Palestinians Riot on Gaza Border as Hamas Plans Violent ‘Return Marches’

Gaza-based terrorist group Hamas is again set to launch the violent ‘‘Great March of Return’ on Israel’s southern border, Arab media reports. In past years, Hamas has used these ‘return marches’ to incite large crowds to breach Israel’s border. Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists use rioters as cover to target Israeli soldiers along the border.

“The decision was made on Wednesday by the “Supreme National Authority for the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege” to begin to rehabilitate the “return camps” near the security fence in the eastern Gaza Strip, Assabeel, an Islamist weekly newspaper based in Amman, reported,” the Jewish News Syndicate news agency reported.

While the Gaza-based Islamic terrorist group hasn’t formally launched the marches, Hamas-backed rioters are already staging violent attacks in a bid to breach the Israeli border.

Ahead of the formal announcement, Hamas showed off its preparation for the upcoming mass-rioting to the reporters. “On Wednesday, photographers were invited to the area along the security fence to document ongoing works to clear the ground, Haaretz reported. The publicity stunt was reportedly intended to signal to Israel that Hamas has the capabilities to resume activities along the border, such as organizing violent rallies and launching incendiary balloons,” the Times of Israel reported Friday.

Palestinian terrorist groups cynically deploy young boys and girls on the forefront of their terrorist operations. Over the summer, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have been holding military camps, training thousands of teenagers in the tactics of terrorist warfare.

The Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Friday:

Dozens of young Palestinians gathered Friday along the border separating the Gaza Strip and Israel to protest, burning tires and hurling rocks and homemade explosive devices at Israeli forces on the other side of the fence.Reports in Palestinian outlets claimed at least three youths were injured by Israeli riot control measures.This follows reports about the resumption of weekly “return marches” along the border, aimed at protesting against the blockade imposed on Gaza by Israel and Egypt, a measure taken to limit the influence of terrorist groups based in the Palestinian territory.In the past, these marches have been marked by violence and clashes with Israeli security forces on the other side of the border: stone-throwing, explosive charges, shoot-outs, sabotage of the border fence and attempts to penetrate into Israel’s territory.Explosive and incendiary balloons were also thrown into Israeli territory, during these previous marches.

The move come days after Hamas threatened to step up its jihad warfare against Israel. “Our jihad continues, and our operations will not stop,” Hamas-affiliated Al-Qassam Brigades terrorist militia declared in a statement last week.

During 2018-19 ‘Return Marches,’ the mainstream media and rights groups portrayed Hamas-instigators behind the border riots as peaceful protesters. Most of these rioters, who are seen handling explosives and fire-bombs, have been found to be fighters of Hamas or allied terrorist groups, research shows.

Data collected in early 2019 by Israel-based think tank Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) found that at least of percent of the Palestinian fatalities during the “Return Marches” were terrorists belonging to Hamas, PLO-Fatah or other terrorist groups.

The ‘Return Marches’ are being revived as Iran coordinates with Gaza-based Hamas and Lebanese terrorist militia Hezbollah to create a terrorist axis aimed at encircling Israel. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups receive money, weapons and training from Tehran.

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, IDF, islamic jihad, Israel, Palestinian Incitement, Palestinian Terror