from NASA took the challenge,’ Maussan answered. ‘They are a laboratory dedicated to the reading of DNA.’
This goes down the old trail that if the sources are unnamed and present no hard evidence, then it must be true. Invoking NASA’s name is the classic “appeal to authority” argument.
I don’t like the way you guys are looking at me.
It’s the Skeksis emperor.
Hensonites unite!
You know they are not from this world … instead of flesh and blood, they’re more Plaster of Paris.
I consider Parisians not of this world either.
Whenever they throw these types of stories out there, ask yourself what are they diverting your attention from.
Something smells rotten… but,, I have to say,, it is really funny.
Last week, when I was talking with Elvis, he said that these are real mummies of aliens. Elvis should know.
If you’ve seen Spinal Tap, you’ll get this.
Just so I’m clear, tax dollars are paying for this idiocy?
Poor ET – couldn’t find any bars.
I’m not saying it’s aliens, but…’s aliens.
Why? I mean, I know this is how all countries behave nowadays, including the USA, but it defies morality and logic. There is no reason why a government has any right to antiquities that happen to be found within its borders; the government did nothing to produce them, so like any ownerless property, morally they belong to the first person who claims them.
Governments don’t need rights nor morals. Governments got laws.
Priceless antiquities blah blah, cultural heritage blah blah, you have the right to remain silent.
E.T. teléfono a casa.
These things were debunked about two years ago. WTF happened to people? Did they get stupider?
Need you ask?
Umm, that’s not what the article says.
So, a reporter claimed that somebody was contacted by somebody else to do something “potentially on behalf of” the US space agency. That’s a far cry from the certainty implied by “NASA Contractor to Study…”.